EE Degree at 41: Can It Be Done?

In summary, an older student who has been working with computers for many years and has an A+ and Net+ certification is welcome in a college course for an EE degree. The older student is intelligent and would not have any problem learning new programming languages. The older student is shy but has found friends among classmates who are half their age or younger. The older student's family and career situation will affect the choices they make for a program, but the older student is encouraged to go for it. Compared to a regular student, an older student is more likely to take advantage of school and to be better prepared due to their experience and skills. Last advice is to go for it, disregarding any negative comments.
  • #1
I was just looking around for a forum to get some opinions and found you all.

Is it feasible for a 41 year old to go to school for an EE degree.


- HS diploma
- A+ and Net+ certs
- been working with computers since 1981 but havn't learned any current programming languages since vbasic (1990 or so)
- pretty intelligent and wouldn't have any problem learning
- a litte shy/worried about being the old dude among all the 20 somethings.

opinions welcomed and needed,

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  • #2
I don't think age matters, but your family and career situation will certainly affect your choices of what kind of a program you can do. Do you have the flexibility to attend daytime classes, for example? Are you financially able to take on the tuition bills or loan payments afterwards?

I am finishing my degree this Fall and I am your age. I've gotten along pretty well with classmates who are about half my age. They are actually very friendly and accepting, and I've enjoyed getting to know them. Some of them have even invited me out to parties and ballgames. :smile:

One of the advantages you'll find as an older student is that you have refined organizational and study skills that your classmates are still acquiring. Teachers have also told me that they like having older students in the class because they are often more engaged in the material and ask a lot of questions.

If you can figure out a way to do it, I think you'll really gain a lot from the experience.
  • #3
Go for it. Don't hesitate or ponder, just do it.
  • #4
I saw a lot of older people in classrooms. My prof said the oldest person that was in his class once was an 85 year old grand-grandma.
  • #5
I second cabraham's sentiments and encourage you to go for it. I'm about your age and starting this fall on a masters degree in physics. I already have a BSEE. I've taken a few undergrad classes to ramp up and found that I've had an easier time so far than I thought thanks to the "refined study skills" noted above by Math Is Hard.

I know 2 people in their late 50s/early 60s that are pursuing degrees.

The downside for me is the time away from family (as mentioned above) and juggling school with a full-time job.

Good luck!
  • #6
If you can manage it financially and time-wise go for it. I had a 40-something year old guy in my intro group. He was cool, and as a former technician was able to soup-up our mousetrap car. I've had a lot of senior citizens in my math and physics courses. It's nice to have diversity in the classroom.
  • #7
I turned 53 on May 6 2008. I am a grad student working on the doctorate. In 2006 at 51, I decided to do it and appied for admission. I was accepted, and I started last year in 2007. It is really tough as I still work full time. But it's well worth it. I'm better at my job after just a year of studying. The grad program has really whipped me into shape.

Although the students are generally young enough to be my kids, that isn't an issue. People older than me return to school. Don't let age get in the way. I thought that I wouldn't "fit in" at first. But, they admire me for making the effort at this stage in life.

I wish I did this sooner, but now is still better than never. It only helps me. If all goes as planned, my tentative grad date is May 2010. That date will arrive anyway, whether I study or not, so I might as well go for it. Do likewise.
  • #8
Thanks everyone for your replies. I appreciate it and they have helped make my decision easier.

Good luck,
  • #9
I also have a new reply for you.

School is said to be for anybody, but you as a person who is engaged and ready to learn is takes naturally more advantage of school than a regular student. Also my advice to you is to do it disregarding the bad comments you might hear from people, like "Old dogs don't learn new tricks" that is completely wrong we are not dogs. Also you shouldn't be shy since college is where people get to meet together and you will be in an engineering field hopefully! people there are mostly serious, I mean the ones that are focusing on engineering.

Last advice, go for it! People make investments at age 65 now a days why can you make a bold move and perhaps be one of those talented investors at your age. YOu are still full of life learn how to love math.

Related to EE Degree at 41: Can It Be Done?

1. Is it too late to pursue an EE degree at 41?

No, it is never too late to pursue a degree in any field. With determination and hard work, anyone can achieve their goals at any age.

2. Will my age affect my job opportunities after earning an EE degree at 41?

While age may be a factor in some job opportunities, it should not be a deterrent. Employers value experience and maturity, which can be beneficial for someone earning a degree later in life.

3. How long will it take to earn an EE degree at 41?

The length of time it takes to earn an EE degree at 41 may vary depending on your previous education and experience, as well as the program you choose. However, with full-time study, it typically takes 4-5 years to earn a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.

4. Will I struggle to keep up with younger students in an EE program at 41?

Everyone has their own unique strengths and challenges, regardless of age. As long as you are dedicated and willing to put in the effort, you can succeed in an EE program at any age.

5. Are there any advantages to earning an EE degree at 41?

Yes, there are several advantages to earning a degree at 41. You may have more life experience and maturity, which can help you excel in your studies and in the workforce. Additionally, you may have a better idea of your career goals and be more motivated to succeed.

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