Definitions of Algebras in Cohn and in Dummit and Foote

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In summary: Z(A) = ( \alpha + \beta ) \left( 1_A \right) = ( \alpha + \beta ) 1_A \left( Z(A) \right)= ( \alpha + \beta ) Z(A)= ( \alpha + \beta ) f= ( \alpha + \beta ) 1_A \left( Z(A) \right)= ( \alpha + \beta ) f \left( 1_A \right)= ( \alpha + \beta ) f= ( \alpha
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

In Chapter 2: Linear Algebras and Artinian Rings we find the definition of an algebra ... ... but in the chapter on module theory on page 342 of Dummit and Foote we find a different definition ... I cannot see how to reconcile these definitions ...

Cohn's definition of a \(\displaystyle k\)-algebra (\(\displaystyle k\) is a field) reads as follows:View attachment 3275In Cohn's terms, then, presumably an \(\displaystyle R\)-algebra, where \(\displaystyle R\) is a commutative ring with identity, would be a mapping \(\displaystyle R \times A \to A\) denoted by \(\displaystyle ( \alpha , r ) \to \alpha r\) such that L.A.1 to L.A.5 hold with \(\displaystyle \alpha\) and \(\displaystyle \beta \in R\) instead of \(\displaystyle k\).

Now, on page 342 Dummit and Foote define an R-algebra as follows:

"Definition. Let \(\displaystyle R\) be a commutative ring with identity. An \(\displaystyle R\)-algebra is a ring \(\displaystyle A\) with identity together with a ring homomorphism \(\displaystyle f \ : \ R \to A \) mapping \(\displaystyle 1_R\) to \(\displaystyle 1_A\) such that the subring \(\displaystyle f(R)\) of \(\displaystyle A\) is contained in the center of \(\displaystyle A\)."

I cannot reconcile these two definitions ... can someone please help?

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  • #2
Those two definitions are indeed equivalent.

For the $(\Rightarrow)$ case, note that in D-F's definition of an $R$-algebra, the ring homomorphism $f : R \to A$ gives a natural action of $R$ over $A$ defined as $(r, a) \mapsto f(r) \cdot a$. Can you show that this action satisfies axiom LA.1. to LA.5. in Cohn?

For the $(\Leftarrow)$ case, note that Cohn's axiom LA.1. to LA.4. are really $R$-module axioms, so that gives $A$ an $R$-module structure, with the action $(r, a) \to r \cdot a$. Define the map $f : R \to A$ as $r \mapsto r \cdot 1_A$, where $\cdot$ is our action of $R$ over $A$. Can you verify that $f$ is a ring homomorphism sending identity to identity? Use axiom LA.5. to verify that $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$.
  • #3
mathbalarka said:
Those two definitions are indeed equivalent.

For the $(\Rightarrow)$ case, note that in D-F's definition of an $R$-algebra, the ring homomorphism $f : R \to A$ gives a natural action of $R$ over $A$ defined as $(r, a) \mapsto f(r) \cdot a$. Can you show that this action satisfies axiom LA.1. to LA.5. in Cohn?

For the $(\Leftarrow)$ case, note that Cohn's axiom LA.1. to LA.4. are really $R$-module axioms, so that gives $A$ an $R$-module structure, with the action $(r, a) \to r \cdot a$. Define the map $f : R \to A$ as $r \mapsto r \cdot 1_A$, where $\cdot$ is our action of $R$ over $A$. Can you verify that $f$ is a ring homomorphism sending identity to identity? Use axiom LA.5. to verify that $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$.

Thanks for the help and guidance Mathbalarka ... working on the post using your ideas ...

Thanks again,

  • #4
mathbalarka said:
Those two definitions are indeed equivalent.

For the $(\Rightarrow)$ case, note that in D-F's definition of an $R$-algebra, the ring homomorphism $f : R \to A$ gives a natural action of $R$ over $A$ defined as $(r, a) \mapsto f(r) \cdot a$. Can you show that this action satisfies axiom LA.1. to LA.5. in Cohn?

For the $(\Leftarrow)$ case, note that Cohn's axiom LA.1. to LA.4. are really $R$-module axioms, so that gives $A$ an $R$-module structure, with the action $(r, a) \to r \cdot a$. Define the map $f : R \to A$ as $r \mapsto r \cdot 1_A$, where $\cdot$ is our action of $R$ over $A$. Can you verify that $f$ is a ring homomorphism sending identity to identity? Use axiom LA.5. to verify that $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$.

