Finding Elements of Order 6 in Aut(Z720)

  • Thread starter mehtamonica
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In summary, Aut(Z720) is isomorphic to U(720), which is isomorphic to Z2 × Z4 × Z4 × Z6. The possible orders of elements in Z2, Z4, and Z6 are 1, 2, 4, and 6. By using the result for cyclic groups, we know that for every divisor d of the order of a cyclic group G, there exists ϕ(d) elements in G with order d. In this case, there are 16 elements with order 2, 24 elements with order 4, and 30 elements with order 6. Therefore, the total number of elements in Aut(Z720) with order 6 is 30.
  • #1
I have to find the number of elements in Aut(Z720) with order 6. Please suggest how to go about it.

1) Aut(Z720) isomorphic to U(720) (multiplicative group of units).

2 ) I am using the fundamental theorem of abelian group that a finite abelian group is isomorphic to the direct products of cyclic groups Zn.

In this case, 720=16×9×5.

Therefore, Aut(Z720)≅U(720)≅Z2×Z4×Z4×Z6.

Now, the possible orders of elements in Z2:1,2; Z4:1,2,4; Z6:1,2,3,6.

Using the result defining the order of an element in external direct products:

If 6=Order(a,b,c,d)=lcm(Order(a),Order(b),Order(c),Order(d)) then:

Case 1 : If Order(d)=6 then lcm(Order(a),Order(b),Order(c))=1 or 2.

Using the the result for cyclic groups:

for every divisor d of the order of a cyclic group G, there exists ϕ(d) elements in G with order d.

It seems there are 16 elements. I am not sure though.

Is this the correct way and how to proceed further? Please suggest.
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  • #2
Seems correct til now.

Now, another case that can pop up is when d has order 3. How many possibilities are there for d to have order 3? And what can a,b and c be then?
  • #3
micromass said:
Seems correct til now.

Now, another case that can pop up is when d has order 3. How many possibilities are there for d to have order 3? And what can a,b and c be then?

Case 2: If order of d = 3, then we need that lcm ( O(a), O(b), O(c))= 2

It can happen in three ways:

(a) O(a) = 2, O(b) = 1 or 2, O(c)= 1 or 2. (b) O(b) =2, O(a) = 1 or 2, O(c)= 1 or 2. (c) O(c)=2, O(a) = 1 or 2, O(b)= 1 or 2.

According to this, in each case, there can be 8 elements in all.

Total no. of elements 16 + 24 = 40.

Please suggest if it is correct .
  • #4
mehtamonica said:
Case 2: If order of d = 3, then we need that lcm ( O(a), O(b), O(c))= 2

It can happen in three ways:

(a) O(a) = 2, O(b) = 1 or 2, O(c)= 1 or 2. (b) O(b) =2, O(a) = 1 or 2, O(c)= 1 or 2. (c) O(c)=2, O(a) = 1 or 2, O(b)= 1 or 2.

According to this, in each case, there can be 8 elements in all.

Total no. of elements 16 + 24 = 40.

Please suggest if it is correct .

No, firstly there are multiple elements of order 3 in [itex]\mathbb{Z}_6[/itex]. Furthermore, you have counted some elements multiple times.

For example a=b=c=2 occurs in cases (a), (b) and (c). So you have counted that three times.
  • #5
micromass said:
No, firstly there are multiple elements of order 3 in [itex]\mathbb{Z}_6[/itex]. Furthermore, you have counted some elements multiple times.

For example a=b=c=2 occurs in cases (a), (b) and (c). So you have counted that three times.

ase 2: If order of d = 3, then we need that lcm ( O(a), O(b), O(c))= 2

It can happen in three ways:

(a) O(a) = 2, O(b) = 1 or 2, O(c)= 1 or 2. (b) O(b) =2, O(a) = 1 , O(c)= 1 or 2. (c) O(c)=2, O(a) = 1 , O(b)= 1.

According to this,

Total no. of elements 16 + 8 + 4 +2 = 30.

Please suggest if it is correct now.
  • #6
mehtamonica said:
ase 2: If order of d = 3, then we need that lcm ( O(a), O(b), O(c))= 2

It can happen in three ways:

(a) O(a) = 2, O(b) = 1 or 2, O(c)= 1 or 2. (b) O(b) =2, O(a) = 1 , O(c)= 1 or 2. (c) O(c)=2, O(a) = 1 , O(b)= 1.

According to this,

Total no. of elements 16 + 8 + 4 +2 = 30.

Please suggest if it is correct now.

That seems to be correct now! :smile:
  • #7
micromass said:
That seems to be correct now! :smile:

Thanks, you are a great teacher. :smile:
  • #8
Here's how I'd solve that problem.

Z(720) is cyclic, meaning that it can be generated with one of its elements, a. That element has the property that ak = identity only if k is a multiple of 720.

It can also be generated by every ak, where k is relatively prime to 720.

So its automorphism group consists of all mappings a -> ak, where k is relatively prime to 720. There are 192 possible k's, meaning that Aut(Z(720)) has 192 elements.

To go further, look for prime factors of 720: 24 * 32 * 5. Thus,

Z(720) ~ Z(16) * Z(9) * Z(5)

Every element of Z(720) can be turned into a triplet of elements, one of each of the three groups on the right. A generator of Z(720) is thus
(generator of Z(16), generator of Z(9), generator of Z(5))

The same arguments about being relatively prime apply here also, and Aut(Z(16)) has order 8, Aut(Z(9)) has order 6, and Aut(Z(5)) has order 4.
Aut(Z(16)) ~ Z(4) * Z(2)
Aut(Z(9)) ~ Z(2) * Z(3)
Aut(Z(5)) ~ Z(4)
Aut(Z(720)) ~ Z(2)2 * Z(4)2 * Z(3)

We want to count how many elements of Aut(Z(720)) have order 6. That order is a product of 2 and 3, meaning that those elements can be found in this subgroup of Aut(Z(720)):
Z(2)4 * Z(3)
Doing careful counting yields (24 - 1) * (3 - 1) = 15 * 2 = 30

Related to Finding Elements of Order 6 in Aut(Z720)

1. What is Aut(Z720)?

Aut(Z720) is the automorphism group of the integers modulo 720, denoted as Z720. This group consists of all the bijective mappings from Z720 to itself that preserve the group operation of addition.

2. What is the order of Aut(Z720)?

The order of Aut(Z720) is the number of elements in the group, which can be calculated by finding the number of automorphisms of Z720. In this case, the order of Aut(Z720) is 720φ(720) = 720(192) = 138,240.

3. How can we find elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720)?

To find elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720), we can use the fact that the order of an element in a group must divide the order of the group. So, we can look for elements that have an order that is a divisor of 138,240. By using this method, we can find all possible elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720).

4. What is the significance of finding elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720)?

Finding elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720) is significant because it helps us understand the structure of the group and its automorphisms. Furthermore, it can assist in solving problems related to Z720 and its subgroups, as well as in studying other groups with similar properties.

5. Can we use other methods to find elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720)?

Yes, there are other methods that can be used to find elements of order 6 in Aut(Z720). For example, we can use the properties of cyclic groups and generators to find elements of order 6. We can also use group homomorphisms and isomorphisms to analyze the structure of Aut(Z720) and determine elements of order 6.

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