Exploring the Differences Between Jet and Propeller Engines: Thrust vs Lift

In summary: This seems plausible. A turboprop is a type of engine that uses a rotating propeller to convert the energy of a jet engine into forward motion. They are typically less efficient than a jet engine (though they get better fuel economy), but they are lighter and cheaper to operate.I have always been under the impression that propellers are more efficient at low altitudes while jets are more efficient at high altitudes. This seems to be supported by the fact that turboprops are typically less efficient than jets and they are lighter and cheaper to operate.
  • #1
So I've always wondered about how the characteristics of Jets and Props differ. I've always thought of Jets as being low volume high pressure where as props of being high volume low pressure.

I have a 750cc Jet ski that uses a water pump impeller as propulsion and it accelerates very quickly faster than almost all speedboats that use a conventional propeller. It doesn't have a lot of top end though and has a top speed of 45mph. The speedboats take a lot longer to accelerate but they will eventually surpass me.

Conversely on airplanes, all the military supersonic planes use turbojets or turbofans. A big heavy cargo plane like a C-130 uses a turboprop though. From my understanding there are physical limitations that prevent a propeller driven airplane from reaching supersonic speeds, and I think that they are limited to lower altitudes. I've also heard that propeller driven planes get better fuel mileage.

So maybe the real question here is thrust vs lift?
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  • #2
A big heavy cargo plane like a C-130 uses a turboprop though.
and a larger, heavier C-5 uses turbines.

From my understanding there are physical limitations that prevent a propeller driven airplane from reaching supersonic speeds.
Having the tips of a propeller go supersonic is an issue. The air force tried this. Wiki article:


A turbofan is another option.


Speed seems to be the main reason (the other is cost) for choosing between propeller, turbo prop, turbofan, turbines, ramjets, and scramjets.
  • #3
Okay, you are throwing around a lot of terms but I'm not sure that you understand what they are. For starters, the jet on your Jet ski is not the same as the jets used by airplanes. It is a gas motor otto cycle driven compressor pump that shoots water out through a nozzle as a "jet". The kinds of jets in jet airplanes run on what is called the brayton cycle. incoming air is compressed by a compressor, then the compressed air has fuel added to it which is combusted and adds heat energy to the flowing air, the expansion of the air occurs over a turbine which sucks a bit of energy out of the flow in order to power the compressor, and the rest of the added heat power from fuel is used as thrust out the back of an exit nozzle. In turbojets, the blades that you see at the front of the engine do not generate thrust. Propeller planes can only move as fast as the air they displace moves so its harder to get them to go super sonic but it can be done. Other than that, jets are more efficient at high altitudes where air density is low, and propellers are more efficient at low altitudes where air density is high.
  • #4
Green Zach said:
In turbojets, the blades that you see at the front of the engine do not generate thrust.

Quite true, but also true that if you are looking at any contemporary large commercial aircraft, the blades that you see at the front are indeed moving air and generating the bulk of the thrust - you'll be looking at high-bypass turbofan engine.
  • #5
Good point, but I feel like it is revealing of inner processes that the blades on bratyon cycle engines that people see can produce thrust but they don't need to in order for a jet engine to work, and in fact, air entering the combustion chamber is stagnated.

Related to Exploring the Differences Between Jet and Propeller Engines: Thrust vs Lift

1. What is the main difference between thrust and lift?

Thrust is the force that propels an object forward, while lift is the force that keeps an object airborne. Thrust is generated by engines or propellers, while lift is created by the shape and movement of the object through the air.

2. How do jets and props differ in terms of creating thrust and lift?

Jets use a turbine engine to create thrust by compressing and heating air, which is then forced out of the back of the engine. Props, on the other hand, use rotating blades to create thrust by moving air over the surface of the blades. Both jets and props use their respective methods to create lift as well.

3. Which type of aircraft, jets or props, is better for long-distance flights?

Jets are typically better suited for long-distance flights because they can travel at higher speeds and at higher altitudes, which reduces air resistance and increases fuel efficiency. However, props can also be used for long-distance flights, especially for smaller aircraft or those flying at lower altitudes.

4. Are there any safety concerns with jets or props?

Both jets and props have safety concerns that are specific to their design and operation. For jets, there is a risk of engine failure or malfunction, while for props, there is a risk of structural failure or loss of control due to turbulence or icing. However, both types of aircraft undergo rigorous safety testing and maintenance to ensure safe operation.

5. How do jets and props compare in terms of speed and maneuverability?

Jets are generally faster and more maneuverable than props due to their more powerful engines and streamlined design. However, props can also be very fast and maneuverable, especially in smaller aircraft designed for racing or aerobatics. The speed and maneuverability of both jets and props also depend on factors such as weather conditions and pilot skill.

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