Classic Sled on a Hill Problem, Need a Little Help

  • Thread starter Ayso24
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In summary, a problem is being discussed where "John" is being pushed down a hill by "Mary" at a velocity of 5 m/s. The problem involves determining where John will land on a graph with coordinates after being pushed and then going up the next hill. Some given information includes starting at the origin, ignoring friction, John's mass of 1 kg, and the sled's mass being considered negligible. It is assumed that gravity on Earth is 9.81 m/s squared. The equation of the hill is y(t) = -sin(x(t)). The suggested approach is to use conservation of energy to calculate the velocity at the inflection point, where the sled will take off. However, there is a discrepancy in the
  • #1

Homework Statement

We are trying to solve a problem where, we'll call him John, is being pushed down the hill too fast by Mary and when he goes back up the next hill he ends up flying up off the ground. We are trying to solve where, on the graph (coordinates) he lands. Here is what I know about the problem.
He starts at the origin.
Mary is pushing him at a velocity of 5 m/s.
He starts at a standstill.
Friction is to be ignored.
His mass is only 1 kg and the sled is to be considered mass-less. Apparently for simplicity's sake?
It's on Earth so gravity is of course 9.81 m/s squared.

Homework Equations

Equation of the hill is y(t)= -sin(x(t)).

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm kind of lost, and I don't pretend to know much about math and physics, but this problem has piqued my interest and I'd like to know how to solve it.

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  • #2
Also, I don't know if this belongs here D: Sorry if it doesn't!
  • #3
Also, I don't know if this belongs here D: Sorry if it doesn't!
  • #4
Ayso24 said:
Mary is pushing him at a velocity of 5 m/s.
He starts at a standstill.

Those two statements cannot both be true.
John cannot both be at a standstill and be going 5 m/s.
Maybe Mary pushes with a constant force of 5 N?

Without doing any math, I assume, if John does become airborne, he'll do so at the next inflection point, when x = pi.
From there, standard projectile motion applies.
  • #5
I think the standstill thing wasn't right. Thanks for responding! Uhm, how do i know the velocity of the sled at the inflection point? How would i calculate that?
  • #6
Plus she also stops pushing at the bottom of the hill
  • #7
Ayso24 said:
I think the standstill thing wasn't right. Thanks for responding! Uhm, how do i know the velocity of the sled at the inflection point? How would i calculate that?
Conservation of energy is probably the easiest method.

If John starts from a standstill and isn't pushed then his velocity will be zero at the inflection point. Like a pendulum, it'll can't swing higher than it's starting point.
If you want to know the velocity with pushing, then you need to specify the push force. The additional energy from the work done by the push force will be equal to the kinetic energy at the inflection point.

Then Wpush = 1/2 mv2
Wpush = Fd

d is the arc length of sin from 0 to pi/2 (the distance over which Mary pushes)
F is the push force
m is the sled mass
v is the velocity at (pi, 0) with direction tangential to -sin(pi).

I would wait for someone to confirm though, I'm not 100% confident on this approach :wink:
  • #8
woah that's a lot haha... uh what is the correct equation for arc length? i know I'm close with ds = intrgl sqrt(1 + (dy/dx)) ^2 dt, but i can't quite finish haha.

then how do i find the v in there? I'm really confused sorry xD
  • #9
There's a problem with the profile equation. y = sin(x) doesn't mean anything here unless the units for x and y are specified. Can we assume metres?
Your integral for arc length should be wrt x, not t. Given y as a function of x, what is dy/dx here? Plug that into your integral. The solution is difficult. Cheat:
It won't leave the ground at the inflexion point, but some point later. You'll need to calculate where that is. What forces and accelerations will apply at that point?
  • #10
Yeah meters. All in all what I'm trying to figure out is this. You have the equation y(t)= -sin(x(t)), and there is a sled at the origin with John on it being pushed at 5 m/s by Mary. There is no friction, he weighs 1 kg and the sled weighs nothing, and she stops pushing at the bottom of the hill. What i want to know is, after he is done being pushed and starts going up the next "hill", and the sled flies into the air because of said forces, where does it then reconverge and "land" back on the y(t)= -sin(x(t)) graph.
  • #11
Ayso24 said:
Yeah meters. All in all what I'm trying to figure out is this. You have the equation y(t)= -sin(x(t)), and there is a sled at the origin with John on it being pushed at 5 m/s by Mary. There is no friction, he weighs 1 kg and the sled weighs nothing, and she stops pushing at the bottom of the hill. What i want to know is, after he is done being pushed and starts going up the next "hill", and the sled flies into the air because of said forces, where does it then reconverge and "land" back on the y(t)= -sin(x(t)) graph.
Ok, but as has been pointed out, it doesn't make sense to say that he is pushed at a steady 5m/s given that he is also sliding down hill.
And I repeat, before you can determine where he lands, you have to find out where he takes off. What can you say about the forces and accelerations at that point?

Related to Classic Sled on a Hill Problem, Need a Little Help

1. What is the "Classic Sled on a Hill Problem"?

The "Classic Sled on a Hill Problem" is a physics problem that involves a sled sliding down a frictionless hill. It is often used to introduce concepts of force, motion, and energy.

2. What are the key factors in this problem?

The key factors in this problem include the mass of the sled, the angle of the hill, the force of gravity, and any applied forces (such as pushing the sled).

3. How do you calculate the acceleration of the sled?

The acceleration of the sled can be calculated using the formula a = F/m, where "a" is acceleration, "F" is the net force acting on the sled, and "m" is the mass of the sled. In this problem, the only force acting on the sled is gravity, so the formula becomes a = mg/m, which simplifies to a = g. This means that the acceleration of the sled is equal to the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

4. What is the relationship between the angle of the hill and the acceleration of the sled?

The angle of the hill affects the acceleration of the sled in two ways. First, a steeper hill will result in a greater component of the force of gravity acting in the direction of motion, resulting in a larger acceleration. Second, a steeper hill will also result in a longer distance for the sled to travel, which means it will take longer to reach the bottom and therefore have a lower average acceleration.

5. How does friction affect the sled's motion in this problem?

In this problem, friction is assumed to be negligible since the hill is described as frictionless. However, in real-life situations, friction can play a significant role in slowing down the sled and affecting its motion. Friction can be accounted for in the problem by including a frictional force in the calculation of the net force acting on the sled.

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