In this post I will attempt to show that if we assume the conditions of Cohn's Definition (with \(\displaystyle k = R\) being a commutative ring with \(\displaystyle 1_R\)) then the conditions of Cohn's definition imply the conditions of D&F's definition ... ...

We need, then, to show that there is a ring homomorphism:

\(\displaystyle f \ : \ R \to A\) mapping \(\displaystyle 1_A \to 1_B\)

such that the subring \(\displaystyle f(R)\) of \(\displaystyle A\) is contained in the center of \(\displaystyle A\), that is \(\displaystyle f(R) \subseteq Z(A)\) ... ...

[ Note that the center of \(\displaystyle A\) is as follows:

\(\displaystyle Z(A) = \{ z \in A \ | \ za = az \text{ for all } a \in A \}\) ]Now (following Mathbalarka - see above post) we define

\(\displaystyle f \ : \ R \to A\) by \(\displaystyle \alpha \mapsto \alpha 1_A\)

Now, we need to show that \(\displaystyle f\) is a ring homomorphism ... ... that is that:

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha + \beta ) f = \alpha f + \beta f

where \(\displaystyle \alpha , \beta \in R\)


\(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta ) f = ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )

where, again, \(\displaystyle \alpha , \beta \in R
\)Now to show this we proceed as follows:

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha + \beta ) f

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha + \beta ) 1_A\) ... ... Definition of f

= \(\displaystyle \alpha 1_A + \beta 1_A\) ... ... by L.A.2

\(\displaystyle = \alpha f + \beta f \) ... ... Definition of fFurther we have:

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta ) f

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha \beta ) 1_A\) ... ... Definition of f

\(\displaystyle = \alpha ( \beta 1_A)\) ... ... by L.A.3

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha 1_A ) ( \beta 1_A)\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle \alpha = \alpha 1_A\) ( ? Is this correct ?)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha f) ( \beta f)\) ... ... Definition of f
Now, we also need to show that \(\displaystyle f\) maps identity \(\displaystyle 1_R\) to identity \(\displaystyle 1_A\), that is

\(\displaystyle 1_R f = 1_A\)


\(\displaystyle 1_R f = 1_R 1_A\) ... ... Definition of f

\(\displaystyle = 1_A\) ... ... by L.A.4
Now we must show that \(\displaystyle f(R) \subseteq Z(A)\), where:

\(\displaystyle Z(A) = \{ z \in A \ | \ za = az \text{ for all } a \in A \}\)So to proceed, let \(\displaystyle x \in f(R)\)

Now \(\displaystyle x \in f(R) \Longrightarrow \text{ there exists } \alpha \in R \text{ such that } x = \alpha f\)

Now also consider \(\displaystyle y \in f(R)\) ...

\(\displaystyle y \in f(R) \Longrightarrow \text{ there exists } \beta \in R \text{ such that } y= \beta f\)Now, given the above:

\(\displaystyle xy \)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )\) ... ... definition of \(\displaystyle x,y\)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha \beta ) f \) ... ... since f is a homomorphism

\(\displaystyle = ( \beta \alpha ) f\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle R\) is commutative

\(\displaystyle = ( \beta f ) ( \alpha f)\) ... ... since f is a homomorphism

\(\displaystyle = yx\)

Hence \(\displaystyle x \in Z(A)\) as required ...Can someone please confirm that the above argument/analysis is correct?


I am much concerned about my demonstration that \(\displaystyle f(R) \subseteq Z(A)\) since I did not explicitly use L.A.5 as Mathbalarka advised ... ...
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  • #5
Peter said:
\(\displaystyle ( \alpha + \beta ) f

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha + \beta ) 1_A\) ... ... Definition of f

= \(\displaystyle \alpha 1_A + \beta 1_A\) ... ... by L.A.2

\(\displaystyle = \alpha f + \beta f \) ... ... Definition of f

This part is good.

