Confusion about conservation of energy vs. momentum

In summary: Hello,First question: What is the change in gravitational potential energy?Second question: That doesn't happen, because it violates energy conservation. Set up equations to express the conservation of momentum and energy, and solve for v1 and v2. There are only two possible solutions; one is the initial condition and the other is the condition after collision. You cannot arbitrarily specify that the first ball must "spend all its momentum" to put the other ball in motion.
  • #1
Gold Member

A dude I'm discussing momentum and kinetic energy with says this:
"Place two masses in deep space, the only gravitational attraction is from each other.
One of the masses is ten kilograms and the other is one kilogram.
From Newton's Third Law we know that the mutual attraction is equal in both directions.
From F = ma we know that the acceleration of the one kilogram will be ten times greater than the acceleration of the 10 kilograms.
After a period of time the one kilogram will be moving 10 times faster than the 10 kilograms. When the one kilogram is moving one meter per second the 10 kilograms will be moving .1m/sec.

Then ½ *10kg *.1 m/sec * .1 m/sec = .05 joules
And ½ * 1 kg * 1 m/sec* 1 m/sec = .5 joules

Energy is not conserved

This guy say that if you have a 10kg steel ball, here at earth, that is pushed into motion at 0.1m/s and spend all its momentum to put a 1kg. steel ball into motion, the 1kg ball would have a velocity of 1m/s, but with that mass and velocity, the kinetic energy is 10 times greater than the kinetic energy of the 10kg ball before impact.
Why does he say that energy isn't conserved? I assume it must be a misunderstanding in how he calculate the results, even he is right about conservation of momentum.

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  • #2
Low-Q said:
Why does he say that energy isn't conserved?
Why don't you just ask him?
  • #3
First question: What is the change in gravitational potential energy?
Second question: That doesn't happen, because it violates energy conservation. Set up equations to express the conservation of momentum and energy, and solve for v1 and v2. There are only two possible solutions; one is the initial condition and the other is the condition after collision. You cannot arbitrarily specify that the first ball must "spend all its momentum" to put the other ball in motion.
  • #4
Low-Q said:

Then ½ *10kg *.1 m/sec * .1 m/sec = .05 joules
And ½ * 1 kg * 1 m/sec* 1 m/sec = .5 joules

Energy is not conserved
Energy conservation does not mean that the two balls must have the same energy.
"Conservation" of some quantity in Physics means that the value of the quantity at some time t1 is the same as the value as another time, t2.
If you calculate the total energy of the system when it starts moving and at a later time, they will have the same energy. You need to consider potential energy of the system and the sum of the kinetic energies to get the total mechanical energy.

Related to Confusion about conservation of energy vs. momentum

1. What is the conservation of energy?

The conservation of energy is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant.

2. What is the conservation of momentum?

The conservation of momentum is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant, unless acted upon by external forces. Momentum is defined as mass multiplied by velocity.

3. How are conservation of energy and conservation of momentum related?

Conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are both fundamental principles that govern the behavior of physical systems. They are related in that they both describe the idea that certain quantities (energy and momentum) cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or transformed.

4. What is the difference between conservation of energy and conservation of momentum?

The main difference between conservation of energy and conservation of momentum is that energy is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction, while momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. Additionally, conservation of energy deals with the total amount of energy in a closed system, while conservation of momentum deals with the total momentum in a closed system.

5. How do conservation of energy and conservation of momentum apply to real-world situations?

Conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are both fundamental principles that apply to all physical systems, including real-world situations. For example, in a car crash, the total energy and momentum of the system before and after the crash will remain the same, even though the individual energies and momenta of the cars may change.

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