What makes a good monitor/mentor at PF?

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
  • Start date
In summary: might not be the best person to give advice on this topic, as I have not had the opportunity to mentor anyone.
  • #1
Les Sleeth
Gold Member
Anybody wonder about the criteria for choosing monitors/mentors at PF?

Will a precocious, opinionated, or dominating student make a good monitor? Should monitors be chosen because they agree with the majority view of the other monitors at PF? Should friendship to other monitors be considered relevant?

I will tell you what I think the criteria should be. A forum monitor should be an expert in the field they are watching over, they should be liberal-minded, they should be unbiased enough to allow discussion to proceed without censure when it runs contrary to their beliefs. Yet they should be strong and objective enough to be able to keep debates on track.

How about a little wisdom and life experience thrown in?

But then, it isn't my site. Something I am certain of is that a forum attracts the same quality of minds the philosophy, experience, wisdom, and intelligence its leaders establish.
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  • #2
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
Anybody wonder about the criteria for choosing monitors/mentors at PF?

Will a precocious, opinionated, or dominating student make a good monitor? Should monitors be chosen because they agree with the majority view of the other monitors at PF? Should friendship to other monitors be considered relevant?

I will tell you what I think the criteria should be. A forum monitor should be an expert in the field they are watching over, they should be liberal-minded, they should be unbiased enough to allow discussion to proceed without censure when it runs contrary to their beliefs. Yet they should be strong and objective enough to be able to keep debates on track.

How about a little wisdom and life experience thrown in?

But then, it isn't my site. Something I am certain of is that a forum attracts the same quality of minds the philosophy, experience, wisdom, and intelligence its leaders establish.

I absolutely agree LW. Are you saying our current staff does not meet your expectations? I am a member at many science forums and I can undoubtably say we have the best staff and it makes the difference. Without them PF would not be what it is today.

btw, what is a PF monitor?
  • #3

Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
I absolutely agree LW. Are you saying our current staff does not meet your expectations? I am a member at many science forums and I can undoubtably say we have the best staff and it makes the difference. Without them PF would not be what it is today.

btw, what is a PF monitor?

Well, it doesn't seem like you totally agree does it?

I offered the option of "monitor" as a way to excuse some of the "mentors" who hardly exemplify either expertise in the field they are supposed to be guiding others in or how to conduct a focused and unbiased debate (afterall, a mentor is supposed to "mentor").

I have interacted with a number of the mentors here, so I am not without experience when I claim there are mentors who need lessons in objectivity, and a broader education. Instead what I have run into too often are people using the power of their post to guide things toward what they can agree with.

I have loved this site Greg, and even been passionate about preserving it. But I find myself fading away when I see people chosen as mentors who in the past have consistantly demonstrated the only thing they are interested in is furthering their personal beliefs.
  • #4
I'll have to admit I am uncomfortable with the title "mentor" and I'll generally refer to myself as a "moderator" which is the typical term used for such a post. And though I consider myself a pretty good engineer, I (like any good scientist/engineer) have a lot to learn.
  • #5
Originally posted by russ_watters
I'll have to admit I am uncomfortable with the title "mentor" and I'll generally refer to myself as a "moderator" which is the typical term used for such a post. And though I consider myself a pretty good engineer, I (like any good scientist/engineer) have a lot to learn.

I suspected it was unwise for me to tackle this subject because the first people to take responsibility are usually those doing a fine job. My complaint isn't about mentors who can help others understand.
  • #6
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
A forum monitor should be an expert in the field they are watching over, they should be liberal-minded, they should be unbiased enough to allow discussion to proceed without censure when it runs contrary to their beliefs. Yet they should be strong and objective enough to be able to keep debates on track.
An excellent description, LW. IMHO, most mentors fit the bill quite well. I also believe that objectivity is a must. Consciously promoting ill-will is an area that mentors should avoid so that the thread runs smoothly and intelligently, and members should not be made to feel that their opinions are wrong. There is no right or wrong to an opinion. 'Baiting' and personal slurs should be avoided at all costs. When proven wrong in an 'attack' on a member, apologies should be immediately forthcoming, without stipulation and genuine in nature.
  • #7

