Dating methods: calculating atomic ratio?

In summary: you want to find out how much of each type of atom is in it... you could calculate the atomic ratio by dividing the number of atoms of one element by the number of atoms of the other element.
  • #1
Please help me with this calculation. I read that chapter in my book three times now and still don't know what actually do to

calculate the atomic Rb-87/Sr-86 ratio of a rock sample containing Rb=125 microg/g and Sr=275 microg/g.
Atomic weights: Rb=85.46, Sr=87.62
isotopic abundancy: Rb-87=27.83%, Sr-86=9.90%

I found the following formula:
Sr-87/Sr-86 = (Sr-87/Sr-86) small 0 + Rb-87/Sr-86 (e^labda*t -1)

Well, what do I do with this formula and how do I put all the given data into it?

Thousand thanks!

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  • #2
Originally posted by martine
Please help me with this calculation. I read that chapter in my book three times now and still don't know what actually do to

calculate the atomic Rb-87/Sr-86 ratio of a rock sample containing Rb=125 microg/g and Sr=275 microg/g.

What can you do with the information given up to this point?
Atomic weights: Rb=85.46, Sr=87.62

What can you do with the first result plus this added information?
isotopic abundancy: Rb-87=27.83%, Sr-86=9.90%

What does this information allow you to do with the second step result? (Check your text for a specific statement whether the isotope abundances are given in weight percent or atom percent.)
I found the following formula:
Sr-87/Sr-86 = (Sr-87/Sr-86) small 0 + Rb-87/Sr-86 (e^labda*t -1)

This is the formula for calculating ages --- do you think it applies to the problem statement you've posted?
  • #3
Bystander, you just asked him the same questions he is asking the board. If he knew the answers to those questions, do you really think he would be asking for help?
  • #4
The request for help is phrased to indicate the usual beginner's problem of attempting to solve a problem in a single leap rather than taking it a step at a time. You don't like it now, when homework is "fish in a barrel" type stuff, wait 'til you get to the real world.
  • #5
It's the other way around. Questions asked in school are usualy much harder than anything you will ever experience in the real world.
  • #6
OK, I understand now that the formule has nothing to do with the problem. I guess I have to calculate the weight based on the abundancy.

85.46 = 100%
x = 27.83%

x times the sample amount in rock.

same for Sr

then calculating the ration by dividing the higher through the lower value. Though, this is not totally correct if the answer given in the book is right (should be 1.31) as I only receive 1.24

Is this result right or do I have to calculate in other values, moles, whatever?

  • #7
Originally posted by martine
OK, I understand now that the formule has nothing to do with the problem.

I guess

This is NOT a guessing game.
I have to calculate the weight based on the abundancy.

85.46 = 100%
x = 27.83%

x times the sample amount in rock.

same for Sr

then calculating the ration by dividing the higher through the lower value.

Okay to here --- you do seem to be guessing rather than thinking the problem through.

What have you got at this point? A MASS ratio --- the question asks for an atom ratio. The ratio of the numbers of each type of atom, or the ratio of the number of moles of each type of atom.
Though, this is not totally correct if the answer given in the book is right (should be 1.31) as I only receive 1.24

Is this result right or do I have to calculate in other values, moles, whatever?


The answer in the book is correct.
  • #8
Well, I really do not know what I have to do to solve that question. You wrote:

The ratio of the numbers of each type of atom, or the ratio of the number of moles of each type of atom.

the molar mass of
Rb = 85.4678 g/mol
Sr = 87.62 g/mol

but now? I'm really unsure as to what I have to do now. I'm getting more and more figures and really don't know how to use them decently :(
  • #9
Originally posted by martine
Well, I really do not know what I have to do to solve that question. You wrote:----
The ratio of the numbers of each type of atom, or the ratio of the number of moles of each type of atom.
the molar mass of
Rb = 85.4678 g/mol
Sr = 87.62 g/mol

but now? I'm really unsure as to what I have to do now. I'm getting more and more figures and really don't know how to use them decently :(

Oh, boy --- it will be useful if you state what level course this is; "Rb-Sr dating" suggests one thing, and the struggle you're having suggests another --- tailoring hints to an appropriate level gets a little bit tough.

That said, if you are handed a mass of a compound, or element, or species, such as Rb or Sr, and the molecular or elemental atomic or molecular weight (relative atomic mass), do you know how to calculate the number of moles? Has this been covered in the course, or in previous courses you've taken?
  • #10
well, as embarrasing as it is: this actually is introductory university level. Unfortunately i didn't have any chemistry at school apart from 6 months and as I'm studying in a different country then where I attended school I'm probably the only one having problems: chemistry was mandatory at school for my fellow students but not for me *grr*. And as I live about 90 minutes away from university I mostly stay at home as it's too expensive to commute every day. Not a problem with all the other courses. With a bit of luck I'll have a student chamber near my university within 1-2 years *sigh*

  • #11
"Embarassing?" Naa --- everybody has to start somewhere. Now that the background is clear, let's see what we can do about getting you up to speed on this.

First "guess:" "the mole concept" is a mystery to you; "mole" of atoms or of molecules is a number, just like a dozen eggs or a dozen doughnuts; "mole" of a substance (elemental or molecular) is the gram formula mass of that substance, molecular(atomic) weight times one gram. With me so far?

We'll call the substance you're interested in "S" and let it represent Sr, Rb, DNA, whatever you want --- this is a general principle --- you can apply it to anything. Then, the mass of the substance, "M," is equal to the product of the number of moles of the substance, "n," times the molecular weight (or atomic weight if an element) of the substance, "MW."


This can be rearranged to emphasize whichever quantity interests you:

n = M/MW , MW = M/n .

Does this work for you so far?
  • #12
Yes, I understand that :)

ah well, it's not that I don't understand anything at all. When studying a chapter where no previous knowledge is needed are nto much of a problem, like isotope fractionation or geochemical cycles. Finally, got myself a chemistry school book and hope there's still enough time to understand the important concepts I'd missed.


Related to Dating methods: calculating atomic ratio?

1. What is the atomic ratio and why is it important in dating methods?

The atomic ratio is the ratio of two different isotopes of an element, usually a radioactive isotope and its stable counterpart. This ratio is important in dating methods because it allows scientists to determine the age of a material by measuring the amount of radioactive isotope present and comparing it to the amount of stable isotope. This helps to determine the decay rate of the radioactive isotope and therefore the age of the material.

2. How do scientists calculate the atomic ratio in dating methods?

Scientists use a technique called mass spectrometry to measure the relative amounts of different isotopes in a sample. This involves ionizing the atoms in the sample and then separating them based on their mass-to-charge ratio. The resulting data can then be used to calculate the atomic ratio of the isotopes present in the sample.

3. Are there different types of dating methods that use the atomic ratio?

Yes, there are various dating methods that use the atomic ratio to determine the age of a material. Some examples include radiocarbon dating, which uses the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12, and uranium-lead dating, which uses the ratio of uranium-238 to lead-206.

4. How accurate are dating methods that rely on the atomic ratio?

The accuracy of dating methods varies depending on the technique used and the age of the sample. Generally, younger samples can be dated more accurately than older ones. However, with advances in technology, dating methods have become increasingly more precise and can provide accurate results within a certain range of error.

5. What are some limitations of dating methods that rely on the atomic ratio?

One limitation of dating methods that use the atomic ratio is that they can only be used on certain types of materials, such as organic materials for radiocarbon dating or rocks for uranium-lead dating. Additionally, these methods may be affected by external factors such as contamination or chemical changes in the sample over time. It is important for scientists to carefully consider and account for these limitations when using dating methods.

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