Exploring the Possibilities: Senior Project Ideas in Science and Technology

In summary, this senior project class allows you to choose a project that you are interested in and have some knowledge of. There are many different options for projects that are available.
  • #1
In my university there is a senior project class in which the whole semester you try to engineer something to show off all of the knowledge you've gained thus far. In the past projects have been things such as online social networks, video games, underwater robotics, business software, etc. So, there are a wide range of things you can choose to do. Teams usually consist of 4 people.

Personally, I am very interested in things that require good math/science skills. Plus, I have an interest in robotics. But, I can't seem to narrow down exactly what kind of project I want to do for this class...and many of my current colleagues lack fresh ideas as well. Are there any suggestions?

I was also thinking of simulating something with graphics and doing visualization, but I just can't think of what I would apply that to. If you had a whole semester to work on a project, what would it be on?
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  • #2
You can contribute to any open source community to finish off one of their major goals...this will serve as the project.
  • #3
aaron2 said:
=Plus, I have an interest in robotics. But, I can't seem to narrow down exactly what kind of project I want to do for this class...and many of my current colleagues lack fresh ideas as well. Are there any suggestions?
I just started working with ros (robotics operating system), which can be thrown onto a lot of existing hardware and can be used to solve all sorts of fun problems. I've always liked robotics programming 'cause you've got the whole set in it: network programming, machine learning/AI, computer vision, OS layer (drivers), computer security, etc.
Another option might be the IEEE micromouse competition, as the hardware isn't so difficult. I've done IGVC (autonomous ground vehicle competition), and kids at the robotics club at my school are doing IASV(autonomous underwater), and both seem to require an interdisciplinary team.

I was also thinking of simulating something with graphics and doing visualization, but I just can't think of what I would apply that to.
Pick any data you're interested in and go for it. Han's Rosling does some amazing stuff with global economic data, University of Maryland's HCI crew does some cool stuff with all sorts of info, and there are all sorts of other fun projects floating around.
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  • #4
At our school, we had 2 major qualifying projects within our major-- each of these we worked on things which were local to the school rather than something grandiose. For our first project, we made a VRML map of the campus (VRML was a hot topic at the time, now it's pretty obscure), but something along the lines of a virtual map might get you in the door with graphics programming, depending on what you decided to work with.

  • #5
How about a 3D Scanner? I've seen them build with a turntable, a line laser and a webcam. Calibrating the system involves some interesting math.
  • #6
What about doing some chess programming. This is a very interesting research filed in computer science and encompasses artificial intelligence, algorithms, optimization, etc. You could integrate your interest in robotics by constructing a computer controlled arm to play on a real board.

Related to Exploring the Possibilities: Senior Project Ideas in Science and Technology

1. What makes a good senior project idea?

A good senior project idea is one that is meaningful and relevant to the field of study, challenges the student's skills and knowledge, and has the potential for real-world impact. It should also be feasible within the time and resource constraints of a senior project.

2. How can I come up with a unique senior project idea?

To come up with a unique senior project idea, you can start by identifying a problem or gap in your field of study and brainstorming possible solutions. You can also consider your personal interests and passions, as well as current trends and advancements in the field.

3. Can I collaborate with other students on a senior project idea?

Yes, collaboration with other students is often encouraged for senior projects. It can bring a diverse range of ideas and skills to the project and allow for a more comprehensive and impactful final product.

4. How should I present my senior project idea to my advisor?

You should present your senior project idea to your advisor by clearly outlining the problem or question you are addressing, your proposed solution or approach, and the potential significance and impact of your project. Be open to feedback and suggestions from your advisor as well.

5. Is it okay to change my senior project idea midway through the project?

While it is generally recommended to stick with your original senior project idea, it is okay to make changes if necessary. However, make sure to discuss any changes with your advisor and ensure that the new idea still aligns with the goals and requirements of a senior project.

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