Originally posted by Tsunami
An excellent description, LW. IMHO, most mentors fit the bill quite well. I also believe that objectivity is a must. Consciously promoting ill-will is an area that mentors should avoid so that the thread runs smoothly and intelligently, and members should not be made to feel that their opinions are wrong. There is no right or wrong to an opinion. 'Baiting' and personal slurs should be avoided at all costs. When proven wrong in an 'attack' on a member, apologies should be immediately forthcoming, without stipulation and genuine in nature.

I agree that "most mentors fit the bill."
  • #8

Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I agree that "most mentors fit the bill."

How about you stop beating around the bush and give the nature and direction of the change your looking for.
  • #9
They all mean me... On the other hand, I think I do a kick-butt job, all things considered.
  • #10
Originally posted by Zero
They all mean me...
What makes you think that?
  • #11
Originally posted by Tsunami
What makes you think that?
Because they always mean me!
  • #12
Originally posted by Zero
Because they always mean me!
Ah. Why is that?
  • #13
Originally posted by Tsunami
Ah. Why is that?
Because I'm a big meanie!
  • #14
Originally posted by Zero
Because I'm a big meanie!
Well...yes. But, Zero, you are sort of a LIKEABLE big meanie.:wink: Now if you could just clean all that blood off of your face...

edit: 'Big meanie'... hmmmm. Actually a few other adjectives might have better suited you... Can you come up with something better?
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  • #15
Originally posted by Tsunami
Well...yes. But, Zero, you are sort of a LIKEABLE big meanie.:wink: Now if you could just clean all that blood off of your face...

edit: 'Big meanie'... hmmmm. Actually a few other adjectives might have better suited you... Can you come up with something better?

Nah...let's go back to 'big meanie'. What do you mean when you say 'big'meanie'?
  • #16
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I offered the option of "monitor" as a way to excuse some of the "mentors" who hardly exemplify either expertise in the field they are supposed to be guiding others in or how to conduct a focused and unbiased debate (afterall, a mentor is supposed to "mentor").

I have interacted with a number of the mentors here, so I am not without experience when I claim there are mentors who need lessons in objectivity, and a broader education. Instead what I have run into too often are people using the power of their post to guide things toward what they can agree with.

I have loved this site Greg, and even been passionate about preserving it. But I find myself fading away when I see people chosen as mentors who in the past have consistantly demonstrated the only thing they are interested in is furthering their personal beliefs.
Originally posted by Zero
They all mean me...
How could we ?! :wink:
Actually, wouldn't it be fun if you were the Religion forum
mentor ? Think about it...:wink: I'd rate you as No. 1 there for
sure (that place really needs some air and sunlight) !

Peace and long life.
  • #17
Originally posted by Zero
They all mean me... On the other hand, I think I do a kick-butt job, all things considered.

I was referring more to the new mentors being added, not you Zero. You've been thrashed about enough this year I think. :wink:
  • #18

Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I agree that "most mentors fit the bill."

And just think...you're getting all that for free!
  • #19
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I was referring more to the new mentors being added, not you Zero. You've been thrashed about enough this year I think. :wink:

Well, now I am really confused because I was sure you were talking about Zero too!

Seriously, the new Mentors are qualified in the fields over which they are presiding.

Enigma (Engineering Mentor): Graduating with BS in Aeronautical Engineering.
Russ_Waters (Engineering Mentor): Practicing Engineer
Another God (Philosophy/Other Sciences Mentor): Graduating with degrees in Molecular Biology and Philosophy
Hurkyl (Mathematics Mentor): Professional Mathematician

Those are all excellent choices, IMO.
  • #20
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I was referring more to the new mentors being added, not you Zero. You've been thrashed about enough this year I think. :wink:
Well, then...I'm in the perfect position to say leave the new guys alone, aren't I?