Peter said:
Further we have:

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta ) f

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha \beta ) 1_A\) ... ... Definition of f

\(\displaystyle = \alpha ( \beta 1_A)\) ... ... by L.A.3

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha 1_A ) ( \beta 1_A)\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle \alpha = \alpha 1_A\) ( ? Is this correct ?)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha f) ( \beta f)\) ... ... Definition of f

I don't follow your step $4$. $\alpha \cdot 1_A = f(\alpha)$ which is an element of $A$, NOT an element of $R$, so surely $\alpha$ can't be replaced by $\alpha \cdot 1_A$. That step is invalid. [Hint : You need to use axiom LA.5. to prove that $f(\alpha \beta) = f(\alpha) f(\beta)$]

Peter said:
Now, we also need to show that \(\displaystyle f\) maps identity \(\displaystyle 1_R\) to identity \(\displaystyle 1_A\), that is

\(\displaystyle 1_R f = 1_A\)


\(\displaystyle 1_R f = 1_R 1_A\) ... ... Definition of f

\(\displaystyle = 1_A\) ... ... by L.A.4

This looks good.

Peter said:
Now, given the above:

\(\displaystyle xy \)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )\) ... ... definition of \(\displaystyle x,y\)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha \beta ) f \) ... ... since f is a homomorphism

\(\displaystyle = ( \beta \alpha ) f\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle R\) is commutative

\(\displaystyle = ( \beta f ) ( \alpha f)\) ... ... since f is a homomorphism

\(\displaystyle = yx\)

Hence \(\displaystyle x \in Z(A)\) as required ...

You have only proved that element of $f(R)$ commute with each other, NOT $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$. You need to show that $xf(y) = f(y)x$ for all $x \in A$ and $y \in R$ to accomplish this.
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  • #6
mathbalarka said:
This part is good.
I don't follow your step $4$. $\alpha \cdot 1_A = f(\alpha)$ which is an element of $A$, NOT an element of $R$, so surely $\alpha$ can't be replaced by $\alpha \cdot 1_A$. That step is invalid. [Hint : You need to use axiom LA.5. to prove that $f(\alpha \beta) = f(\alpha) f(\beta)$]
This looks good.
You have only proved that element of $f(R)$ commute with each other, NOT $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$. You need to show that $xf(y) = f(y)x$ for all $x \in A$ and $y \in R$ to accomplish this.

Thanks for the critique and feedback Mathbalarka ... Getting tired now ... But will check all you have said tomorrow ...

Thanks again,

  • #7
(LA.5) states that:

$(\alpha\cdot x)y = x(\alpha\cdot y) = \alpha \cdot (xy)$ for all $\alpha \in R$, and all $x,y \in A$.

Now suppose $a \in (R)f$ (I am writing the mappings on the right, which is a bit odd in this scenario, because we have a LEFT action).

We want to show that for any $x \in A$:

$ax = xa$.

Since $a \in (R)f$, we have: $a = \alpha f$ for some $\alpha \in R$.

By definition, $\alpha f = \alpha \cdot 1_A$.

Applying (LA.5) we have:

$ax = (\alpha f)x = (\alpha \cdot 1_A)x = 1_A(\alpha \cdot x) = \alpha \cdot x$

$= \alpha \cdot (x1_A) = x(\alpha \cdot 1_A) = x(\alpha f) = xa$.

The idea is: "scalars" commute with "vectors" (or rather, the embeddings of scalars in $A$ afforded by $f$ do).

Note that this is an embedding (of necessity) when $R$ is a FIELD (as the only ring-homomorphisms from a field are injective, if we require "unity be preserved").

Note as well, that mathbalarka's construction require that $A$ be a UNITAL ring.
  • #8
mathbalarka said:
This part is good.
I don't follow your step $4$. $\alpha \cdot 1_A = f(\alpha)$ which is an element of $A$, NOT an element of $R$, so surely $\alpha$ can't be replaced by $\alpha \cdot 1_A$. That step is invalid. [Hint : You need to use axiom LA.5. to prove that $f(\alpha \beta) = f(\alpha) f(\beta)$]
This looks good.
You have only proved that element of $f(R)$ commute with each other, NOT $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$. You need to show that $xf(y) = f(y)x$ for all $x \in A$ and $y \in R$ to accomplish this.

Thanks again Mathbalarka ... indeed, you are correct ... how careless of me ...

Another attempt follows ...
We wish to show that \(\displaystyle f(R) \subseteq Z(A)\)


\(\displaystyle Z(A) = \{ z \in A \ | \ za = az \text{ for all } a \in A \}\)
Now if we take \(\displaystyle x \in f(R)\) ... ...

