Does Gravity Influence the Speed of Light in Space?

In summary, the conversation touches on various concepts in physics such as energy, mass, lightspeed, gravity, distance, and entropy. The main question seems to be whether there are any differences in these concepts in different areas, such as in space versus on a planet. The concept of energy is defined as the ability to perform work, and it is believed to be equivalent everywhere. The concept of entropy is also mentioned, which is related to energy and is defined as the amount of energy not available for work. The conversation also touches on the role of gravity in determining lightspeed and its effects on objects with identical masses. There is also a discussion about understanding orbital mechanics and the applicability of certain formulas in different situations. Overall, the conversation is
  • #1

Energy is mass times lightspeed squared.

Outside our Earth spere there is zero gravity.

Why wouldn't gravity determine lightspeed to be between 1 and 2 squared "c"?Is there a single variable for distance between the planets?

This is induction, not sure what it means and what not.

Is it only 'space' or something to 'overcome' between sun and earth?
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm sorry, but virtually none of that makes any sense, and what does is not correct.
  • #3
c is a constant so no. The rest of relativity is derived assuming that this is constant.

I'm confused about your thought process. Are you assuming that since the gravitational potential energy changes, that [itex]mc^2[/itex] should change? If that is the case, you are well out of the applicability of [itex]E=mc^2[/itex] which is only the energy of an object that is at rest.
  • #4
I'm not sure.

I have no physics.

I feel (not more), that c is constant but c squared, that is why I'm not certain.
  • #5
As you can probably tell from the other posts, we're all just trying to get a handle on exactly what it is you're trying to ask. Toward that goal, I will ask several questions:

bhpv said:

Energy is mass times lightspeed squared.

Outside our Earth spere there is zero gravity.

Why wouldn't gravity determine lightspeed to be between 1 and 2 squared "c"?

It appears you are following a single chain of cause and effect here, but I don't quite see it. If you could explain in a little more detail why and how you think gravity would determine lightspeed to be between 1 and 2 squared c, the question would be a bit more clear. It should also be pointed out that the definition of c is "the speed of light," so lightspeed cannot be any faster than c (nor any slower, for that matter).

Is there a single variable for distance between the planets?

Sure; d, if we define d as "the distance between planets" (JK). But seriously, since you were just talking about gravity, I'm geussing that you're looking for some kind of limits (imposed by gravity) on how close the planets can be to one another. Is that right?

This is induction, not sure what it means and what not.

Are you inferring a connection between lightspeed, gravity, and ellectrical induction, or are you saying this is your induction into this subject? Also, what exactly is the subject here? Are you trying to get a better understanding of orbital mechanics? Lightspeed (special relativity)? Gravity (general relativity)?

Is it only 'space' or something to 'overcome' between sun and earth?

Maybe this question will become clearer if you can fill us in on the other stuff I asked.
  • #6
LURCH said:
It appears you are following a single chain of cause and effect here, but I don't quite see it. If you could explain in a little more detail why and how you think gravity would determine lightspeed to be between 1 and 2 squared c, the question would be a bit more clear. It should also be pointed out that the definition of c is "the speed of light," so lightspeed cannot be any faster than c (nor any slower, for that matter).
So mass plus lightspeed squared' is about energy.
Is there more to say about energy from the same equation?
My original inspiration. Outside and nearby Earth in zero gravity space. What about the object on Earth and outside it. I want to reason about the object intself in different areas.

LURCH said:
Sure; d, if we define d as "the distance between planets" (JK). But seriously, since you were just talking about gravity, I'm geussing that you're looking for some kind of limits (imposed by gravity) on how close the planets can be to one another. Is that right?
Yes, you're right.

LURCH said:
Are you inferring a connection between lightspeed, gravity, and ellectrical induction, or are you saying this is your induction into this subject? Also, what exactly is the subject here? Are you trying to get a better understanding of orbital mechanics? Lightspeed (special relativity)? Gravity (general relativity)?

Orbital mechanics and a better understanding of it.
  • #7
Ultimately I came to not understand if there is differences in space in comparison to on a planet. I do understand this now (I do not actively think so much), so energy seems be equivalent everywhere but things need more velocity on a planet,

however, does this mean particles and only with 'gravity'' there is entropy?

Is there a constant for entropy? That would answer my question if positive. Namely all energy of objects(') equal? (chemistry)

I get back and thought: what formula? If there is a way to reason about a single object, is entropy all the same 'relatively'?
  • #8
bhpv said:
Ultimately I came to not understand if there is differences in space in comparison to on a planet. I do understand this now (I do not actively think so much), so energy seems be equivalent everywhere but things need more velocity on a planet,

First it may help to understand exactly what energy means in physics. Basically it means "The ability to perform work". If you pick up a book, you have performed work on that book, which means it required energy to pick it up. So the phrase "energy seems to be equivalent everywhere" doesn't really make sense, as we just use it as a measure of the ability for something to do work. Unless you are saying that one joule here on Earth performs the same amount of work as 1 joule does in space, which is true.

Also, two objects with identical masses will require the same amount of energy to accelerate to the same speeds, regardless of where they are located at. (Ignoring losses such as friction of course)

however, does this mean particles and only with 'gravity'' there is entropy?

I don't really know what you are asking. Entropy is a concept related to energy. It is usually stated as the amount of energy not available for work in a thermodynamic process. So in a perfect situation you would expend X amount of energy and perform Y amount of work. But unfortunately the universe doesn't allow "perfect" devices and you will lose energy in the process due to heat loss, friction, and other ways. So X energy gets you LESS than Y work.
So mass plus lightspeed squared' is about energy.
Is there more to say about energy from the same equation?
My original inspiration. Outside and nearby Earth in zero gravity space. What about the object on Earth and outside it. I want to reason about the object intself in different areas.

The full equation is actually E2= M2C4+P2C2
where P is the momentum of an object. The short version of the equation without the momentum times c squared is only applicable if you want to talk about the energy of a non-moving object.

Also, there is most assuredly gravity in space. Gravity is what attracts the Moon to the Earth, the Earth to the Sun, etc. (Also the Earth is attracted to the Moon, the Sun is attracted to the Earth, etc) Zero gravity is a misnomer. When you are in space you are effectively in "free fall", which causes you to have no WEIGHT. So you would be weightless.

Related to Does Gravity Influence the Speed of Light in Space?

1. What does the equation E=mc^2 mean?

The equation E=mc^2 is a mathematical representation of the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c). It states that energy is equal to the mass of an object multiplied by the speed of light squared.

2. Who came up with the equation E=mc^2?

The equation E=mc^2 was first proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity in 1905. However, it was later refined by him in his theory of general relativity in 1915.

3. What is the significance of the speed of light in the equation E=mc^2?

The speed of light, denoted by the letter "c", is a fundamental constant of the universe. It represents the maximum speed at which energy and information can travel and is a crucial component of many equations in physics, including E=mc^2.

4. How does E=mc^2 relate to nuclear energy and atomic bombs?

E=mc^2 is the basis for understanding nuclear energy and atomic bombs. It explains how a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy, as seen in nuclear reactions. In atomic bombs, the energy released is a result of a small amount of mass being converted into a huge amount of energy.

5. Can E=mc^2 be applied to everyday situations?

Yes, E=mc^2 can be applied to everyday situations. It is used in various technologies, such as nuclear power plants and medical imaging devices. It also plays a role in understanding the energy released in chemical reactions and the mass-energy equivalence principle in general physics.

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