Expansion of the Universe: Distinguishing No.1 & No.2

In summary, there are two distinct expansions that are often discussed in the context of the universe: Expansion No.1, which is caused by the Big Bang and decelerated over time, and Expansion No.2, which is the reason for the currently increasing expansion and is related to dark energy. The cosmological redshifts observed in distant galaxies and the Cosmic Microwave Background can be used to track the expansion of the universe and provide evidence for Expansion No.1. However, there is also evidence for Expansion No.2, including observations of the accelerating expansion of the universe around 7 billion years ago. This can be seen through the decreasing cosmological redshifts as we observe more recent parts of the universe.
  • #1
Expansion of the universe: Aren't there 2 distinct expansions we are talking about?

Expansion No.1: This is caused due to Big Bang. Singularity expanded with huge acceleration. Also called inflation. With time, this expansion decelerated. It is observed in the cosmological redshifts. The deeper we look in space, the deeper into past we are looking. So, as we look deeper, we witness a younger universe. A universe as was sooner after big bang. Here, we see matter with large cosmological redshifts,up to 1089 in case of the Cosmic Microwave Background, which happened around 378000 years after Big Bang. The cosmological redshifts in case of very distant galaxies(currently received light from these has traveled 13.1 billion years) are 8, and this happened 652 million years after Big Bang. Closer galaxies(currently received light from these has traveled 11.5 billion years) show cosmological redshift of 3.

Expansion No.2: This is the reason why we are talking about increasingly expanding universe. And that leads to dark energy.

However, we are often given explanations of presently expanding universe due to Expansion No. 2 with the irrelevant examples of cosmological redshifts which are observed to be increasing as we look deeper, while these examples actually indicate only the fact that there was a big bang and inflation, and this expansion no.1 decelerated with time. Right?(read the first paragraph again if you didn't grasp the point I'm trying to make about expansion no.1 and cosmological redshifts)

Also, what are the relevant examples and evidences for expansion no.2 then?
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  • #2

1) go to http://www.wolframalpha.com/
2) Enter “redshift”
3) You will see an entry with a note saying “Assuming Doppler redshift ”...Next to it there is a more drop-down. It gives 4 options. Select the cosmological redshift from the more drop-down.

4) Now you will get, by default, a redshift of 0.001 and results about it.
Change this value to 1089, 8, 4 and see the results every time. Especially Observe the big bang “timeline” and “time since big bang” row.

Getting what I mean to say about cosmological redshift and expansion no.1 now?
  • #3

Umm, no, there is only one expansion... It makes sense to separate it into distinct epochs, perhaps, but I don't understand your question.

Here's the brief expansion history:
t=10^-43s: Planck era. Start here, take as initial conditions some matter densities, curvatures, and initial expansion rate.
t=10^-35s: GUT eta. Inflation happens. Period of very rapid expansion. Change in scale factor by about 10^30.
t=10^-28s (roughly): Expansion stops. Universe resumes its normal expansion. That is to say, there was the introduction at t=10^-35s of some scalar field which produced an extremely large negative pressure, thus acting as a cosmological constant to create accelerated expansion. But by 10^-28s, the particle decayed and the constituents of the universe are the normal matter, radiation, and dark energy (dominated completely, during this epoch, by radiation).
t~10000yr: Energy density of matter/radiation equal. Universe is decelerating at this point (but still expanding!)
t~7Gyr: Matter/Dark energy equal. At this point, universe begins accelerating.
t=14Gyr: Now!
(Note, numbers are only order of magnitude, don't mean to look them up right now)

One can label a redshift at any point along this timeline, by knowing how the scale factor was evolving as a function of time. So I don't understand why you think your "two expansions" (which don't even make sense to me) are meaningful.

Hopefully I've cleared up the question?
  • #4

I still have doubts:
1)The red shift has been decreasing as we observe more recent universe. So this indicates deceleration of expansion rate as time has progressed. (as already illustrated in my question: "we see matter with large cosmological redshifts,up to 1089 in case of the Cosmic Microwave Background, which happened around 378000 years after Big Bang. The cosmological redshifts in case of very distant galaxies(currently received light from these has traveled 13.1 billion years) are 8, and this happened 652 million years after Big Bang. Closer galaxies(currently received light from these has traveled 11.5 billion years) show cosmological redshift of 3. " In fact, the cosmological red shift around 7Gyr is 0.76 and around 9Gyr is 0.45. So, its decreasing all the time! The cosmological redshift evidence only tells that universal expansion is decreasing!

So, what evidence do we have that universal expansion accelerated at 7Gyr as you stated?
  • #6

Thanks! :)

Related to Expansion of the Universe: Distinguishing No.1 & No.2

1. How do we know that the universe is expanding?

Scientists have observed that galaxies are moving away from each other at a faster rate, indicating that the space between them is expanding. This is known as the redshift effect, which is caused by the stretching of light waves as they travel through expanding space.

2. What is the evidence for the expansion of the universe?

In addition to the redshift effect, scientists have also observed the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is leftover radiation from the Big Bang. This radiation is evenly distributed throughout the universe, indicating that the universe was once much smaller and has been expanding ever since.

3. What is the difference between the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory explains the origin of the universe, while the expansion of the universe refers to the ongoing process of the universe getting larger. The Big Bang theory is supported by evidence such as the cosmic microwave background radiation and the abundance of light elements in the universe.

4. Will the expansion of the universe continue forever?

Based on current observations, it is believed that the expansion of the universe will continue forever. However, the rate of expansion may change over time due to factors such as dark energy and dark matter, which are still not fully understood by scientists.

5. How does the expansion of the universe affect objects within it?

The expansion of the universe does not have a noticeable effect on objects within it on a small scale, such as within our own galaxy. However, on a larger scale, the expansion can cause galaxies to move away from each other and can also affect the overall structure and evolution of the universe.

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