Does Rest Mass Change if c Varies?

In summary: The summary is In summary, changing the speed of light in a vacuum would change the mass of a given particle.
  • #1
I'd like to ask an specific question. If c changes (for whatever reason*), does the rest mass of a given particle changes, asuming E is conserved?

Let's say, for a given particle, the following initial condition:
  • Placed in a vacuum**.
  • Rest mass m0.
  • Particle's energy E.
  • Propagation speed of light in vacuum c0
We have that:

E = m0c02


If, for any given reason, the speed of light in the vacuum changes** from c0 to c1. Asuming E is conserved, for the same particle we have a new mass m1:



m0 ≠ m1

(*) The reason why c changes is beyond the scope of this question, as it is pure speculation and violates the rules of the forum. It could be a variation of the vacuum state, or any other hypothetical scenario.
(**) However, I am considering a variation of c as the propagation speed of light in vacuum, not in any given material medium. I am aware that the mass of an object does not change if it is immersed in a medium that also slows down the propagation of light. This particular scenario is beyond the scope of this question, since the slowing down of light in a material medium is a macroscopic phenomenon which, at a fundamental level, is also determined by the properties of vacuum (there is still vacuum between the atoms and fundamental particles of any material medium that refracts light).
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  • #2
The idea of c changing is physically meaningless. All it would mean is that your units are a function of time.

What you are probably actually asking is if the fine structure constant were changing.
  • #3
That is pretty much what I'm asking. I constrained it just to c, because changing the fine structure constant would affect many more things (actually, all of them) and I'm only interested in mass (and also, because I'm not a physicist and I get a lot of things wrong, I really thank you for trying to look for the core question beneath my misconceptions).

Also, I'm thinking no only in a variation over time, but a variation on space as well: could a different fine structure constant in another region of space "define" a different mass for the same particle?
  • #4
jocarren said:
That is pretty much what I'm asking. I constrained it just to c, because changing the fine structure constant would affect many more things (actually, all of them) and I'm only interested in mass
So let me explain a little bit of the issue I am addressing and then go on to answer your question as best as I can. The constants with units, like c and h, don’t actually provide any information about physics but only about our system of units. The information about physics is contained in dimensionless constants.

So, now to answer your question, in SI units or in other similar systems there is the relationship ##2h \alpha = \mu_0 e^2 c##. So you cannot change only one of these quantities, you must change at least two. Suppose, for example, that c were doubled and h were also doubled and all the rest unchanged. Even though c doubled, because the fine structure constant, ##\alpha##, is unchanged the change in c would be completely undetectable. No measurement would detect any change in the physics, we would just use different numbers.

In contrast, suppose that c doubled and ##\alpha## doubled. Now, since ##\alpha## has changed there would be measurable physical differences. Physically, the electromagnetic force would be stronger. Electromagnets would produce stronger forces with the same current. Nuclei would hold electrons tighter. The repulsive EM forced in a nucleus would be stronger so different isotopes would now be radioactive, etc.

jocarren said:
I'm thinking no only in a variation over time, but a variation on space as well:
Per Noether’s theorem, a universe in which the fine structure constant varied in time would not conserve energy. And a universe in which the fine structure constant varied in space would not conserve momentum.
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  • #5
Thanks for your answer :)

Related to Does Rest Mass Change if c Varies?

1. How does the concept of rest mass change if the speed of light, c, varies?

The concept of rest mass is independent of the speed of light, c. Rest mass is a fundamental property of a particle and remains constant regardless of the speed of light.

2. Is there a relationship between rest mass and the speed of light, c?

No, there is no direct relationship between rest mass and the speed of light. However, the mass of a particle does increase as its speed approaches the speed of light, according to Einstein's theory of relativity.

3. Can the rest mass of a particle change if the speed of light changes?

No, the rest mass of a particle cannot change as a result of a change in the speed of light. This is because the rest mass is an intrinsic property of a particle and is not affected by external factors like the speed of light.

4. Are there any exceptions to the concept of rest mass remaining constant?

There are no exceptions to the concept of rest mass remaining constant. However, the rest mass of some particles, such as photons, is zero because they do not have rest frames. In these cases, the energy of the particle is equivalent to its mass.

5. How does the concept of rest mass change in the context of special relativity?

In the context of special relativity, the concept of rest mass is replaced by the concept of invariant mass. This is because the rest mass of a particle is not constant in all frames of reference, but the invariant mass is the same in all frames of reference.

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