Electrodynamic tether on the Moon/Mars?

In summary, if you have two wires that are insulated from each other, and you connect them to a generator, you will get an electric current. The current will be stronger if the wires are in a magnetic field.
  • #1
Moon and Mars have no magnetic field, but that they are immersed into solar magnetic field.
If I place a long wire along north pole, perpendicular to Sun, while Moon/Mars moves along its orbit, the wire cuts magnetic field lines; this should produce a difference of potential between fare edges of the wire... or not?
If I connect a second wire to first one, but I completely insulate it (how?) from solar magnetic field, would I get an electric generator?
Of course the DDP would change during day and year, until it reverses, but a diode could prevent current from flowing in wrong direction.
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  • #2
The current through the diode would charge one end sphere (planet), then stop flowing once the voltage had built up.

A voltage difference is part of the generator, but you can only extract energy while a current flows. Power is the product of voltage and current. You actually need a circuit with a return path, or a loop. There is no need for Mars, the loop can start and end at Earth. There is no insulation required on the wire, space is good enough.

There will be a force on the generator wire that will push it sideways. The coils in an electric generator must be held firmly on the armature or field. You must fix the wire loop in space, so it does not move relative to the Earth.

Unfortunately the Moon does not rotate relative to the Earth, or we could wind a wire once around the armature Moon and use the Earth's magnetic field to generate power on the Moon, until we extracted all the energy and stopped the moon rotating.
  • #3
I think you completely misunderstood my post.
Forget Mars.
Just replace "Moon/Mars" by "Moon" in the post above.

Look at the picture:

Will electrons in the wire be moved along it by Lorentz force?
If I connect a second wire parallel to the first one, but completely isolated shielded from solar magnetic field, will I have a closed circuit containing a generator?

  • #4
Baluncore said:
The current through the diode would charge one end sphere (planet), then stop flowing once the voltage had built up.
If a coaxial system were used with an iron cylinder in between the conductors, I have a feeling there could be a constant current flowing along inner and outer conductors due to the different fields and hence different emf's generated in inner and outer conductors. But Electromagnetism is not intuitive so I could be just plain wrong. ??
  • #5
  • #6
I eventually found some equations to work with:


If I understand correctly, the Difference Of Potential in the tether is given by:
Voc = v * B * L
v = perpendicular tether speed across EM [m/s]
B = EM field [Tesla]
L = tether length [m]

And the current in the tether, disregarding the "ionosphere items", as we are on the Moon:
I = Voc / Rt
Rt = tether resistance

I = v*B*L/Rt

Rt = rho * L / A
rho = resistivity
L = length
A = section area


I = v * B * A / rho (no more "L")

A= 3.14 * r^2 [m^2]
rho = 1.68E-08 [Ohm*m]

I = 3.14/rho * v * B * r^2 = 1.86E08 * v * B * r^2

Orbit speed of Moon around Sun can be assumed as the same of Earth, 108000 km/h, i.e. ~30000 m/s:
v = 3E+04 [m/s]

Sun EM on Moon should be around 1E-09 [T] (confirmations?)
B = 1E-09 [T]

I = 1.86E08 * 3E+04 * 1E-09 * r^2

I = 5.58E+03 * r^2

This is a weird result, as the final current would depend just on tether section and not on its length...
Is this result correct?

Assuming a 10mm radius tether (10^-2 m), we would get:

I = 5.58E+03 * 1E-4

I = 0.558 Ampere (regardless of length)

If it is true that tether length does not matter (and I can't see how it could), if I'd get a block of copper 1m x 1m x 1m, would it generate 5580A?!?
  • #7
jumpjack said:
v = perpendicular tether speed across EM [m/s]
Be careful here. That is the velocity relative to the field. In the case of the Earth-moon system, the field moves with the objects, so if the tether was attached to the Earth-Moon, it would rotate with the field and the velocity relative to the field is zero.
  • #8
anorlunda said:
Be careful here. That is the velocity relative to the field.
To the SUN field, I am talking about Sun EMF.
  • #9
nobody can help?

Related to Electrodynamic tether on the Moon/Mars?

1. What is an electrodynamic tether?

An electrodynamic tether is a long, conductive wire that is used to generate electricity from the motion of a spacecraft or satellite through a planet's magnetic field. It works by using the Lorentz force, which is the force exerted on a charged particle moving through a magnetic field. The tether is able to convert this force into electricity, which can be used to power the spacecraft or satellite.

2. How does an electrodynamic tether work on the Moon/Mars?

An electrodynamic tether works on the Moon or Mars in the same way it does on Earth. The tether is attached to a spacecraft or satellite in orbit around the planet, and as the spacecraft moves through the planet's magnetic field, it generates electricity through the Lorentz force. This electricity can then be used to power the spacecraft or satellite, reducing the need for traditional fuel sources.

3. What are the potential benefits of using an electrodynamic tether on the Moon/Mars?

There are several potential benefits of using an electrodynamic tether on the Moon or Mars. One of the main benefits is that it can provide a continuous source of electricity without the need for traditional fuel sources. This can greatly reduce the weight and cost of missions, as well as increase their longevity. Additionally, using an electrodynamic tether can also help to reduce the amount of space debris in orbit, as it can be used to deorbit satellites at the end of their life.

4. Are there any challenges or limitations to using an electrodynamic tether on the Moon/Mars?

While electrodynamic tethers have great potential, there are also some challenges and limitations to consider. One challenge is the need for a strong magnetic field, which may not be present on all parts of the Moon or Mars. Additionally, the tether may be subject to wear and tear from the harsh environment and may require regular maintenance. There may also be technical challenges in designing and implementing the tether system.

5. How is research on electrodynamic tethers on the Moon/Mars progressing?

Research on electrodynamic tethers on the Moon and Mars is ongoing, with several space agencies and private companies exploring the potential applications and challenges. Some experiments have been conducted on the International Space Station to test the technology in a microgravity environment. However, more research and development is needed before electrodynamic tethers can be used in practical missions to the Moon or Mars.

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