Direct Product of Groups: Subgroup Realization and Diagonal Subgroup

In summary, the conversation discusses the realization of subgroups of the direct product of groups \,G\times H\, as a direct product of subgroups of \,G\, and \,H\,. It is stated that this is not always possible, as the diagonal subgroup in \,G\times G\, disproves this. The speaker suggests using the proof that for a subgroup \,A\times B\, where \,A\, is a subset of \,G\, and \,B\, is a subset of \,H\, to show that \,A\, is a subgroup of \,G\, and \,B\, is a subgroup of \,H
  • #1
I was reading on wikipedia on direct product of groups because I wanted find out if every subgroup of [itex]G \times H[/itex] is realized as a direct product of subgroups of G and H. Apparently it is not, because the diagonal subgroup in [itex]G \times G [/itex] disproves this. I'm a little confused, because I thought the proof I wrote was correct
for a subgroup write [itex]A \times B [/itex] where A is a subset of G, and B a subset of H. Can't you show A is a subgroup of G using [itex] (g,1) [/itex] and analogously with B? For example
m,n in A then [itex] (m,1),(n,1) [/itex] are in [itex]A \times B [/itex]. Hence [itex] (mn,1) [/itex] is and therefore mn is in A?

There must be something wrong? Is the property true for certain type of groups? But I didn't use anything about G and H.
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  • #2
Looks like you have shown that the product of any 2 subgroup A and B, A x B is a subgroup of the product group G x H.

You have not shown the opposite, that each subgroup of G x H can be written as a product A x B. Because that is not the case, as the counter example shows.
  • #3
Bleys said:
I was reading on wikipedia on direct product of groups because I wanted find out if every subgroup of [itex]G \times H[/itex] is realized as a direct product of subgroups of G and H. Apparently it is not, because the diagonal subgroup in [itex]G \times G [/itex] disproves this. I'm a little confused, because I thought the proof I wrote was correct
for a subgroup write [itex]A \times B [/itex] where A is a subset of G, and B a subset of H.

Here is the gist of this stuff: you can't do this. It is not true that any subgroup of the direct product [itex]\,G\times H\,[/itex] can be realized as a subset of the corresponding cartesian product, just as it is not true that any subset of a cartesian product is a cartesian product of subsets of the corresponding sets in the product...


Can't you show A is a subgroup of G using [itex] (g,1) [/itex] and analogously with B? For example
m,n in A then [itex] (m,1),(n,1) [/itex] are in [itex]A \times B [/itex]. Hence [itex] (mn,1) [/itex] is and therefore mn is in A?

There must be something wrong? Is the property true for certain type of groups? But I didn't use anything about G and H.
  • #4
Thanks for your replies!

It is not true that any subgroup of the direct product G×H can be realized as a subset of the corresponding
cartesian product, just as it is not true that any subset of a cartesian product is a cartesian product of subsets of the corresponding sets in the product...

I'm sorry I'm having a little trouble understanding. Isn't the cartesian product defined as the set of elements of the form (g,h). Then any subset is a set of this form as well, so it is another direct product? If it is, why aren't the summands subsets of their respective supersets?
  • #5
Bleys said:
Thanks for your replies!

I'm sorry I'm having a little trouble understanding. Isn't the cartesian product defined as the set of elements of the form (g,h). Then any subset is a set of this form as well, so it is another direct product? If it is, why aren't the summands subsets of their respective supersets?

Very simple: take the set [itex]\,A:=\{1,2\}\,\text{ and its cartesian product}\,\,A\times A\,[/itex] , and look at the latter's diagonal subset [itex]\,D:=\{(1,1)\,,\,(2,2)\}\,[/itex].

Well, try to represent [itex]\,D=X\times Y\,\,,\text{for some subsets}\,X,Y\subset A\,[/itex] (Hint: you can't).

So, again, your claim in " Isn't the cartesian product defined as the set of elements of the

form (g,h). Then any subset is a set of this form as well" is false.

  • #6
Ah, I forgot: the direct product includes all combinations of elements of the summands!
I also kept thinking the diagonal subset was some kind of pathological example (with B=A), but of course this works for general sets.

Thank you for explaining DonAntonio! :D

Related to Direct Product of Groups: Subgroup Realization and Diagonal Subgroup

What is the direct product of groups?

The direct product of groups is a mathematical operation that combines two or more groups into one new group. It is denoted by the symbol × and is defined as the Cartesian product of the groups with a specific multiplication rule.

How is the direct product of groups different from the direct sum of groups?

The direct product of groups is different from the direct sum of groups in terms of the operation used to combine the groups. The direct product uses a multiplication rule while the direct sum uses an addition rule. Additionally, the direct product results in a larger group than the direct sum.

What are some properties of the direct product of groups?

The direct product of groups has several properties, including associativity, commutativity, and distributivity. It also has an identity element and every element has an inverse. Furthermore, the direct product is a group itself.

What is the purpose of the direct product of groups in mathematics?

The direct product of groups has many applications in mathematics, including in group theory, abstract algebra, and number theory. It can be used to study the structure and properties of groups, as well as to construct new groups from existing ones.

Can the direct product of groups be extended to more than two groups?

Yes, the direct product of groups can be extended to any number of groups. This is known as the direct product of an arbitrary family of groups and is denoted by the symbol ×i∈I where I is an index set. The resulting group will have elements that are tuples of elements from each group in the family.

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