Cross and dot product of two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinate

In summary, the dot and cross product of two vectors in a non-orthogonal coordinate system can be calculated using the definitions \vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}=|\vec{u}|\ |\vec{v}|\cos\theta and \vec{u}\times\vec{v}=|\vec{u}|\ |\vec{v}|\sin\theta \ \hat{n}. To find the basis vectors for the non-orthogonal coordinate system, you can use the relations between the Cartesian coordinates and the non-orthogonal coordinates. The dot product can then be computed by inserting the metric tensor, which can be found using the basis vectors, between the two vectors. Similarly, the cross product can be calculated
  • #1
Hi everyone,
I have to find out how to do cross and dot product for two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinate system.
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  • #2
You could always use the [itex]\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}=|\vec{u}|\ |\vec{v}|\cos\theta[/itex] and [itex]\vec{u}\times\vec{v}=|\vec{u}|\ |\vec{v}|\sin\theta \ \hat{n}[/itex] definitions. In general the dot and cross product are independent of coordinate system.
  • #3
Dear jk86,
I don't think so. Consider a non-orthogonal coordinate system like in which angle between any two axis in less than 90 degree. and two vector along x and y-axis [1 0 0] & [0 1 0], then the normal cross product is [0 0 1] which is along z-direction but for this coordinate system, z is not perpendicular to x and y axis. and you know cross product of two vector should be perpendicular to both vector.
  • #4
anurag said:
Dear jk86,
I don't think so. Consider a non-orthogonal coordinate system like in which angle between any two axis in less than 90 degree. and two vector along x and y-axis [1 0 0] & [0 1 0], then the normal cross product is [0 0 1] which is along z-direction but for this coordinate system, z is not perpendicular to x and y axis. and you know cross product of two vector should be perpendicular to both vector.

Ah, OK I'm sorry I should have read your post more carefully. If you are calculating the dot product of [itex]\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}[/itex], you can expand each in terms of its contravariant components. As an example, define a coordinate system (u,v,w) via the Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) using some relations:
x &= u + v\\
y &= u - v\\
z &= 3uv + 2w
If the basis vectors for the non-orthogonal (u,v,w) coordinate system are [itex]\vec{e}_u,\vec{e}_v,\vec{e}_{w}[/itex] (and they are [itex]\hat{e}_x,\hat{e}_y,\hat{e}_z[/itex] for the Cartesian basis) then you can write a general vector [itex]\vec{r}=x\hat{e}_x + y\hat{e}_y+z\hat{e}_z=(u+v)\hat{e}_x + (u-v)\hat{e}_y + (3uv + 2w)\hat{e}_z[/itex]. You can then find the non-orthogonal basis vectors by:
\vec{e}_u &= \frac{\partial \vec{r}}{\partial u} = \hat{e}_x + \hat{e}_y + 3v\hat{e}_z\\
\vec{e}_v &= \frac{\partial \vec{r}}{\partial u} = \hat{e}_x - \hat{e}_y + 3u\hat{e}_z\\
\vec{e}_w &= \frac{\partial \vec{r}}{\partial u} = 2\hat{e}_z
You can verify that the example is indeed non-orthogonal by computing dot products such as [itex]\vec{e}_u\cdot\vec{e}_w = (3v\hat{e}_z)\cdot(2\hat{e}_z)=6v[/itex]. To compute more general dot products, and make all this simpler, you should first find the metric tensor:
g_{ij}\equiv \vec{e}_i\cdot\vec{e}_j = \begin{bmatrix}2+9v^2 & 9uv & 6v\\ 9uv & 2+9u^2 & 6u\\ 6v & 6u & 4\end{bmatrix}
where i,j refer to [itex]u,v,w[/itex] basis indices. Then for some vectors [itex]\vec{a}[/itex] and [itex]\vec{b}[/itex], you get [itex]\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=(\sum_i a^i\vec{e}_i)\cdot (\sum_j b^j\vec{e}_j)=\sum_{ij}g_{ij}a^ib^j[/itex]. You are then simply sticking a matrix [itex]g_{ij}[/itex] in between the vectors---a matrix which is diagonal in an orthogonal coordinate system. As for the cross product you should be able to do something similar using the orthonormal basis definition [itex][\vec{a}\times\vec{b}]_i = \epsilon_{ijk}\vec{a}^j\vec{b}^k[/itex]. I think it just becomes [itex][\vec{a}\times\vec{b}]_i = g^{ij}\epsilon_{jkl}a^{k}b^{l}[/itex], where [itex]\epsilon_{jkl}[/itex] is the Levi-Civita symbol.
  • #5


The cross and dot product of two vectors in a non-orthogonal coordinate system can be calculated using the same formulas as in an orthogonal coordinate system. However, in this case, the vectors must first be expressed in terms of the non-orthogonal basis vectors. This can be done by using the Gram-Schmidt process to create an orthonormal basis for the coordinate system.

Once the vectors are expressed in terms of the orthonormal basis, the cross product can be calculated using the determinant of a 3x3 matrix, and the dot product can be calculated by simply multiplying the corresponding components of the two vectors.

It is important to note that the resulting cross and dot products may have different magnitudes and directions compared to those calculated in an orthogonal coordinate system. This is because the basis vectors in a non-orthogonal coordinate system are not perpendicular to each other.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Related to Cross and dot product of two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinate

1. What is the cross product of two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinates?

The cross product of two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinates is a mathematical operation that results in a vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. It is denoted by the symbol "×" and is also known as the vector product.

2. How is the cross product calculated in non-orthogonal coordinates?

The cross product can be calculated in non-orthogonal coordinates by using the following formula:
a x b = (|a| |b| sinθ) n
where a and b are the two vectors, θ is the angle between them, and n is the unit vector perpendicular to both a and b.

3. What is the dot product of two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinates?

The dot product of two vectors in non-orthogonal coordinates is a mathematical operation that results in a scalar value. It is denoted by the symbol "·" and is also known as the scalar product.

4. How is the dot product calculated in non-orthogonal coordinates?

The dot product can be calculated in non-orthogonal coordinates by using the following formula:
a · b = |a| |b| cosθ
where a and b are the two vectors and θ is the angle between them.

5. What is the relationship between the cross and dot product in non-orthogonal coordinates?

In non-orthogonal coordinates, the cross and dot product are related by the following formula:
a x b = (a · b) n
where a and b are the two vectors, and n is the unit vector perpendicular to both a and b. This means that the cross product can be calculated using the dot product and vice versa.

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