Excitation Effects for Fluorescence Spectroscopy

In summary: Kasha's rule is that fluorescence decreases as the energy of the excitation light source is increased above the energy of the fluorescence emission.
  • #1
I have read from time to time (e.g. Lakowicz) that the fluorescence spectrum of a substance is not generally influenced by the wavelength excitation source. On the other had there is a correlation as exemplified in excitation-emission matrix spectra for example.

The obvious case is for fluorescence at wavelengths higher that the excitation. Omitting Raman phenomenon this should not happen-the excitation cannot promote electrons at an energy higher than the stimulus.

For excitation wavelengths greater than the energy levels of an atom, I would not expect much correlation-the energy can overcome the promotion barrier, the electron moves to the higher state, and fluorescence ensues. That said, clearly fluorescence analysis is done using the excitation correlation as a parameter so there must be a strong effect.

Does anyone know of an elaboration on this process? I have a few texts (Ingle) and articles here but little is said. The interactions with vibrational/rotational modes, analyte and solvent etc clearly play into this and I expect this is where the conversation begins.

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  • #2
fsonnichsen said:
The obvious case is for fluorescence at wavelengths higher that the excitation. Omitting Raman phenomenon this should not happen-the excitation cannot promote electrons at an energy higher than the stimulus.

For excitation wavelengths greater than the energy levels of an atom, I would not expect much correlation-the energy can overcome the promotion barrier, the electron moves to the higher state, and fluorescence ensues.

You seem to have got something wrong here: greater wavelength-> lower energy

The effect of excitation wavelength on fluorescence depends mainly on the timescale of IVR to fluorescence. As long as the first one is much shorter than the second, fluorescence spectra are not much influenced by excitation. This certainly has been studied excessively but I don't know of a handy reference. Much has also been learned from femtoscecond pump probe experiments.
  • #3
Excuse my poor wording-to clarify- we would agree that greater wavelength means lower energy (E=h/Lamda). My point being that higher wavelengths (omitting Raman effects) should not be able to promote electrons past the energy for the wavelength.

Once over that threshold it is not clear that there would be further correlation.

I do not understand your reply, probably because I don't now what IVR is?

  • #4
IVR=intramolecular vibrational relaxation
  • #5
Ha- Thanks! Will the world ever run out of acronyms before it runs out of free energy?

So-I think you are referring to the fact that as higher vibe/rot levels are populated a dependence on the excitation is incurred. I believe the dogma is that fluorescence occurs from transitions of the lowest vibrational state of each level. I would suppose the degree of population of higher vibe/rot levels would distort the broad "peaks" of the spectrum, hence the excitation dependancy.

I have pulled a few texts on this and it is ill-described. It certainly would merit some discussion in a thorough text. The excitation wavelength issue makes ones job difficult when selecting a laser(s) for excitation as it could result in an expensive mistake! I have generally assumed that the lower the wavelength the better the chances of exciting more emissions and this seems to bear out in the laboratory.

If you look at my other post on this topic, an interesting question is raised on the appearance of emissions above the excitation line in energy.

thanks again,
  • #6
The very fact you are referring to is known as Kasha's rule:

The following article may be useful, eventually Google Scholar will yield more recent articles citing this one:

Freed, Karl F., and Abraham Nitzan. "Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution and the time evolution of molecular fluorescence." The Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (1980): 4765.
  • #7
Thanks! - looks like a good article. I'll check it out at work tomorrrow.


Related to Excitation Effects for Fluorescence Spectroscopy

1. What is excitation in fluorescence spectroscopy?

Excitation in fluorescence spectroscopy refers to the process of absorbing light energy by a molecule, known as the fluorophore, which causes it to move from its ground state to an excited state. This excited state is temporary and unstable, and the molecule will eventually return to its ground state by releasing the absorbed energy in the form of light, known as fluorescence.

2. How does excitation affect fluorescence intensity?

The intensity of fluorescence is directly affected by the excitation process. The more light energy absorbed by the fluorophore, the higher the intensity of fluorescence emitted. This means that a higher excitation energy will result in a brighter fluorescence signal.

3. What factors can influence excitation effects in fluorescence spectroscopy?

There are several factors that can influence excitation effects in fluorescence spectroscopy. Some of the main factors include the excitation wavelength, the concentration of the fluorophore, the pH of the solution, and the presence of any quenchers or other interfering molecules.

4. How does the excitation wavelength affect fluorescence spectra?

The excitation wavelength refers to the specific color or wavelength of light used to excite the fluorophore. Different fluorophores have different excitation spectra, meaning they absorb light at different wavelengths. Choosing the correct excitation wavelength is important in fluorescence spectroscopy as it can greatly affect the fluorescence signal and the accuracy of the results.

5. Can excitation energy be controlled in fluorescence spectroscopy?

Yes, excitation energy can be controlled in fluorescence spectroscopy. This can be done by adjusting the intensity of the light source, changing the excitation wavelength, or altering the concentration of the fluorophore. By controlling the excitation energy, the intensity of fluorescence and the resulting spectra can be manipulated to better suit the needs of the experiment.

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