Critical density and total observable mass

In summary, there is conflicting information on which volume to use when calculating the observable matter based on 5% of the critical density. Some sources suggest using the larger volume of the expanded universe, while others suggest using the smaller "present event horizon" volume. It may be more logical to use the smaller volume, as matter density dilutes with expansion. However, there is no clear consensus on which volume to use.
  • #1
Assuming a Hubble constant of 74.3 km/sec/Mpc, the critical density is about E-29 gm/cm3. To calculate observable matter based on 5% of this density (the other 95% is dark matter and dark energy), a volume has to be used. But which volume, the one with a 13.7 billion light year radius or the approximate 45 billion light year radius of the expanded universe?
The two results vary by 39 times, 4.6 x E54 gm or 1.8 x E56 gm.
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  • #2
After pondering this, I think the answer should be to use the volume based on the 13.7 billion year radius. Since matter density dilutes with expansion, it is more logical to assume the amount of mass is based on the 13.7 billion year radius.Then, matter density would be 39 times less at the larger radius. Sound correct?
  • #3
jimjohnson said:
After pondering this, I think the answer should be to use the volume based on the 13.7 billion year radius. Since matter density dilutes with expansion, it is more logical to assume the amount of mass is based on the 13.7 billion year radius.Then, matter density would be 39 times less at the larger radius. Sound correct?

Here's a guess.. since Hubble's constant can be defined : (dR/dt) /[itex]R_{0}[/itex] so it'd make sense to take into account the volume of the universe corresponding to hubble's time ( although Hubble's time is a misleading way of finding the age of the universe) . Just a thought . I don't see anything wrong with your logic . I maybe wrong wait for other ( more experienced users) to post.
  • #4
I have two conflicting sources.
The first says use the larger volume:
The second says use the "present event horizon" which is the smaller volume: NASA, Ask the Astrophysicst, Feb 11 ,1998 by Jim Lochner
Other input? Thanks.
  • #5

I would like to clarify that the critical density is the density of matter required for the universe to eventually reach a state of equilibrium, where the expansion rate is balanced by the gravitational pull of matter. This density is estimated to be around 10^-29 grams per cubic centimeter, which is a very small amount of matter per unit volume.

In order to calculate the observable matter based on 5% of this density, we need to consider the volume of the universe. However, it is important to note that the universe is constantly expanding, and its size changes over time. Therefore, the volume we consider for this calculation will also affect the results.

The two volumes mentioned in the content, one with a radius of 13.7 billion light years and the other with a radius of approximately 45 billion light years, represent different stages of the universe's expansion. The first one represents the size of the observable universe at its current age, while the second one represents the size of the universe at the time of recombination, when the first atoms were formed.

Hence, the results obtained using these two volumes will vary significantly, as mentioned in the content. It is important to understand that these calculations are based on certain assumptions and models, and they may change as we gather more data and refine our understanding of the universe.

In conclusion, as scientists, we must be open to the fact that our understanding of the universe is constantly evolving, and we must continue to explore and gather data to improve our calculations and models. The results obtained using different volumes should be interpreted with caution and should not be seen as definitive answers.

Related to Critical density and total observable mass

1) What is critical density in astrophysics?

Critical density, also known as the critical mass density, is the density of matter that is required for the universe to eventually stop expanding and reach a state of equilibrium. It is a key concept in cosmology and is used to understand the overall structure and evolution of the universe.

2) How is critical density related to the total observable mass of the universe?

Critical density is directly related to the total observable mass of the universe. If the total observable mass is equal to or greater than the critical density, the universe will eventually stop expanding and collapse in on itself. If the total observable mass is less than the critical density, the universe will continue to expand indefinitely.

3) What is the current estimate for the critical density of the universe?

The current estimate for the critical density of the universe is approximately 9.9 x 10^-27 kg/m^3, or 5.9 protons per cubic meter. This means that for the universe to eventually stop expanding, there needs to be at least this amount of mass per cubic meter.

4) How is the total observable mass of the universe calculated?

The total observable mass of the universe is calculated by measuring the mass of all observable objects in the universe, including stars, galaxies, and other structures. This is then compared to the critical density to determine if the universe will continue to expand or eventually collapse.

5) What are the implications of a universe with a critical density?

If the universe has a critical density, it means that it will eventually stop expanding and reach a state of equilibrium. This could lead to a "Big Crunch" scenario where the universe collapses in on itself. However, current observations and calculations suggest that the universe has a lower mass density than the critical density, indicating that it will continue to expand indefinitely.

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