Could we(entire universe) be almost nothing?

  • Thread starter u83rn00b
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In summary: Let's try to stay on topic and not get so worked up over things. In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of humans being tiny beings on a larger being's body and the idea of multiple universes. However, there is no way to know for sure and it is all relative. The conversation also touched on the rules and guidelines of the forum.
  • #1
:confused: :confused: Is it possible that we could be notjing more than an atom on the tip of a larger beings body? i mean like a being equal to what we see ourselfs as, mabey more advanced, mabey more retarded. Could we have millions of universises that make up everyone of us? Our "endless" universe could be microscpoic and we could be sooo tiny. On that larger being could mabey we be equal to them as they see theirselfs, as i stated eariler. Could someone help me? or try to help?:confused: :confused: :confused:
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  • #2
We can't know if we are tiny. Everything is relative. Compared to a bacterium, we are huge. Compared to a star, we're small. If the universe were part of something bigger, then it would probably be a part of some huge multidimensional ocean. Not the tip of a larger being.
  • #3
:bugeye: Apparently the universe is flat.

Give the Flat Universe Society a call and ask them.

Perhaps we're a pancake in a giant Ogre's frying pan.

We could be a component of

a conveyer belt,

a flat tire,

someone's windshield.

Who's knows?
  • #4
well if MORE people posted on the threads I post, mabey i would have more information. could someone pleasepost? or u no like help me out here? tx to any1 who does.
  • #5
u83rn00b said:
well if MORE people posted on the threads I post, mabey i would have more information. could someone pleasepost? or u no like help me out here? tx to any1 who does.

Well what do you want someone to say? There is no possible answer to your question, nor does it make any difference to us if your scenario were true, so this discussion is rather pointless (in my opinion!)
  • #6
Well what do you want someone to say? There is no possible answer to your question, nor does it make any difference to us if your scenario were true, so this discussion is rather pointless (in my opinion!)

..:mad: .i donno, mabey someone could like u no like umm, gimme some thoughts/theorys that could contradict or gimme a new way to look at my theory.:biggrin:
  • #7
We don't permit personal theories on this site, and what you've posted is certainly not philosophy. As cristo pointed out, if it has no consequences that can be tested, it isn't science, either. Basically, it's just rambling nonsense.

I suggest you spend a bit more time reading about real science, rather than trying to create your own theories.

- Warren
  • #8
WELL SOOOORRRRRYYYY! man everyone is always against me huh? wth do u (choot) always find my posts and either delete and take points or whatever, or u like put me down. Do u have something againdt me or what? Besides, where do u want me to put this? Huh?!? besides I've seen other people put their own theories or post a thread that is alike to another and u don't say anything, U accually comment them in a good way. U don't take points or anything! Only when i do something even when it isn't against the rules!
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  • #9
u83rn00b said:
WELL SOOOORRRRRYYYY! man everyone is always against me huh? wth do u (choot) always find my posts and either delete and take points or whatever, or u like put me down. Do u have something againdt me or what?

I help run this site. We have standards. That means part of my responsibility is to make sure that the posts on this site meet those standards. I have nothing against you personally (I don't even know you), but 90% of the stuff you have posted on this site has been inappropriate. If you can learn to abide by our rules, there will be no further problems.

Please review the posting guidelines here:

- Warren
  • #10
All right, this was a little ridiculous.

Related to Could we(entire universe) be almost nothing?

1. Could the entire universe be almost nothing?

There are theories that suggest the universe could have originated from a singularity, which is essentially nothing. However, the universe as we know it is constantly expanding and contains matter, energy, and various forces, so it cannot be considered "nothing" in a literal sense.

2. What evidence supports the idea that the universe could be almost nothing?

One of the main pieces of evidence is the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is a remnant of the Big Bang and suggests that the universe was once extremely hot and dense. This supports the idea of a singularity or "nothingness" at the beginning of the universe.

3. How can we even comprehend the concept of the universe being almost nothing?

It can be difficult for our human minds to fully grasp the concept of nothingness, as we are used to perceiving the world around us through our senses. However, through scientific theories and mathematical equations, we can gain a better understanding of the origins of the universe and the possibility of it being almost nothing.

4. What are some potential implications of the universe being almost nothing?

If the universe did originate from a singularity or "nothingness," it could have implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of reality. It may also lead to further exploration and discoveries about the origins of the universe and the existence of other universes.

5. Is there any way to prove or disprove the idea of the universe being almost nothing?

As with many scientific theories, it is difficult to definitively prove or disprove the idea of the universe being almost nothing. However, advancements in technology and further research into the origins of the universe may provide more evidence to support or refute this concept in the future.

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