Does a terminal velocity exist?

In summary, a terminal velocity exists which depends on the aerodynamic properties of the object itself. This value can vary greatly depending on the mass and shape of the object, and is reached when the force of gravity is equal to the force of air resistance. In a vacuum, there is no terminal velocity, but in the presence of air, an object will reach a maximum speed where it stops accelerating. This value is different for different objects and can be influenced by factors such as weight and aerodynamic design.
  • #1
Does a terminal velocity exist? Like when a free falling body is under the influence of gravity, does it stop accelerating after a certain velocity? If yes.. What's that velocity?
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  • #2
A terminal velocity exists which depends on the aerodynamic properties of the object itself. The basic gist is that gravity is a constant force, while the aerodynamic drag depends on velocity (for simple approximations, a linear ##v## dependence is used, e.g. in introductory physics, for more complicated objects, obviously more complicated dependencies arise, starting first with a ##v^2## dependence). As the object speeds up, eventually, if it is falling from a high enough place, it should be moving so fast that the aerodynamic drag equals the force of gravity, and it should stop accelerating.

What this number is depends very much on the object itself. In this case, the mass of the object matters because the force of gravity is dependent on its mass, while the aerodynamic drag is dependent on the way it contacts the air (it's surface area properties). This is why a feather will, in the presence of an atmosphere, fall much slower than a bowling ball.

See here for a more detailed discussion:
  • #3
Sagar98 said:
Does a terminal velocity exist? Like when a free falling body is under the influence of gravity, does it stop accelerating after a certain velocity? If yes.. What's that velocity?

In a vacuum, a falling body will continue to accelerate and gain speed until it hits the surface.

However, if the object is falling through air, there will be air resistance - and the greater thevspeed of the falling object, the greater the air resistance. Thus, an object falling in air will gain speed until the force of air resistance matches force of gravity, and then it will stay at that speed.

That speed where air resistance matches gravity is the terminal velocity.
  • #4
Thanks, But is there any specific value for that velocity that once attained, the body stops acceleration?
  • #5
Sagar98 said:
Thanks, But is there any specific value for that velocity that once attained, the body stops acceleration?

As Matterweave has pointed out, it depends. The terminal velocity for a feather is less than that for a bowling ball.
  • #6
Sagar98 said:
Thanks, But is there any specific value for that velocity that once attained, the body stops acceleration?

Yes, but it depends on the aerodynamic characteristics of the body. The terminal velocity of a brick, for example, will be different than for an object with a more streamlined shape, like a bird.

The NASA website has a page which discusses terminal velocity:
  • #7
See, a feather, or a piece of paper etc. Are exceptions, due to high aur resistance acting on then and low weight. I'm talking about say a 10kg iron ball the size of a soccer ball gets dropped. *suppose* from the stratosphere.. Which is I'm not wrong is 50km from the surface of the earth. So it attains certain velocity after getting accelerated under free fall due to g . I'm asking what is the limit to this velocity. The boundary limit in numbers.
  • #8
  • #9
Sagar98 said:
Thanks, But is there any specific value for that velocity that once attained, the body stops acceleration?

No. It depends on the shape and the weight of the object. Skydivers know that the terminal velocity is much higher in a head-first vertical dive than if you're lying flat with arms and legs outspread.
  • #10
@streamKing, Thanks, That makes sense. I got it. Thanks a lot.
  • #11
A mouse would not die, if dropped from the Empire State Building. it is so light and its area is big enough to make its terminal velocity the same as being dropped from just a few metres.
  • #12
Sagar98 said:
@streamKing, Thanks, That makes sense. I got it. Thanks a lot.

It's SteamKing (no 'r'), but you're welcome.

Related to Does a terminal velocity exist?

1. What is terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity that an object can reach when falling through a fluid, such as air or water. At this point, the force of gravity is balanced by the force of air resistance, resulting in a constant velocity.

2. How is terminal velocity calculated?

The formula for calculating terminal velocity is Vt = √(2mg/ρAC), where Vt is the terminal velocity, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρ is the density of the fluid, A is the cross-sectional area of the object, and C is the drag coefficient.

3. Does every object have a terminal velocity?

Yes, every object has a terminal velocity, although it may vary depending on the object's size, mass, and shape. Objects with a larger surface area or lower density will have a lower terminal velocity, while objects with a smaller surface area or higher density will have a higher terminal velocity.

4. How does air resistance affect terminal velocity?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid. As an object falls and accelerates, the force of air resistance also increases until it reaches a point where it is equal to the force of gravity, resulting in a constant velocity or terminal velocity.

5. Can terminal velocity be exceeded?

In most cases, terminal velocity cannot be exceeded. However, in rare cases, such as when an object is falling in a vacuum or if the force of gravity is increased, the object may reach a higher velocity than its calculated terminal velocity.

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