And, like Phobos suggested, you get the best mentors no money can buy.
  • #21
Originally posted by Zero
Because I'm a big meanie!
HUH? Nahhhhhhh!
  • #22
Originally posted by Zero
(SNIP) And, like Phobos suggested, you get the best mentors no money can buy. (SNoP)
Hey! cheap at twice the price!* (...and they are good at what they do, for the little I actually know about it)

*Alfred E. Newman
  • #23
I withdraw my objections.
  • #24
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I withdraw my objections.
...and I never really HAD any objections. I just seem to enjoy the hell out of tweaking Zero. Just can't seem to help myself. :wink: I'll try to stop (but I do worry that he may be bleeding to death with all those head woulds!). Self-control and shutting up have never been my strongest attributes (I was 14 when I learned my last name WASN'T ShutUp - it's all I ever heard growing up - "Tsunami. Shut up!") Yes, Mom.

Although, I do admit to being more than a little miffed at his accusations toward Laser Eyes of C&P in the "Proof that the Bible is God's Word" thread, and his half-hearted apology - but I realize - that's just Zero! He's still a LIKEABLE Big Meanie. Still wish he'd clean up his face...
  • #25
I think we're all curious to know now

I thought he meant you to zero, and then he said us new folk... and I found that surprising... but meh, I'm keen to hear any appraisals. If anyone has any problems with how I do things, then i'd rather be told then not be.

I too believe that a mentor should be able to watch over all topics and ensure they stay on topic without falling to personal insults etc, but at the same time as doing that, surely the mentors (who were all members before they were mentors) can participate in the diuscussion just like everyone else can't they? They can express their opinion and attempt to fit their logic to the situation.

I know I haven't changed my style since aquiring my new tag...I'm still just a member...But now I am a member who Greg + minions...i mean mentors believe is objective, fair...polite or whatever enough to also make sure everyone else follows the rules..

meh. I ramble too much.
  • #26
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
I withdraw my objections.
No fun.

OK, in the light of no objections, what advice do you wish to offer? Seriously, it seems like you had something to say, and now you have been swarmed with every mentor/owner in the place and so you got scared.

Don't worry, I don't know of any cases yet where people have been banned for criticising mentors...

:smile: Yet.
  • #27
Originally posted by Another God
No fun.

OK, in the light of no objections, what advice do you wish to offer? Seriously, it seems like you had something to say, and now you have been swarmed with every mentor/owner in the place and so you got scared.

Don't worry, I don't know of any cases yet where people have been banned for criticising mentors...

:smile: Yet.

Everyone is fine. I made a mistake.
  • #28
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
Everyone is fine. I made a mistake.
The "new" guys are fine alright.
Zero's a different story... :wink:
  • #29
Originally posted by drag
The "new" guys are fine alright.
Zero's a different story... :wink:
That's right...I completely rule!
  • #30
Originally posted by drag
The "new" guys are fine alright.:wink:

he he he...drag called me 'fine'... hehehe
  • #31
Originally posted by Zero
That's right...I completely rule!
Indeed, until you start talking about politics...:wink:
Originally posted by Another God
he he he...drag called me 'fine'... hehehe
eh... is this one of those "cultural differences" things ?
I'll say great instead if it'll convey the message better. :smile:
  • #32
Aw c'mon, I'm new - you guys got to haze me a little. Otherwise, I'll be insulted.
  • #33
Originally posted by russ_watters
Aw c'mon, I'm new - you guys got to haze me a little. Otherwise, I'll be insulted.
You are a 'conservative'...isn't that more than enough against you, that we should heap insult upon (brain) injury?
  • #34
Originally posted by russ_watters
Aw c'mon, I'm new - you guys got to haze me a little. Otherwise, I'll be insulted.
  • #35
Originally posted by russ_watters
Aw c'mon, I'm new - you guys got to haze me a little. Otherwise, I'll be insulted.
Yeah...and...um...you like, smell and stuff.

Awww...wait. If I'm a new mentor too, does that mean I can't do it?

I never was any good at insults anyway :frown:... I'm a failure in the game of life!

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