... then \(\displaystyle x \in Z(A)\) if \(\displaystyle xa = ax \text{ for all } a \in A\)So ... ... consider any \(\displaystyle a \in A \)... ... Then proceed as follows ... ...\(\displaystyle x \in f(R) \)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\) there exists \(\displaystyle \alpha \in R\) such that \(\displaystyle \alpha f = x\)Now we want \(\displaystyle xa = ax\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A

That is, we want to show \(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) a = a ( \alpha f )\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A
\)But we have that:

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) a\)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha 1_A )a\) ... ... by definition of f

\(\displaystyle = \alpha (1_A a )\) ... ... by L.A.5

\(\displaystyle = \alpha a\) ... ... since 1_A a = a
However we also have that:

\(\displaystyle a ( \alpha f )
\)\(\displaystyle = a ( \alpha 1_A ) \) ... ... by definition of f

\(\displaystyle = \alpha ( a 1_A)\) ... ... by L.A.5

\(\displaystyle = \alpha a\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle 1_A a = a\)
So we have that

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) a = a ( \alpha f ) = \alpha a
\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A\)But \(\displaystyle \alpha f = x\)

So, we have \(\displaystyle xa = ax\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A\); that is \(\displaystyle x \in Z(A)\)
Could someone please critique my demonstration that the subring f(R) of A is contained in the center of A?Peter
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  • #9
Peter said:
Thanks again Mathbalarka ... indeed, you are correct ... how careless of me ...

Another attempt follows ...
We wish to show that \(\displaystyle f(R) \subseteq Z(A)\)


\(\displaystyle Z(A) = \{ z \in A \ | \ za = az \text{ for all } a \in A \}\)

Now if we take \(\displaystyle x \in f(R)\) ... ...

... then \(\displaystyle x \in Z(A)\) if \(\displaystyle xa = ax \text{ for all } a \in A\)So ... ... consider any \(\displaystyle a \in A \)... ... Then proceed as follows ... ...\(\displaystyle x \in f(R) \)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\) there exists \(\displaystyle \alpha \in R\) such that \(\displaystyle \alpha f = x\)Now we want \(\displaystyle xa = ax\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A

That is, we want to show \(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) a = a ( \alpha f )\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A
\)But we have that:

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) a\)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha 1_A )a\) ... ... by definition of f

\(\displaystyle = \alpha (1_A a )\) ... ... by L.A.5

\(\displaystyle = \alpha a\) ... ... since 1_A a = a
However we also have that:

\(\displaystyle a ( \alpha f )
\)\(\displaystyle = a ( \alpha 1_A ) \) ... ... by definition of f

\(\displaystyle = \alpha ( a 1_A)\) ... ... by L.A.5

\(\displaystyle = \alpha a\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle 1_A a = a\)
So we have that

\(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) a = a ( \alpha f ) = \alpha a
\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A\)But \(\displaystyle \alpha f = x\)

So, we have \(\displaystyle xa = ax\) for all \(\displaystyle a \in A\); that is \(\displaystyle x \in Z(A)\)
Could someone please critique my demonstration that the subring f(R) of A is contained in the center of A?Peter

Your proof is logically sound.
  • #10
mathbalarka said:
This part is good.
I don't follow your step $4$. $\alpha \cdot 1_A = f(\alpha)$ which is an element of $A$, NOT an element of $R$, so surely $\alpha$ can't be replaced by $\alpha \cdot 1_A$. That step is invalid. [Hint : You need to use axiom LA.5. to prove that $f(\alpha \beta) = f(\alpha) f(\beta)$]
This looks good.
You have only proved that element of $f(R)$ commute with each other, NOT $f(R) \subseteq Z(A)$. You need to show that $xf(y) = f(y)x$ for all $x \in A$ and $y \in R$ to accomplish this.
Thanks again, Mathbalarka ...

