Conducting sphere within a conducting shell

In summary, the shells have the same charge but they generate an E-field at a distance r<R1. The E-field is positive at r<R2 but negative at r>R3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A hollow spherical shell (B) with inner radius R2 and esternal radius R3 is negatively charged with Q.
A spherical conducter (A) with radius R1 is placed within the the shell. A is charged with Q.
The centers of both shells coincide.
Then a negative point charge q is placed at R3.
1. Calculate the electric field genrated by the spheres at any point.
2. Calculate the force on the charge q
3.Calculate the work done by an external agent to bring q to infinity

2. Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

(Non-native English speaker here but my lectures are in English so excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, ok?)
First of all I tried to imagine how the charges on the spherical shell would redistribute.
The positive charge Q on the surface of A can't exactly escape so it has to stay there^^
I then thought that the charge -Q of B would arange along R2 on the inner surface of the shell.
Then there is no charge left on the outside surface of B.

So the object is seen as neutral when looked at from a distance r>R3, or isn't it?

1. According to Gauß law there is no E-field at a distance r<R1 since no charge is enclosed.
At R2<r<R1 the E-field should be
equal to ## \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon}*\frac{Q}{r^2} ##
At r<R2 I think I can use the super position principle, adding the E-Field of both spheres
but since the charges have the same value (one negative one positive)
My E-field should be zero here...

but if this is true I don't get the second question...
since the force should be ## F=E*q ##
and the Field is equal to zero at R3 the force should be zero as well?

I really don't understand this task so please help...
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  • #2
Hello Beatrix, welcome to PF :smile: !

I'm non-native english speaker too, and I have a hard time interpreting your exercise:
A hollow spherical shell (B) with inner radius R2 and esternal radius R3 is negatively charged with Q.
A spherical conductor (A) with radius R1 is placed within the the shell. A is charged with Q.
So for B I don't know if it is conducting or not. You assume it is.
And it's negatively charged with Q. Does that mean that Q is a negative number of Coulombs ?
Because then A and B have the same charge and the rest of the exercise makes a bit more sense !

Further on, "placing q at R3" probably means on the surface but not in electrical contact ? You assume so and I agree.
  • #3
B is conducring (excersise is called two conducting spheres foorgot to mention this)
Q has a positive value (Q=3*10^-7) (the excersice contains values but since that doesn't help me much when trying to understand the problem I left them out)
I mean I can calculate it if they had the same charge but they don't...
It's an excersise for exam preparation so I'll ask my professor about it.
But thanks, I really was going crazy thinking I could't even understand the basics of this course
  • #4
Well, then I agree with your results (barring the replacement of < by > here and there :wink: ). So you're good: you understand the situation, you can do the exercise both ways: the almost trivial -Q + Q and the more sensible -Q -Q probably just as well. After all the actual answer isn't that important; the understanding is).
And prof will be more than happy to help out such an eager student !

Related to Conducting sphere within a conducting shell

What is a conducting sphere within a conducting shell?

A conducting sphere within a conducting shell is a setup in which a solid spherical object made of a conducting material is placed inside a larger hollow conducting object. This is commonly used in experiments to study the behavior of electric fields and charges.

What is the purpose of a conducting sphere within a conducting shell?

The purpose of this setup is to observe and measure the behavior of electric fields and charges in a controlled environment. It allows for the study of capacitance, charge distribution, and other important concepts in electromagnetism.

How does the electric field behave in a conducting sphere within a conducting shell?

In this setup, the electric field inside the conducting sphere is zero, as the charges in the conducting material redistribute themselves to cancel out any external electric field. However, the electric field outside the conducting sphere is the same as if the conducting shell was not present.

What is the relationship between the charges on the conducting sphere and the conducting shell?

In equilibrium, the total charge on the conducting sphere and the conducting shell must be equal and opposite. The conducting shell acts as a Faraday cage, preventing any external electric fields from affecting the charges on the conducting sphere.

How can the capacitance of a conducting sphere within a conducting shell be calculated?

The capacitance can be calculated using the formula C = 4πε₀(1/a - 1/b), where a is the radius of the conducting sphere and b is the radius of the conducting shell. This formula assumes that the conducting sphere is much smaller than the conducting shell, so that the electric field inside the conducting shell is essentially constant.

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