Conical pendulum question - I really don't know what to do - ?

In summary: Since the two triangles are similar, you can say the ratio of T to r in the first triangle equals the ratio of the corresponding sides in the force triangle. That should allow you to get T easily. Now that you know two sides in the force triangle, you can get θ. Then r from either triangle.In summary, the homework statement is trying to find the tension in a string attached to a particle that is rotating at 6 radians per second. Additionally, the attempt at a solution is looking for a relation between Tcosθ and mg while also understanding how to find r using the length of the string and the angular velocity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass 15g is attached to the end of a string of length 50cm, rotating at 6rads-1 to form a conical pendulum.

Find a) The tension in the string
Find b) The angle

2. The attempt at a solution

Okay I get that Tcosθ= mg
& TSinθ= mv^2/r
which => tanθ= v^2/rg

and I get why, but I don't understand how to find tension... I'm really blooming confused and have been banging my head for over two hours now.

I also know I need to find r using the length of the string and the angular velocity, I just don't get how.

Basically, I need r to find both and I can't work out how to get r? Please, someone help me??

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  • #2
Hello and welcome.

You are right that you will need to somehow use the given length, L, of the string. See if you can set up another equation that relates L, r, and θ. Also, you'll need the relation between v and the angular speed, ω.
  • #3
I mistyped, but I cannot delete it...
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  • #4
TSny said:
Hello and welcome.

You are right that you will need to somehow use the given length, L, of the string. See if you can set up another equation that relates L, r, and θ. Also, you'll need the relation between v and the angular speed, ω.

Well R = 0.5Sinθ, but I still don't know θ at this point...
and v=rω but I only know ω right?
mishek said:
I mistyped, but I cannot delete it...

Don't worry mate. I know I'm missing something blindingly obvious here, and I'm sorry for missing it.

Thank you both of you, I really do appreciate your responses. But I'm still not getting that lightbulb moment, I'm pretty shocking at resolving forces. :/ Please continue to help me..?
  • #5
Check Your third equation (tanθ= v^2/rg), and consider the fact that you know the following relationships:R = 0.5Sinθ & v=rω.
  • #6
You now have two equations with sinθ. Can you combine them somehow?
  • #7
mishek said:
Check Your third equation (tanθ= v^2/rg), and consider the fact that you know the following relationships:R = 0.5Sinθ & v=rω.

Okay, you sir are a legend but there is no way that the working out I just did is what they were looking for?? (the answer I got was right btw, as it were in my notes which had poor explanation):

I said tanθ = v^2/rg; given v=rω and r=0.5sinθ ∴ tanθ=ω^2/g

subbed in values and rearranged gave me:

g/0.5×ω^2 = cosθ & took arccos of that, giving θ = 57° (2 s.f.)
TSny said:
You now have two equations with sinθ. Can you combine them somehow?

You are also a legend.

Tsinθ = mv^2/r
∴ Tr/0.5=mv^2/r
because v^2=r^2(ω^2)

cancel and resolve

T= 0.27N - again absolutely correct.

But seriously, is that the working out they were looking for or is there a neater way of doing things??Thank you you absolute geniuses, you have put me out of my misery whilst letting me think a bit. I owe you massively.
  • #8
GandhiReborn said:
But seriously, is that the working out they were looking for or is there a neater way of doing things??

A neat geometrical way of solving it is to draw two right triangles. One triangle will show the pendulum with L as hypotenuse and r as the side opposite θ. The other triangle will be a vector addition of force triangle. If you add the tension force and mg force as vectors, the resultant net force must point horizontally (toward the center of the circular motion) and the net force must have a magnitude of mω2r. So, you get a right triangle with T as hypotenuse and mω2r as side opposite θ.

Since the two triangles are similar, you can say the ratio of T to r in the first triangle equals the ratio of the corresponding sides in the force triangle. That should allow you to get T easily. Now that you know two sides in the force triangle, you can get θ. Then r from either triangle.
  • #9
TSny said:
A neat geometrical way of solving it is to draw two right triangles. One triangle will show the pendulum with L as hypotenuse and r as the side opposite θ. The other triangle will be a vector addition of force triangle. If you add the tension force and mg force as vectors, the resultant net force must point horizontally (toward the center of the circular motion) and the net force must have a magnitude of mω2r. So, you get a right triangle with T as hypotenuse and mω2r as side opposite θ.

Since the two triangles are similar, you can say the ratio of T to r in the first triangle equals the ratio of the corresponding sides in the force triangle. That should allow you to get T easily. Now that you know two sides in the force triangle, you can get θ. Then r from either triangle.

I actually thought this and drew the two triangles, but I guess my mind got crowded and I freaked out so I quickly stopped and came on here. Thank you, going back and tying it to this concept, having already worked out how to get my values with you guys' prior awesome help has allowed me to write it down really clearly to myself.

To anyone this might help in the future:

Part a) *to find T, we must know what F is.

Consider two triangles, one of forces T, F and mg (1) and the other of lengths r and L (2).

Using (1)

Tsinθ = F
F = mω2r
∴ Tsinθ = mω2r

and Using (2)

r = 0.5sinθ

so subbing in gives -->

Tsinθ = mω2(0.5)(sinθ)

cancel sinθ and plug in remaining values to give

T = 0.27NPart b)

Using (1)

∴ arc cos(mg/T) = 57°
Many thanks indeed, I really owe you two, one ;)
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Related to Conical pendulum question - I really don't know what to do - ?

1. What is a conical pendulum?

A conical pendulum is a type of pendulum in which the bob (weight) moves in a circular path instead of a straight line. It is usually suspended by a string or wire and swings in a conical motion.

2. How does a conical pendulum work?

The motion of a conical pendulum follows the laws of circular motion. The tension force in the string provides the centripetal force, keeping the bob moving in a circular path. The weight of the bob provides the gravitational force, causing the pendulum to swing back and forth.

3. What factors affect the motion of a conical pendulum?

The motion of a conical pendulum is affected by the length of the string, the mass of the bob, the angle at which the string is suspended, and the initial speed of the bob. These factors can be manipulated to change the period and frequency of the pendulum's motion.

4. How is a conical pendulum different from a regular pendulum?

A regular pendulum swings in a back and forth motion, while a conical pendulum swings in a circular motion. In a regular pendulum, the string is suspended directly above the pivot point, while in a conical pendulum, the string is suspended at an angle.

5. What are some practical applications of conical pendulums?

Conical pendulums are used in devices such as seismometers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. They can also be used in amusement park rides and as a teaching tool in physics classrooms to demonstrate circular motion and pendulum dynamics.

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