In the above post you write:

" ... ... I don't follow your step $4$. $\alpha \cdot 1_A = f(\alpha)$ which is an element of $A$, NOT an element of $R$, so surely $\alpha$ can't be replaced by $\alpha \cdot 1_A$. That step is invalid. [Hint : You need to use axiom LA.5. to prove that $f(\alpha \beta) = f(\alpha) f(\beta)$] ... ... "
Indeed, I believe you are correct again!
Rethinking the proof of \(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta ) f = ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )
\) where \(\displaystyle \alpha , \beta \in R \) we proceed as follows: \(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )\)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha 1_A ) ( \beta 1_A )\) ... ... by definition of fNow let \(\displaystyle r = \alpha 1_A = \alpha f \in A\)so then we have:\(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f ) \)

= \(\displaystyle r ( \beta 1_A )\) ... ... where \(\displaystyle r, 1_A \in A\)

\(\displaystyle = \beta ( r 1_A)\) ... ... by L.A.5

\(\displaystyle = \beta ( \alpha 1_A 1_A)\)

= \(\displaystyle \beta ( \alpha 1_A ) \) ... ... since \(\displaystyle 1_A 1_A = 1_A \)

= \(\displaystyle ( \beta \alpha ) 1_A\) ... ... by L.A.3

= \(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta) 1_A\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle R\) is commutative

= \(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta) f \)

Can someone please confirm that my analysis above is correct?

  • #11
Peter said:
Thanks again, Mathbalarka ...

In the above post you write:

" ... ... I don't follow your step $4$. $\alpha \cdot 1_A = f(\alpha)$ which is an element of $A$, NOT an element of $R$, so surely $\alpha$ can't be replaced by $\alpha \cdot 1_A$. That step is invalid. [Hint : You need to use axiom LA.5. to prove that $f(\alpha \beta) = f(\alpha) f(\beta)$] ... ... "
Indeed, I believe you are correct again!
Rethinking the proof of \(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta ) f = ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )
\) where \(\displaystyle \alpha , \beta \in R \) we proceed as follows: \(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f )\)

\(\displaystyle = ( \alpha 1_A ) ( \beta 1_A )\) ... ... by definition of fNow let \(\displaystyle r = \alpha 1_A = \alpha f \in A\)so then we have:\(\displaystyle ( \alpha f ) ( \beta f ) \)

= \(\displaystyle r ( \beta 1_A )\) ... ... where \(\displaystyle r, 1_A \in A\)

\(\displaystyle = \beta ( r 1_A)\) ... ... by L.A.5

\(\displaystyle = \beta ( \alpha 1_A 1_A)\)

= \(\displaystyle \beta ( \alpha 1_A ) \) ... ... since \(\displaystyle 1_A 1_A = 1_A \)

= \(\displaystyle ( \beta \alpha ) 1_A\) ... ... by L.A.3

= \(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta) 1_A\) ... ... since \(\displaystyle R\) is commutative

= \(\displaystyle ( \alpha \beta) f \)

Can someone please confirm that my analysis above is correct?


This is also good.

Related to Definitions of Algebras in Cohn and in Dummit and Foote

1. What is the difference between Cohn's and Dummit and Foote's definitions of algebras?

Cohn's definition of algebras focuses on the abstract algebraic structure, while Dummit and Foote's definition emphasizes the concrete representation of algebras using matrices. Additionally, Cohn's definition allows for more general structures, while Dummit and Foote's definition is limited to finitely generated algebras.

2. How do Cohn and Dummit and Foote define the multiplication operation in algebras?

Both Cohn and Dummit and Foote define the multiplication operation as a bilinear map that satisfies certain algebraic properties, such as associativity and distributivity. However, Cohn's definition also includes the concept of unity, while Dummit and Foote's definition does not.

3. What is the role of unity in Cohn and Dummit and Foote's definitions of algebras?

Cohn's definition requires algebras to have a unity element, which is an element that acts as a multiplicative identity. This allows for the existence of inverses and the development of a theory of division. In contrast, Dummit and Foote's definition does not include unity, limiting the scope of the algebraic structures that can be studied.

4. Can you give an example of an algebra that satisfies Cohn's definition but not Dummit and Foote's?

Yes, the set of all polynomials with coefficients in a field forms an algebra according to Cohn's definition, but not according to Dummit and Foote's. This is because the set of polynomials is infinitely generated, while Dummit and Foote's definition is limited to finitely generated algebras.

5. How do Cohn and Dummit and Foote's definitions of algebras relate to other algebraic structures?

Cohn's definition of algebras is a generalization of several other algebraic structures, including rings, fields, and vector spaces. Dummit and Foote's definition, on the other hand, is a specific type of ring called a matrix ring. Therefore, algebras defined by Cohn and Dummit and Foote can be seen as a bridge between different algebraic structures.

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