Exploring Variations of the Collatz Conjecture: A Computational Approach

In summary: It would be fun to try for more than 2 consecutive odds, but I haven't found a way to do it in a single line of code yet. Also, the number of iterations seems to increase faster than linearly with the number of consecutive odds tested. Anyway, have fun!In summary, variations of the Collatz conjecture can provide insights into its workings, such as the use of different multipliers resulting in different convergence speeds.
  • #1
Chris Miller
TL;DR Summary
Might variations of the Collatz conjecture help me understand how/why it works?
The Collatz problem is perhaps the only unsolved math problem I actually understand. It "feels" like a proof would be trivial, though obviously it isn't. Been playing with different variations in hopes of understanding it better. Is it a set problem (proving there's no intersection between two sets until 1 is added to each)? An algorithmic proof maybe? Probability also seems to play a part.

The following pseudo-code also converges on 1 for every huge random integer I tested, but sometimes quite gradually, with long upwards trends, before dropping to repeat, with 1 always being the lowest.

t = huge_positive_random_int()

while t>1
    if t is even
        if t is odd
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think its far deeper than noticing a pattern in various number cascades. As an example, any power of 2 will cascade directly to 1.

Perhaps by looking at cascades of numbers off a set delta from a power of two number will show a pattern. Or you will see more patterns inside of patterns.

Its an interesting sequence though.
  • #3
Thanks. Agree, the patterns themselves probably won't shed much light. But how they're generated, I'd hoped, might. Contriving start values might, too, though powers of 2 aren't useful. Coercing odds in the series upwards to even appears to be key. Ascending in bigger steps (e.g. 59x+1 vs 3x+1) as here results in 5 to 10 times the number of iterations required to drop to 1. Exploring the limit here might suggest direction. If it were just a relentless manifestation of probability, I'd think there'd be exceptions out there somewhere.
  • #4
You can join the project which searches for counterexamples on a distributed net:
Their initial point was: 2,361,183,346,958,000,000,001
And Wikipedia has a lot of statistics, too:
And on the German version (let e.g. Chrome translate it) we find interesting things as:
The conjecture is confirmed up to ##87\cdot 2^{60}## by 09/2017.
Tao has proven a strong partial solution in 2019:

You see, the problem is on many radars.
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Likes pbuk and Klystron
  • #5
Thanks for the links. I was aware, from previous posts here and from searches that the problem was addictive. Given there are infinite integers, confirming it to some finite one still leaves infinite possible contradictions and so doesn't really prove anything, does it? Brute force searching for counterexamples is probably futile, especially if the conjecture is true. Whenever I approach even a simple problem, I like to tackle it on my own as much as possible before seeing where others have gone. This helps me better appreciate and understand their work. (It's also why I never fared well in school where solutions were kind of force fed me, often before I really understood, much less appreciate the problem.)
  • #6
Checking a finite number of numbers is not a proof but it is some indication that it might be true. Sure, there are conjectures that have gigantic numbers as smallest counterexamples, but they are rare.
  • #7
Chris Miller said:
Summary:: Might variations of the Collatz conjecture help me understand how/why it works?

The Collatz problem is perhaps the only unsolved math problem I actually understand. It "feels" like a proof would be trivial, though obviously it isn't. Been playing with different variations in hopes of understanding it better. Is it a set problem (proving there's no intersection between two sets until 1 is added to each)? An algorithmic proof maybe? Probability also seems to play a part.

The following pseudo-code also converges on 1 for every huge random integer I tested, but sometimes quite gradually, with long upwards trends, before dropping to repeat, with 1 always being the lowest.

t = huge_positive_random_int()

while t>1
    if t is even
        if t is odd
I would think Goldbach is the most trivial conjecture that is no closer to proof than it was hundreds of years ago.
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Likes Klystron and jedishrfu
  • #8
mfb said:
Checking a finite number of numbers is not a proof but it is some indication that it might be true. Sure, there are conjectures that have gigantic numbers as smallest counterexamples, but they are rare.
You're probably right. Especially since all integers up to 60 or so bits have been tested. So any collisions/loops would have to happen in larger integers, which since they tend to diverge as they increase would seem less probable. But still possible.
  • #9
PAllen said:
I would think Goldbach is the most trivial conjecture that is no closer to proof than it was hundreds of years ago.
Yes, I'm familiar with it. Even though it's easy to understand, it strikes me as a lot harder to prove.
  • #10
By coincidence I have been using the Collatz conjecture as the proof of concept for a website I am working on. It needs another couple of weeks spare time work really, but as this opportunity presents itself...

