Finding or estimating confidence interval for populaion mean

In summary, the conversation discusses different algorithms for estimating confidence intervals based on whether sigma is known, if the population is normal, and the size of the sample. It is recommended to use the z-distribution when sigma is known, but in practice, an estimate using the t-distribution is often used. The t-distribution was created to avoid selective bias when using a sample to estimate the population mean or variance. When n is large enough, the difference between the two distributions becomes negligible and either can be used. The choice between z and t depends on the accuracy and potential time-consuming computations.
  • #1
From Koosis, I pieced together the following algorithm.

Is sigma known?

Yes? Then calculate the exact confidence interval using a normal distribution to estimate that of the sample means, with mean = the mean of sample means = the mean of the population, [itex]\mu_{\overline{x}}=\mu[/itex], and standard deviation [itex]\sigma_{\overline{x}}=\sigma/\sqrt{n}[/itex].

No? Then is the poplation normal?

Yes? Then (a) estimate the confidence interval with a Student's t distribution for the sample means, using degrees of freedom dof = n - 1, and standard deviation [itex]s_{\overline{x}}=s\sqrt{n}[/itex], or (b) for a slightly inferior result, and only if [itex]n\geq 30[/itex], estimate the confidence interval using the normal distribution with mean [itex]\mu_{\overline{x}}=\mu[/itex], and standard deviation [itex]s_{\overline{x}}=s\sqrt{n}[/itex].

No or don't know? Then is [itex]n\geq 30[/itex]?

Yes? Then estimate the confidence interval, using a normal distribution to estimate that of the sample means, with mean [itex]\mu_{\overline{x}}=\mu[/itex], and standard deviation [itex]s_{\overline{x}}=s\sqrt{n}[/itex].

No? Then can't do.


But Sanders has the following, somewhat different algorithm.

Is [itex]n\geq 30[/itex]?

Yes? Then use z values in computations.

No? Then are population values known to be normally distributed?

Yes? If the population standard deviation of the population is known, use z values in computations. Otherwise, use t values in computations.

No? Cannot use z or t values in computations.


Any comments on which is the best procedure? Actually Koosis presented the z test first, as if he, like Sanders, assumed that one would choose this over the t test wherever possible, even though he said it wasn't as good when both choices were possible. I wonder why z beats t in that case? Is it because the difference in accuracy is negligible then and the computations for t potentially more time consuming than those for z? (And if so, is this still the case with current software; both books are a few years old.)
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  • #2
Hi Rasalhague! :smile:

The more information you use the more accurate the result.

If you know sigma beforehand, you have to use it to get the most accurate results.
However, in practice, sigma is often not known, so an estimate has to be made using a sample.
This is the reason the t-distribution has been thought up in the first place.

Whenever you use a sample to estimate the population mean or the variance, there is a significant risk on a selective bias, so whenever possible this should be avoided.

If your n is large enough the difference between the normal distribution and the t-distribution becomes negligible, so you can choose.

Related to Finding or estimating confidence interval for populaion mean

What is a confidence interval for a population mean?

A confidence interval for a population mean is a range of values that is likely to contain the true population mean with a certain level of confidence. It is a statistical tool used to estimate the true value of a population mean based on a sample of data.

Why is it important to find or estimate a confidence interval for a population mean?

Finding or estimating a confidence interval for a population mean is important because it allows us to make inferences about the population mean based on a sample. It helps us understand the precision of our estimates and the likelihood that the true population mean falls within a certain range.

How is a confidence interval for a population mean calculated?

A confidence interval for a population mean is calculated using the formula: mean ± (critical value) x (standard error), where the critical value is based on the desired level of confidence and the standard error is a measure of the variability in the sample data.

What factors can affect the width of a confidence interval for a population mean?

The width of a confidence interval for a population mean can be affected by the sample size, the variability of the data, and the desired level of confidence. As the sample size increases or the variability decreases, the confidence interval becomes narrower. However, a higher level of confidence will result in a wider confidence interval.

How can a confidence interval for a population mean be interpreted?

A confidence interval for a population mean can be interpreted as a range of values within which we are confident that the true population mean lies. For example, a confidence interval of 95% means that we are 95% confident that the true population mean falls within that range. It also means that if we were to take multiple samples and calculate confidence intervals for each, 95% of them would contain the true population mean.

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