Correlated-k method (absorption of radiation)

In summary, the correlated-k method seems to be able to calculate the absorbed fraction for a given sample thickness accurately, but it requires shift of the Gaussian down by a small number in order to avoid infinities.
  • #1
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I've been recently studying the correlated-k method of calculating the absorption of EM radiation when passing through a sample of given thickness. I'm not sure if anyone here has experience on the same subject, but in case there is I have some questions...

Suppose I have a material sample that has only one Gaussian-shaped absorption spectral line, with the absorption coefficient ##\kappa## given as a function of wavenumber ##\eta## as

##k(\eta ) = Ae^{-b(\eta - \eta_0 )^2}##.

Now, I guess that if I have a beam of light/IR radiation that has a constant spectral intensity on a given wavenumber range ##[\eta_1 ,\eta_2 ]## and zero intensity outside that range, the fraction of total radiative energy absorbed when passing through a sample of thickness ##\Delta x## is

##\tau = \frac{\int\limits_{\eta_1}^{\eta_2}\exp\left[-\kappa (\eta )\Delta x\right] d\eta}{\eta_2 - \eta_1}## (*)

(or is there a weighting with ##\eta## inside the integral in numerator? If the wavelength range ##[\eta_1 , \eta_2 ]## is narrow, this doesn't matter though...) The correlated-k method is based on the assumption, that if I define a function ##f(k)## with the relation ##d\eta = (\eta_2 -\eta_1 )f(k)dk##, and form the functions

##g(k) = \int\limits_{k(\eta_1 )}^{k}f(k')dk'##,
##k(g) = g^{-1}(g)##,

then the absorbed fraction can be calculated by

##\tau = \int\limits_{0}^{1}e^{-k(g)\Delta x}dg## (**).

This result can supposedly be shown to be exact. Now, the function ##f(k)## seems to give the relative length of a small wavenumber interval ##d\eta## corresponding to a small absorption coefficient interval ##dk##. If I choose a small subinterval ##dk## from the set ##[0,A]##, there are two wavenumber intervals (on both sides of ##\eta_0##), that are "equivalent" to this. For the Gaussian spectral line, it seems to be that

##f(k) = \frac{\exp\left|\log{A/k}\right|}{(\eta_2 - \eta_1 )A\sqrt{b\log(A/k)}}##.

And the functions ##g(k)## and ##k(g)## are easy to deduce from this by numerical integration and function inversion in Mathematica. The graph of function ##f(k)## for ##k\in [0,A]## looks a bit similar to how the gamma function ##\Gamma (x)## behaves on some intervals between negative integer values of ##x##, but I'm not sure if this has any relevance.

The problem is, that if I choose some values for the parameters ##A,b,\eta_1 ,\eta_2 ,\eta_0## and calculate the absorbed fraction for several values of ##\Delta x##, I will not get the same result from (*) and (**)... Does anyone here see any obvious mistake in the calculations I have made? The correlated-k method has been described in this article: (not sure if there's a free full text available somewhere).

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  • #2
hilbert2 said:
##\tau = \frac{\int\limits_{\eta_1}^{\eta_2}\exp\left[-\kappa (\eta )\Delta x\right] d\eta}{\eta_2 - \eta_1}## (*)
Isn't this the non-absorbed fraction rather than the absorbed fraction?
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  • #3
Yeah, sorry, that's of course the non-absorbed fraction. I'm just applying the Lambert-Beer law for non-monochromatic radiation in there.
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  • #4
Just mentioning that I solved this problem. When the spectral line is defined as that kind of a Gaussian function, the function ##f(k)## looks something like this:


And then ##g(k)## is difficult to evaluate numerically because ##f(k)\rightarrow\infty## as ##k\rightarrow 0##. The solution is to shift the Gaussian downwards by some small number:

##k(\eta ) = Ae^{-b(\eta - \eta_0 )^2} - \epsilon##

and then consider only the interval where ##k(\eta )\geq 0##. That way there's no infinities in the ##f(k)## as the graph of ##k(\eta )## meets the horizontal axis with a nonzero angle of incidence. The k-distribution result seem to be very close to the exact transmittance when calculating it like this.
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Related to Correlated-k method (absorption of radiation)

1. What is the correlated-k method and how does it work?

The correlated-k method is a technique used in atmospheric radiative transfer modeling to calculate the absorption of radiation by gases in the Earth's atmosphere. It involves using pre-calculated values of absorption coefficients, known as "k-tables", that are correlated with the atmospheric conditions at a given location and time. These tables are then used in radiative transfer equations to determine the amount of radiation absorbed by the atmosphere.

2. How does the correlated-k method differ from other methods of calculating atmospheric absorption?

The correlated-k method is more efficient and accurate than other methods because it takes into account the correlation between the absorption coefficients and atmospheric conditions. This allows for a more precise calculation of radiation absorption, especially in the presence of complex atmospheric conditions.

3. What are the advantages of using the correlated-k method?

The correlated-k method is advantageous because it can be used for a wide range of atmospheric conditions and is computationally efficient. It also allows for more accurate calculations of radiation absorption, which is important for understanding climate change and atmospheric processes.

4. How are k-tables generated for use in the correlated-k method?

K-tables are generated using radiative transfer models that simulate the absorption of radiation by gases in the atmosphere. These models take into account factors such as temperature, pressure, and gas composition to calculate the absorption coefficients at different wavelengths. The results are then compiled into a table for use in the correlated-k method.

5. What are the limitations of the correlated-k method?

While the correlated-k method is a useful tool for calculating atmospheric absorption, it does have some limitations. It is not as accurate for gases with complex absorption spectra, such as water vapor, and it may not be suitable for very high or low atmospheric temperatures. In addition, the accuracy of the method depends on the quality of the k-tables used, which can vary depending on the atmospheric conditions and the radiative transfer model used to generate them.

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