The site, which aims to increase interest in computational mathematics by "doing it" right before your eyes is here.
  • #11
Hey pbuk! Nice idea for a site. There seem to be lots of interesting hail stone type series you can generate by tweaking the Collatz algo. E.g., test for an odd after dividing an even, and if it's odd, add 1 and divide again. If, however, the original test was odd then multiply by 59 (instread of 3) and add 1. In this case, multipliers larger than 59 tend to ascend to infinity, whereas lower multipliers reduce to 1 more quickly. (I wonder why 59 is the Goldilocks number here?) If you test for up to two consecutive odds inside the even block, the ideal multiplier seems to be around 16383 (i.e. t=t*16383+1). But whether the series decends (always to 1) or rises toward infinity, there seem to be no collisions (repeated test values).

Here's output from the Collatz (odd checks=0 w/ multiplier=3) for the test hex value $123456789.

start: 33 bits 123456789
max: 35 bits 67AE147B4
end: 1
loops: 265

This output is from the code I posted here (the odd checks = 1 w/ multiplier=59 variation) with the same test value.

start: 33 bits 123456789
max: 263 bits 4CF7E321231F20E1E57C3846A3D0CAA84136072A3912CB8AA6E65630997D290358
end: 1
loops: 11381

The odd checks=2 w/ multiplier=16383 variation is even crazier.

Anyway, I just thought it might be interesting to let users on your site input these two parameters and roll out their own Collatz series?

Here's the pseudo-code less any output display or collision and other testing:

// tweak these
#define ODD_CHECKS 1  // 0 for regular Collatz
#define MULTIPLIER 59  // 3 for regular Collatz (must be an odd number)

test=0x123456789 // or whatever
while test>1
    if test & 1 == 0
        while o>0
            if test & 1 ==0 // even
                exit // loop
            test=(test+1)/2 // now even
  • #12
Chris Miller said:
Anyway, I just thought it might be interesting to let users on your site input these two parameters and roll out their own Collatz series?
You do realize you can edit the code on that site yourself to do that? But you are right, it does need another code section for 'Configuration' as well as 'Setup' and 'Loop'. I'm reluctant to spoon-feed users by giving them boxes to put input in - the idea of the site is to encourage interest and learning in computational and recreational maths, not provide a 'black box' for playing with sequences, as will become clear when I have got it ready for release (perhaps I should have kept it under wraps a bit longer)!

Thanks for the feedback though :smile:

Related to Exploring Variations of the Collatz Conjecture: A Computational Approach

What is the Collatz conjecture variation?

The Collatz conjecture variation is a mathematical problem that is based on the original Collatz conjecture, which states that starting with any positive integer, if it is even, divide it by 2, and if it is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. The process is repeated until the number eventually reaches 1.

What makes the Collatz conjecture variation different from the original?

The Collatz conjecture variation adds a new rule to the original conjecture. Instead of just dividing by 2 if the number is even, it also allows for division by any number that is a power of 2. For example, if the number is 8, it can be divided by 2 three times (since 2^3 = 8).

Has the Collatz conjecture variation been proven?

No, the Collatz conjecture variation has not been proven. It is still an open problem in mathematics and has not yet been solved.

What are some possible implications of solving the Collatz conjecture variation?

If the Collatz conjecture variation is proven to be true, it could have implications for other unsolved problems in mathematics, such as the Goldbach conjecture and the Twin Prime conjecture. It could also provide insights into the behavior of numbers and potentially lead to new mathematical discoveries.

What are some current approaches to solving the Collatz conjecture variation?

There are several different approaches to solving the Collatz conjecture variation, including computer simulations, number theory techniques, and mathematical proofs. Some researchers are also exploring connections between the Collatz conjecture variation and other mathematical problems in order to gain a better understanding of the problem and potentially find a solution.

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