E=MC^2 - Do I have this right?

  • Thread starter ShadowKnight
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In summary, E=mc^2 is a formula used to calculate energy, where E is measured in Joules and m represents the mass of an object. This formula applies to both rest mass and moving mass, with the latter having an additional factor of gamma (γ) to account for kinetic energy. In nuclear fusion, this formula is used to calculate the energy released from the conversion of mass into energy, with the mass needing to be converted into kilograms for accurate results.
  • #1
OK first let me explain, I have NO formal physics background, not even high school, so please don't flame me if these are dumb questions :smile:

1. What unit of measure is E? If it were distance we could say miles or kilometers.

2. I understand that this formula is for mass at rest. If the mass were moving at 50% light speed, would the answer to E=MC^2 be half of what it would be for the same mass at rest?

3. In nuclear fusion I understand the energy is based on applying this formula to the mass left over when 2 atoms fuse. So looking at a Hydrogen atom, if .00794 atomic mass were converted into energy during the fusion, does that mean the energy gained from this fusion is Energy = .00794 x c^2? I don't know if that is the right number but I needed to apply one for the purpose of this question.

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  • #2
ShadowKnight said:
OK first let me explain, I have NO formal physics background, not even high school, so please don't flame me if these are dumb questions :smile:

1. What unit of measure is E? If it were distance we could say miles or kilometers.

Energy,and it is measured in Joules.

ShadowKnight said:
2. I understand that this formula is for mass at rest.

Not exactly in that form.[tex] E=m_{0}c^{2}[/tex] is for mass at rest.Notice the fact that the subscript "0" indicates that thing... :wink:

ShadowKnight said:
If the mass were moving at 50% light speed, would the answer to E=MC^2 be half of what it would be for the same mass at rest?

No.It would be more.It's really easy to compute the energy,once you know the connection between rest mass [itex] m_{0} [/itex],movement mass [itex] m [/itex] (or "M",as you denoted it) and the velocity [itex] v=|\vec{v}| [/itex].Just arithmetics.

ShadowKnight said:
3. In nuclear fusion I understand the energy is based on applying this formula to the mass left over when 2 atoms fuse. So looking at a Hydrogen atom, if .00794 atomic mass were converted into energy during the fusion, does that mean the energy gained from this fusion is Energy = .00794 x c^2? I don't know if that is the right number but I needed to apply one for the purpose of this question.


EXACTLY...Einstein's formula tells us how much energy is involved in nuclear reactions...Pay attention with the units,though.That 0.00794 a.m.u.needs to be converted to Kg and then the final result (the energy) would be in Joules,energy's unit.

  • #3
1. Any unit of energy will do. The standard SI unit is the Joule. If m is in kilograms and c is in metres per second, then E works out in Joules.

2. The complete formula is:

[tex]E = \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-(v/c)^2}}[/tex]

where [itex]v[/itex] is the speed of the object.

If you plug in [itex]v=c/2[/itex], you get:

[tex]E = \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-(1/2)^2}} = \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}mc^2 \approx (1.15)mc^2[/tex]

When an object is moving, the energy is greater than [itex]mc^2[/itex]. In fact, [itex]mc^2[/itex] is the rest energy only. The "extra" energy is kinetic energy.

3. Essentially, you are right, but you need the mass in kilograms rather than atomic mass units. The conversion factor is:

[itex]1[/itex] amu = [itex]1.66 \times 10^{-24}[/tex] kilograms.

Hope this helps.
  • #4
Offtopic said:
how do you make those javascript equations?

also, not to sound stupid, but what exactly is E=mc^2 solving, the energy at rest? and if that is the case would that be more commonly known as potential energy?
  • #5
No.In the form where that "m" is the rest mass,it is just the rest energy of the particle.If that "m" is not the rest mass,it is the TOTAL ENERGY OF THE PARTICLE,rest+kinetic...

  • #6
ShadowKnight said:
1. What unit of measure is E?

Physicist - Joules
Astrophysicist - Ergs
Particle Physicist - eV
Nutritionist - Calories
Electrician - Kilowatt-hours
King of England - Foot-pounds
Oil Tycoon - Barrels
Enron Executive - Dollars
Mars Spacecraft Operator - Joules, no...foot-pounds, wait, no...
  • #7
ShadowKnight said:
1. What unit of measure is E? If it were distance we could say miles or kilometers.
The unit is Jopules. This a derived unit and as such can be exressed in term of basic units, i.e. [joules] = [N = Newton's][L = distance] where

[joules] = [kg][m2]/[s2]
2. I understand that this formula is for mass at rest. If the mass were moving at 50% light speed, would the answer to E=MC^2 be half of what it would be for the same mass at rest?
If you intend m to mean rest mass then your equation leaves something to be desired. The actuall expression is [itex]E = \gamma mc^2[/itex]. You should have written E0 = mc2. The expression for energy for a particle in motion is

[tex]E = \gamma m c^2[/tex]

recall that

[tex]\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}}[/tex]

Its rather simple to get the energy you're speaking of. Merely replace v by v/2.

  • #8
pmb_phy said:
Its rather simple to get the energy you're speaking of. Merely replace v by v/2.
He meant to write c/2, not v/2.
  • #9
Thanks! I understand it better now.

Related to E=MC^2 - Do I have this right?

1. What is E=MC^2?

E=MC^2 is a famous equation developed by physicist Albert Einstein which states that energy (E) is equal to mass (M) multiplied by the speed of light squared (C^2).

2. What does the equation mean?

The equation suggests that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing and are interchangeable. It also shows the relationship between mass and energy, stating that a small amount of mass can produce a large amount of energy.

3. How did Einstein come up with this equation?

Einstein developed this equation as part of his theory of special relativity, which he published in 1905. He was inspired by the work of other scientists such as Max Planck and Henri Poincaré.

4. Can you give an example of how E=MC^2 works?

One example is nuclear reactions, such as those that occur in nuclear power plants or nuclear bombs. In these reactions, a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy, following the principles of E=MC^2.

5. Is E=MC^2 still relevant in modern science?

Yes, E=MC^2 is still a fundamental equation in modern physics and is used in various fields such as nuclear energy, particle physics, and astrophysics. It has also been confirmed through numerous experiments and observations.

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