Consequence of the First isomorphism theorem

In summary: The image of a homomorphism can be a proper subgroup of the codomain.In summary, the conversation discusses the map f: G \rightarrow Aut(G) from G to the automorphism group of G, and its properties such as being a group homomorphism and having a kernel that is precisely the center of G. The image of f is called the inner automorphism group of G, denoted Inn(G), and the first isomorphism theorem states that G/Z(G) \simeq Inn(G). There is a question about the image being Inn(G) rather than Aut(G), and the answer involves understanding the definitions of inner automorphisms and normal subgroups.
  • #1
From Wikipedia:

Consider the map [itex]f: G \rightarrow Aut(G)[/itex] from G to the automorphism group of G defined by [itex]f(g)=\phi_{g}[/itex], where [itex]\phi_{g}[/itex] is the automorphism of G defined by


The function f is a group homomorphism, and its kernel is precisely the center of G, and its image is called the inner automorphism group of G, denoted Inn(G). By the first isomorphism theorem we get

[tex]G/Z(G) \simeq Inn(G)[/tex]

My understanding is this: the centre of G is the kernel of the automorphism as its elements give the identity mapping under automorphisms (conjugation leaves the element unchanged)?

But then, why isn't the quotient [itex]G/Z(G)[/itex] isomorphic to Aut(G) rather than Inn(G)? The first isomorphism theorem states that the quotient group [itex]G/Ker(\phi)[/itex] is isomorphic to the image of the homomorphism, and here the homomorphism is the automorphisms, not the inner automorphisms.

Where am I going wrong?
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  • #2
Hold on. Does this boil down to saying that the inner automorphism group is the image of the homomorphism from G to Aut(G)?

Can somebody explain why this is true?
  • #3
gentsagree said:
Hold on. Does this boil down to saying that the inner automorphism group is the image of the homomorphism from G to Aut(G)?

Can somebody explain why this is true?

This is true by definition:

gentsagree said:
The function f is a group homomorphism, and its kernel is precisely the center of G, and its image is called the inner automorphism group of G, denoted Inn(G).

(emphasis added)
  • #4
Mh. I reckon I misunderstood what an inner automorphism is then. I think that, by reading about the relationship between inner and outer automorphisms, I was under the wrong impression that the inner automorphisms were only those which map to the identity of the codomain. But this is not true, is it?
  • #5
If n is the order of G, Aut(G) is isomorphic to the symmetric group on n letters. It's order is n!. A quotient of G by some normal subgroup is less than or equal to the order of G. Say, the order G/Z(G) is m. Then m<=n. How can this quotient possibly be of order n! unless n is less than or equal to 2?

Moreover, any homomorphism sends a group G to some group isomorphic to some quotient of G, by the fundamental theorem of homomorphisms, or first isomorphism theorem, whichever you want to call it. Regardless, it sends a group G to a group of at most the same order as G.

In particular, in your question Aut(G) is the codomain of f, not the image of f... Also, kernel is the center of G. Since the order of the image is less than or equal to the order of G, it must be a proper subgroup of Aut(G).

I do however see what you're asking... The answer is that you are only "dividing out" the elements which are unchanged by any conjugation. There are various permutations on any group and I am pretty positive that all of which can not be thought of as an action on G by conjugation... I mean, there's only n elements in G, while there are n! permutations, that would be impossible unless G was at most order 2 right? But regardless, what you are not doing is dividing out all the elements which are unchanged by any permutation.

As for the question in your last post, I think you need to look at some definitions again...

First of all, a homomorphism takes a subgroup of G into the identity of another group, this subgroup is called the kernel. The automorphism group of G is the group consisting of distinct isomorphisms from G to G. The inner automorphism group is a normal subgroup of Aut(G) not of G.
  • #6
epr1990 said:
If n is the order of G, Aut(G) is isomorphic to the symmetric group on n letters. It's order is n!.

100% false. For one thing, an automorphism ##\psi## must fix the identity, that is ##\psi(1) = 1##, so an arbitrary permutation is not in general an automorphism. For instance, ##\text{Aut}(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}) = (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times##, and ##\left|(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times\right| = \varphi(n)## where ##\varphi## is the Euler totient function.
  • #7
gentsagree said:
From Wikipedia:

Where am I going wrong?

The homomorphism f may not be surjective. It may miss some automorphisms of the group.
  • #8
To add to what lavinia said, the quotient isomorphism is onto the image of the homomorphism, not (necessarily)onto the codomain.

Related to Consequence of the First isomorphism theorem

1. What is the First Isomorphism Theorem and why is it important?

The First Isomorphism Theorem, also known as the Homomorphism Theorem, states that given two groups G and H and a homomorphism (a function that preserves the group structure) f: G→H, the kernel of f (the set of elements in G that are mapped to the identity element in H) is a normal subgroup of G and the image of f (the set of elements in H that are mapped from G) is isomorphic to the quotient group G/ker(f). This theorem is important because it helps us understand the relationship between groups and subgroups, and it allows us to simplify complex group structures into more manageable forms.

2. What are the consequences of the First Isomorphism Theorem?

The first consequence is that if G is a group and N is a normal subgroup of G, then the quotient group G/N is isomorphic to the image of any homomorphism f: G→H whose kernel is N. Another consequence is that if G and H are groups and there exists a surjective homomorphism f: G→H, then H is isomorphic to a quotient group of G. Additionally, the First Isomorphism Theorem helps us prove other important theorems in algebra, such as the Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphisms and the Correspondence Theorem.

3. How is the First Isomorphism Theorem applied in real-world situations?

The First Isomorphism Theorem has many applications in various fields, such as physics, chemistry, and computer science. For example, in physics, this theorem is used to classify different symmetries and conservation laws in quantum mechanics. In chemistry, it is used to understand the relationship between different molecular structures. In computer science, it is applied in areas such as cryptography and error correction codes.

4. Can you give an example of the First Isomorphism Theorem in action?

One example of the First Isomorphism Theorem in action is in the study of modular arithmetic, which is used in cryptography. The group of integers modulo n, denoted as Z/nZ, is isomorphic to the group (Z/nZ)* of units modulo n. This can be proven using the First Isomorphism Theorem by defining a homomorphism from Z to (Z/nZ)* that maps integers to their corresponding units modulo n. This allows us to simplify complex calculations involving large numbers by working with their corresponding units instead.

5. Are there any limitations or conditions to the First Isomorphism Theorem?

There are a few limitations and conditions to keep in mind when using the First Isomorphism Theorem. First, the groups G and H must be well-defined and have a defined operation (such as addition or multiplication). Second, the homomorphism f: G→H must be a valid function that preserves the group structure. Lastly, the First Isomorphism Theorem only applies to groups, so it cannot be used for other algebraic structures such as rings or fields.

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