Explaining quantized angular momentum?

In summary, both formulas for angular momentum of an electron in the hydrogen atom are derived from the de Broglie momentum-wavelength relation and the requirement for the electron wavelength to equal an integer number of the path circumference. The z component angular momentum is derived from solving the Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates, and requiring that the ψ function be continuous as you go around the nucleus in an azimuthal direction.
  • #1
Hey there,

I'm having trouble understanding where two of the formulas for angular momentum of an electron in the hydrogen atom tie together. The first relation L = nh/(2∏) which comes from the de Broglie momentum-wavelength relation and the requirement for the electron wavelength to equal an integer number of the path circumference. The other I have come into contact with is: L = (√(l(l+1))h/(2∏) from the Schrodinger equation.

I understand the derivation of both, I just don't see how they are the same. I thought this n was the principle quantum number?

Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
The eigenvalues of the total angular momentum ##L^2## are ##\hbar^2 l(l + 1)## where ##l = 0,1,2,3,...## and the eigenvalues of the ##z## component of angular momentum ##L_z## are ##\hbar m## where ##m = -l,...,l## for a given ##l##. You're confusing the total angular momentum and the ##z## component of the angular momentum-they aren't the same; ##L^2 = L_x^2 + L_y^2 + L_z^2## involves all three components of the angular momentum, not just ##L_z##.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply!

The z component angular momentum is actually what got me confused in the first place leading me to reevaluate my understanding of the concept and then my question.

But I am reffering to the equation L= n[itex]\hat{}h[/itex] which comes from linking L = pr where p = h/λ and 2∏r = nλ. where n is the principle quantum number (or so I thought) .
  • #4
[itex]\hat{h}[/itex] rather, sorry.
  • #5
Also note that your first formula comes from assuming that the electron travels in a circular orbit, and imposing de Broglie's standing-wave condition. In reality, the electron doesn't travel in a circular orbit, or indeed in a classical orbit at all.

Quantization of Lz comes from solving the Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates, and requiring that the ψ function be continuous as you go around the nucleus in an azimuthal direction. This happens to give superficially the same result as the de Broglie derivation.
  • #6
Okay that makes sense. thank you. I understand the solution to the Schrodinger equation in spherical co-ordinates for L = √l(l+1) [itex]\hat{h}[/itex] yet my textbook ignores the derivation for the z component and that's where I've been stuck most of the day. Do you know where I can find its derivation?

Thank you so much for the replies by the way, this forum is amazing.
  • #7
I don't know how much of this stuff you've seen already, but here's an outline. It might help you find your way around a QM or "modern physics" textbook that covers the hydrogen atom, or give you some things to Google for:

1. Solve the Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates to find the stationary-state wavefunctions ##\psi_{nlm}(r,\theta,\phi) = R_{nl}(r)\Theta_{lm}(\theta)\Phi_m(\phi)## where n, l, m are the quantum numbers which obey certain rules that emerge from the details of the solution.

2. Starting from the operators for position and momentum:
$$\hat x = x\\
\hat p_x = -i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial x}$$
(and similarly for y and z components) construct operators for the (orbital) angular momentum from the operators for position and momentum by using ##\hat{\vec L} = \hat{\vec r} \times \hat{\vec p}## (which corresponds to the classical formula ##\vec L = \vec r \times \vec p##). In particular we work with the operators ##\hat L_z## for the z-component and ##\hat L^2## for the square of the magnitude because the solutions of the SE in step 1 turn out to be eigenfunctions of these operators, that is:
$$\hat L_z \psi_{nlm} = L_z \psi_{nlm}\\
\hat L^2 \psi_{nlm} = L^2 \psi_{nlm}$$

3. Apply the operators from step 2 to the ##\psi_{nlm}## from step 1, to find that the ##\psi_{nlm}## are indeed eigenfunctions, with
$$L_z = m \hbar\\
L^2 = l(l+1)\hbar$$
  • #8
RKlintworth said:
[itex]\hat{h}[/itex] rather, sorry.

Actually, ##\hbar##. (\hbar in LaTeX) :smile:

\hat is often used to denote operators, as I did in my preceding post. It's also often used for unit vectors, so beware of the context!
  • #9
Great post to all. Appreciate the resource.

Related to Explaining quantized angular momentum?

1. What is quantized angular momentum?

Quantized angular momentum refers to the discrete, specific values that a particle's angular momentum can take in quantum mechanics. This is in contrast to classical mechanics, where angular momentum can take on any continuous value.

2. Why is angular momentum quantized?

Angular momentum is quantized due to the wave-like nature of particles at the quantum level. In quantum mechanics, particles are described by wave functions, and the allowed values of angular momentum correspond to the peaks and troughs of these waves.

3. How is quantized angular momentum measured?

The quantized angular momentum of a particle can be measured using the Stern-Gerlach experiment, where a beam of particles is passed through a magnetic field and their deflection is observed. The deflection corresponds to the quantized values of the particles' angular momentum.

4. What are the implications of quantized angular momentum?

The quantization of angular momentum has significant implications in the field of quantum mechanics, as it allows for the prediction of the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the structure of atoms and the behavior of electrons in orbitals.

5. Can angular momentum be changed or altered?

In quantum mechanics, angular momentum can only change in quantized steps, meaning it cannot be altered continuously. However, it can be changed through interactions with other particles or through external forces, such as magnetic fields. Additionally, the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant, in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum.

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