Clarification about Law of Inertia

  • Thread starter OmarMindChaos
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    Inertia Law
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of Law of Inertia and its implications in objects in motion. It is explained that according to Newton's first law, an object in motion will continue to move at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This leads to a discussion on the possibility of a spacecraft reaching the speed of light and the concept of relativistic velocities. The conversation also mentions resources for further understanding of these topics.
  • #1
Hi everyone, just some quick background information, I'm only in grade 9 so I'm not the brightest in physics as of yet however I know some information here and there.
My question is about the Law of Inertia (Newton's first law).
The law states that an object basically remains in motion unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. So does this mean that say if I threw a rock in space which is a near vacuum, the rock should theoretically move forever with a constant velocity, is this correct?
If so, if I hit the moving rock, would the force add on top of the original force moving the rock or would the original force be "gone" and the rock would move with the new force?
Sorry if I worded this in a confusing way or if I posted this in the wrong forum. But thanks in advance to anyone willing to answer/ clarify!
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  • #2
OmarMindChaos said:
So does this mean that say if I threw a rock in space which is a near vacuum, the rock should theoretically move forever with a constant velocity, is this correct?
Right, assuming you're far enough away from any gravitating bodies.
If so, if I hit the moving rock, would the force add on top of the original force moving the rock or would the original force be "gone" and the rock would move with the new force?
The point of Newton's first law is that no force is required to keep something moving at constant velocity. So there is no "original force" continuing to act on that thrown rock. (As soon as it leaves your hand, your hand stops exerting a force on it.)

So when you hit the moving rock, your hit is the only force acting on it. And, from Newton's second law, that force produces an acceleration that changes the rock's motion.
  • #3
Oh alright thanks for the reply, I guess this leads to my second question:
A while back I was reading about the Orion Project which is basically a space-craft to be powered by "nuclear-bombs". This gave me an idea (I might be missing something) but would it be possible to accelerate the space-craft to the speed of light because the space-craft is only gaining speed not loosing it (assuming its far from any gravitational field) based on the first & second laws, is that correct?
Another thing I don't really understand is why it would take infinite acceleration to reach a finite number such as C(based on what Einstein said).
I would appreciate if anyone directed me to a book that deals with these issues since I have another ton of questions.
Thanks in advance
  • #4
Yes, if you continue applying force to the back end of the rocket while there is no force the other way, the ship keeps accelerating.

However, it does not take "infinite acceleration" to reach c. The law is F= ma and, by relativity, m increases without bound as the speed approaches c. If F is constant (as in your scenario) then a= F/m goes to 0.
  • #5
OmarMindChaos said:
I would appreciate if anyone directed me to a book that deals with these issues since I have another ton of questions.
Thanks in advance
If you google on ''Special relativity'' you will find plenty of information that deals with relativistic velocities, masses, time dilation, length contraction, and so forth.
  • #6
OmarMindChaos said:
Hi everyone, just some quick background information, I'm only in grade 9 so I'm not the brightest in physics as of yet however I know some information here and there.

Curiosity is step in right direction =)

OmarMindChaos said:
So does this mean that say if I threw a rock in space which is a near vacuum, the rock should theoretically move forever with a constant velocity, is this correct?


OmarMindChaos said:
If so, if I hit the moving rock, would the force add on top of the original force moving the rock or would the original force be "gone" and the rock would move with the new force?

You have developed intuition about the thing you called "original force", but that thing is not force, it is momentum : velocity multiplied with mass of the rock. Force is applied to change the momentum, e.g. when you pushed it with your arm. After releasing it, no force is applied no more. Should you kick already moving rock, you add some more momentum to the rock so final momentum is result of vector addition of new and initial momentum ( "original force" as you misnamed it ). Momentum is not gone : there is a law that states that momentum can not be lost or created (only transferred ) : momentum conservation law. We have never observed process that violates this law.

OmarMindChaos said:
Sorry if I worded this in a confusing way or if I posted this in the wrong forum. But thanks in advance to anyone willing to answer/ clarify!

Hope I helped! I saw you were also interested in space travel, so you should check out

It is a very interesting FAQ on a very interesting page : John Baez's site is as good as they get. I know you will find interest in :

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  • #7
Thanks everyone for your replies cleared up everything about this issue, and the links helped a lot xlines.
However, about special relativity I read about it (google'd) and the websites usually assume you know enough about physics therefore I end up reading but not understanding. Is there a book that starts out with the basics about physics?
  • #8
OmarMindChaos said:
Thanks everyone for your replies cleared up everything about this issue, and the links helped a lot xlines.
However, about special relativity I read about it (google'd) and the websites usually assume you know enough about physics therefore I end up reading but not understanding. Is there a book that starts out with the basics about physics?
What is it you don't understand? Galilean transformations? Then I think it would be a good idea to do some basic 1D kinematics first.
  • #10
alright that link contains answers to some questions I had. Final question, I've been thinking for a while, I learned in science class that pulleys multiply force. So couldn't you use a pulley to multiply the force of a motor to get 2(input) (I think 2 was the mechanical advantage). So that way you would receive more output than input, is this possible?
  • #11
OmarMindChaos said:
Final question, I've been thinking for a while, I learned in science class that pulleys multiply force. So couldn't you use a pulley to multiply the force of a motor to get 2(input) (I think 2 was the mechanical advantage). So that way you would receive more output than input, is this possible?
Using a pulley (or other simple machine providing a mechanical advantage) can multiply the force, but not the work (energy) produced. When you use a pulley that doubles the force, you must pull the rope twice as far to get the same output. So you never get more work out than you put in.

Related to Clarification about Law of Inertia

1. What is the law of inertia?

The law of inertia, also known as Newton's first law of motion, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

2. How does the law of inertia relate to everyday life?

The law of inertia is seen in our everyday lives in many ways. For example, when a car suddenly stops, the passengers continue to move forward due to their inertia. Another example is when a ball is rolled on a flat surface, it will eventually come to a stop due to friction, demonstrating the law of inertia.

3. Can the law of inertia be broken?

The law of inertia is a fundamental principle of physics and cannot be broken. However, it can be overcome or altered by the presence of external forces, such as gravity or friction.

4. How is the law of inertia different from Newton's second law of motion?

While the law of inertia states that an object will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force, Newton's second law of motion describes the relationship between an object's mass, acceleration, and the force applied to it. In simpler terms, the law of inertia explains the tendency of objects to resist changes in motion, while the second law explains how the object's motion changes in response to those forces.

5. Can the law of inertia be applied to non-physical objects?

Yes, the law of inertia can be applied to non-physical objects, such as ideas or behaviors. For example, the concept of "a body in motion stays in motion" can be applied to a person's daily routine or habits, where it takes effort to change or stop their current behavior.

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