Comparing Black Holes & Contracting Universes

In summary: The event horizon is the point beyond which light cannot escape from a black article which saysEvent horizons are specifically defined by the mathematical properties of the spacetime near the event horizon; they are not related to the physical size of the black hole.Thanks for your summary.
  • #1
Near a black hole spacetime gets contracted, more and more as we get closer to it. At the event horizon the contraction (pull of spacetime towards the singularity) equals the speed of light, we could say that space is falling into the black hole at precisely the same rate as light trying to travel outwards can catch up. Beyond the event horizon space is falling into the singularity at a rate faster than what light can catch up.

The contracting space seems to be similar to imagining a contracting universe, space(time) falling into a singularity.

In which respects can both situations be likened and in which respects are they fundamentally different?

I can guess that one important difference is that in a black hole, there remains an external spacetime to which the black hole can be said to be relative to, while in the case of a contracting universe the whole of spacetime contracts until becoming a singularity. There is no space beyond the portion which is contracting at a rate equal to the speed of light.

I'm also interested in the question: if the universe started as a singularity, and the laws of physics seem to be time-symmetrical, does the expanding universe have anything equivalent to an event horizon? And if so, what would that be?

And conversely, would a contracting universe have anything equivalent to an event horizon and if so, what would it be? The edge of spacetime itself? or some region defined by the speed of light? (such as when we speak of our current event horizon at our present coordinates in spacetime, which I believe has not much to do with the event horizon of a black hole).

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  • #2
Gerinski said:
In which respects can both situations be likened and in which respects are they fundamentally different?

They're alike in that both of them contain a family of timelike worldlines which is "contracting"--this is a more precise way of describing what is going on than just saying "spacetime is contracting", which doesn't really make sense as it stands--spacetime doesn't contract or expand, it just is. You could say "space is contracting", and many pop science articles do, but that's not really precise either. The precise way is to focus in on a particular family of timelike worldlines, which can be thought of as a family of "observers" who are all freely falling in such a way that the distance between neighboring observers is continually decreasing, until it becomes zero at the instant when all of the observers hit the singularity.

The two situations are different, however, in several key respects. One such is related to this statement of yours:

Gerinski said:
I can guess that one important difference is that in a black hole, there remains an external spacetime to which the black hole can be said to be relative to, while in the case of a contracting universe the whole of spacetime contracts until becoming a singularity.

Again, it's not really correct to say "the whole of spacetime contracts" in the case of a contracting universe. A better way of saying what you're trying to say here is that in the contracting universe, there are no timelike worldlines that do not end in the singularity. In the case of the black hole, there are. The timelike worldlines that do not end in the singularity in the black hole case are the ones that stay in "the external spacetime", i.e., they never cross the hole's horizon.

Gerinski said:
There is no space beyond the portion which is contracting at a rate equal to the speed of light.

This, however, is not true of the contracting universe case. It is perfectly possible to have a contracting universe where some parts are contracting at more than the speed of light relative to other parts. But the "speed of contraction" here is just a coordinate speed, i.e., a calculated number with no physical meaning; no observer actually measures it. (The same is true for the time-reversed case of an expanding universe--it's perfectly possible for some portions to have a coordinate "speed of expansion" greater than the speed of light relative to other portions.)

Gerinski said:
I'm also interested in the question: if the universe started as a singularity, and the laws of physics seem to be time-symmetrical, does the expanding universe have anything equivalent to an event horizon?

Gerinski said:
And conversely, would a contracting universe have anything equivalent to an event horizon

No. This is another key difference between the two cases; the contracting/expanding universe does not have an event horizon, while the black hole/white hole does (the white hole would be the analogue of the expanding universe, as the black hole is of the contracting universe).

Gerinski said:
such as when we speak of our current event horizon at our present coordinates in spacetime, which I believe has not much to do with the event horizon of a black hole

Correct, it doesn't. Wikipedia has good brief descriptions of the different types of horizons in expanding universe models:

Related to Comparing Black Holes & Contracting Universes

1. What is the difference between a black hole and a contracting universe?

While both black holes and contracting universes involve a collapse of matter, they are fundamentally different phenomena. A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. This occurs when a massive star dies and its core collapses in on itself. On the other hand, a contracting universe is a theoretical concept in which the expansion of the universe is reversed and everything in it becomes compressed. This is based on certain models of the universe and is still a topic of debate among scientists.

2. Can a black hole turn into a contracting universe?

No, it is not possible for a black hole to turn into a contracting universe. Black holes are formed from the collapse of a single object, while a contracting universe would require the entire universe to reverse its expansion. Additionally, the laws of physics that govern black holes and the universe as a whole are very different, making it impossible for one to transform into the other.

3. How are black holes and contracting universes related to the concept of gravity?

Both black holes and contracting universes involve the force of gravity, but in different ways. Black holes are a result of extreme gravitational forces, while a contracting universe would occur due to the overall gravitational attraction of all matter in the universe. In both cases, gravity plays a crucial role in shaping the structure and behavior of these phenomena.

4. Do black holes and contracting universes have an impact on the space-time fabric?

Yes, both black holes and contracting universes have a significant impact on the fabric of space and time. Black holes create a distortion in space-time, known as a gravitational singularity, at their center. Similarly, a contracting universe would also cause a significant distortion in the fabric of space and time as everything is compressed together.

5. How do scientists study and compare black holes and contracting universes?

Scientists use a variety of tools and techniques to study and compare black holes and contracting universes. This includes observations from telescopes, simulations using computer models, and mathematical equations. By combining these approaches, scientists can gain a better understanding of these complex phenomena and their relationship to each other.

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