Equilibrium configuration

But, this would also require a different definition of equilibrium for rheonomous systems, so that you could say \ddot{q_i} = 0.So, to summarize, the condition \frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}=0 for generalized coordinates qj is a necessary condition for equilibrium in a system with scleronomic constraints. It is also a sufficient condition for equilibrium, as proven through the use of virtual displacements and virtual work. However, this proof does not hold for rheonomic systems, as there are examples where equilibrium points do not satisfy \frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}=0. Further investigation would be needed to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium in rheonomic systems.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose we have a system with scleronomic constraints. Is the condition that [itex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}=0[/itex] for generalized coordinates qj a necessary condition for equilibrium? A sufficient condition?

Homework Equations

[tex]-\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}=Q_j= \sum_i \vec{F}_i \cdot \frac{\partial \vec{r}_i}{\partial q_j}[/tex]

where Qj is the generalized for associates with qj.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think I managed to prove that the above condition is necessary and sufficient for any type of holonomic constaint, sclerenomic or rheonomic. This makes be believe I made a mistake, so I'd appreciate it if someone could check my work.

System is in equilibrium iff [itex]\vec{F}_i=0[/itex], where [itex]\vec{F}_i[/itex] is the total force on the ith particle.
[itex]Q_j=\sum_i \vec{F}_i\cdot\frac{\partial \vec{r}_i}{\partial q_j}[/itex], where Qj is the generalized force associated with the jth generalized coordinate. So, if [itex]\vec{F}_i=0[/itex], then Qj = 0. But [itex]Q_j=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}[/itex], so [itex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}=0[/itex] is a necessary condition for equilibrium.

Now we prove that it is a sufficient condition. To do this, we find the [itex]\vec{F}_i[/itex]'s as a function of the Qjs by making virtual displacements [itex]\delta q_j[/itex]to the generalized coordinates. The the virtual work is
[itex]\delta W = \sum_j Q_j \delta q_j = \sum_i \vec{F}_i \cdot \delta \vec{r}_i[/itex]. Writing [itex]\delta q_j = \sum_i \nabla_i q_j\cdot\delta \vec{r}_i[/itex] (we've tacitly expressed the generalized coordinates as functions of the ri's; [itex]\nabla_i q_j[/itex] stands for [itex]\hat{x}_i\frac{\partial q_j}{\partial x_i}+\hat{y}_i\frac{\partial q_j}{\partial y_i}+\hat{z}_i\frac{\partial q_j}{\partial z_i}[/itex]).

From this, it follows that [itex]\sum_i \vec{F}_i\cdot\delta \vec{r}_i = \sum_i (\sum_j Q_j \nabla_i q_j)\cdot \delta \vec{r}_i[/itex], implying that [itex]\vec{F}_i=\sum_j Q_j \nabla_i q_j[/itex] Therefore, if Q_j = 0, system is in equilibrium. QED.

Now, as far as I can tell I haven't used the assumption that the constraints are scleronomic, but maybe the assumption sneaked in there somewhere.
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  • #2
To add a little more detail:

It's necessarily the case that there's a flaw in my proof, because I can find an example of a rheonomic system where the equilibrium points don't satisfy [itex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_j}=0[/itex]. Take a point mass on a vertically oriented hoop of radius R rotating w/ angular speed Ω. If [itex]\Omega>\sqrt{\frac{g}{R}}[/itex], it's easy to show that there's an equilibrium position where [itex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial \theta}\neq 0[/itex].
  • #3
I hate bumping my own question, but this question is really bugging me. If you need me to clarify some points, or don't understand what I've written at all, please let me know.
  • #4
I noticed this question and bookmarked it to see if anyone would take it up. Since no one has, I will take a stab myself. I'm out of practice so don't know how much help I'll be but maybe I can at least stimulate some discussion.

One question I have is, why do you introduce F_i and r_i, and what are they intended to represent? I understand that q_j are the generalized coorditates of the system and V is the potential of the system. And, for clarification, scleronomic means the system is not explicitly time-dependent, correct?
  • #5
laddhoffman said:
One question I have is, why do you introduce F_i and r_i, and what are they intended to represent? I understand that q_j are the generalized coorditates of the system and V is the potential of the system. And, for clarification, scleronomic means the system is not explicitly time-dependent, correct?

Fi and ri are the total force of the ith particle and the position of the ith particle, respectively. I introduced force because equilibrium, by definition, occurs when all the forces on the particles vanish. I need to bring that in somewhere.

And yes, you've defined scleronomic correctly.
  • #6
Ok, I've worked through your proof. The only point, and it's a minor one, I would bring up with the mathematics, is that I'm not sure you need [itex]\nabla_i[/itex]. I think you just want [itex]\delta q_j = \sum_i \nabla q_j\cdot\delta \vec{r}_i[/itex]. But, this doesn't seem to significantly alter the proof.

However, I am considering your example of a rheonomic system in 'equilibrium', where you have a point mass on a hoop that's rotating about its diameter. In such a system you do not satisfy [itex]\vec{F}_i = 0[/itex]; it is a dynamic equilibium, not a static one.
  • #7
You're absolutely right. I guess the definition for an equilibrium configuration is that [itex]\ddot{q}_j=0[/itex]. I'll have to go back to the drawing board...

Thanks for your help!
  • #8
Well I think you're in good shape as far as the original proof is concerned.

It is possible the problem specifies scleromic so that static equilibria can in fact exist, and that the problem inherently does not apply to a rheonomous system.

Extending the consideration to rheonomous systems sounds like fun though. In the case of a rotating hoop for example with generalized coordinates [itex]\theta[/itex] for revolution and [itex]\phi[/itex] for azimuthal, your 'equilibrium' is something like [itex]\theta = \theta_0[/itex] and [itex]\dot{\phi} = C[/itex], right? So in that case your condition [itex]\ddot{q_i}[/itex] is satisfied. I suppose then you'd want to see whether a similar statement can be made about [itex]\frac{\partial{V}}{\partial{q_i}} = 0[/itex] being necessary or sufficient.

Related to Equilibrium configuration

What is an equilibrium configuration?

An equilibrium configuration is a state in which all forces acting on a system are balanced, resulting in a stable and unchanging state.

How is equilibrium configuration achieved?

Equilibrium configuration can be achieved through various means, such as by adjusting the forces acting on a system, changing the system's properties, or by allowing the system to reach a state of rest.

What are the types of equilibrium configurations?

There are three types of equilibrium configurations - stable, unstable, and neutral. A stable equilibrium configuration is one in which a system returns to its original state after being disturbed. An unstable equilibrium configuration is one in which a system moves further away from its original state after being disturbed. A neutral equilibrium configuration is one in which a system remains in its new state after being disturbed.

What is the significance of equilibrium configuration in science?

Equilibrium configuration is an important concept in various fields of science, such as physics, chemistry, and biology. It helps us understand the behavior of systems and predict their future states. It is also essential for designing and optimizing processes and systems.

What are some real-life examples of equilibrium configuration?

Some examples of equilibrium configuration in everyday life include a balanced seesaw, a pendulum at rest, a floating boat on a calm lake, or a person standing still on a flat surface. These examples demonstrate the balance of forces acting on a system, resulting in an equilibrium configuration.

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