Color\Light efficiency in imaging systems

In summary, it seems that the efficiency of acquired light for imaging devices is based on the red, green, and blue colors. If the color is not in one of these three bands, the device will not be as efficient in acquiring the light. However, other technologies such as the Foveon camera and IMOD displays (still only RGB) can provide a threefold increase in efficiency.
  • #1
In making comparisons on efficiency in acquired ambient light for imaging devices, whether they be CCD and CMOS cameras or reflective displays, it seems the factoring is always based on Red, Green and Blue as if those are the only bands of visible light. For example, in acquiring\reflecting the color red at a pixel, if a pixel consists of three parallel subpixels of red, green and blue filters respectively, it would be claimed that around 1/3 of light striking a pixel is utilized; thereby other technologies with vertical filtering methods such as the Foveon camera and IMOD displays (still only RGB) can provide a 3x increase in efficiency, (implying a 90+ % utilization when using a 30-something % comparison ).

Isn't it much less than that in both cases. If I understand correctly "white" light, such as from sunlight, household lighting, etc…, consists of approximately equal proportions of all the bands of visible light, and if only implementing RGB filtering, what about the yellow, orange and violet wavelengths of incident light?

What about the ability of light combinations that are not exclusively RGB to create apperances of a color? For example, I've read some places where the "red" skin on an apple doesn't actualy reflect light in the red band of visibile light, but rather reflects combinations of other wavelenghths that make it appear "red".

At the very optimal, wouldn't a RGB subpixel system utilize less than 15% of the incident visible light, and a vertical filtering system less than half?
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  • #2
The color bands aren't that narrow and they are tuned reasonably well to the sensitivity of our eyes, so they do a reasonably good job at reproducing the colors we see. We had some discussion in this thread, where we discussed Sharp's technology that adds a yellow to its palette:
  • #3
gillwill said:
In making comparisons on efficiency in acquired ambient light for imaging devices, whether they be CCD and CMOS cameras or reflective displays, it seems the factoring is always based on Red, Green and Blue as if those are the only bands of visible light. For example, in acquiring\reflecting the color red at a pixel, if a pixel consists of three parallel subpixels of red, green and blue filters respectively, it would be claimed that around 1/3 of light striking a pixel is utilized; thereby other technologies with vertical filtering methods such as the Foveon camera and IMOD displays (still only RGB) can provide a 3x increase in efficiency, (implying a 90+ % utilization when using a 30-something % comparison ).

Isn't it much less than that in both cases. If I understand correctly "white" light, such as from sunlight, household lighting, etc…, consists of approximately equal proportions of all the bands of visible light, and if only implementing RGB filtering, what about the yellow, orange and violet wavelengths of incident light?

What about the ability of light combinations that are not exclusively RGB to create apperances of a color? For example, I've read some places where the "red" skin on an apple doesn't actualy reflect light in the red band of visibile light, but rather reflects combinations of other wavelenghths that make it appear "red".

At the very optimal, wouldn't a RGB subpixel system utilize less than 15% of the incident visible light, and a vertical filtering system less than half?

I can't figure out what you are asking- you neglected the fill factor, for example.

RGB is often used because single-chip color sensors use a "Bayer filter" to generate color information:

That's not the only way to generate color images: Three-chip color cameras don't use this, and monochrome CCDs with rotating filters also use the full CCD.

Often, CCD manufacturers use microlenses to increase the collection efficiency of light, and the Foveon chip is another approach- I was very excited when I heard about it 10 years ago, and I still wonder why it's not more commonplace.

If you are concerned with scavenging every last photon, you should not use a single-chip color CCD.
  • #4
Two comments;

1. The RGB scheme is widely used among display systems and also image control software. Moving to a different scheme would require these systems to be replaced.

2. Quantum efficiency (for light collection) is only an issue when signal levels are so low that quantum noise becomes a problem. For every day light levels, measures typically need to be taken so as to not saturate the detectors, either using hardware (filters etc.) or software.

  • #5

Thank you for bringing up this important topic. I agree that it is necessary to consider all wavelengths of visible light when discussing color and light efficiency in imaging systems. While the RGB color model is commonly used in imaging technology, it is not the only way to represent colors and may not accurately capture the full spectrum of visible light.

You are correct in pointing out that white light contains a mixture of all visible wavelengths, not just red, green, and blue. Therefore, only utilizing RGB filters in imaging devices may result in a loss of information and lower efficiency. Additionally, as you mentioned, the perception of color is not solely dependent on the individual wavelengths of light, but also on the combination of wavelengths that our eyes perceive.

In terms of efficiency, it is difficult to provide a definitive percentage as it can vary depending on the specific technology and implementation. However, it is likely that a system using only RGB filters would not be able to fully utilize all the available light, and a system with vertical filtering may also have limitations in capturing the full spectrum of visible light.

As scientists, it is important for us to continue researching and developing technologies that can accurately capture and utilize the full range of visible light. This may involve exploring alternative color models, as well as incorporating advanced techniques such as spectral imaging. By doing so, we can improve the efficiency and accuracy of imaging systems and provide a more comprehensive representation of color in our visual world.

Related to Color\Light efficiency in imaging systems

1. What is color/light efficiency in imaging systems?

Color/light efficiency is a measure of how well an imaging system can accurately capture and reproduce colors and light in an image. It takes into account factors such as sensor sensitivity, color filters, and processing algorithms.

2. How is color/light efficiency measured?

Color/light efficiency is typically measured using metrics such as color accuracy, color gamut, dynamic range, and noise levels. These metrics can vary depending on the type of imaging system being used.

3. What factors affect color/light efficiency in imaging systems?

Several factors can affect color/light efficiency in imaging systems, including the quality of the sensor, the type of color filters being used, the processing algorithms, and the lighting conditions in which the image is captured.

4. Why is color/light efficiency important in imaging systems?

Color/light efficiency is important because it directly impacts the quality and accuracy of images. A higher efficiency means that the colors and light in an image will be captured and reproduced more accurately, resulting in a more realistic and visually appealing image.

5. How can color/light efficiency be improved in imaging systems?

There are several ways to improve color/light efficiency in imaging systems, such as using high-quality sensors and color filters, optimizing processing algorithms, and controlling lighting conditions. Regular calibration and maintenance of the imaging system can also help maintain high efficiency levels.

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