Choose College for Environmental Engineering: U of Wisc or U of Minn?

In summary, the speaker is facing a decision between attending the University of Wisconsin-Plateville for Environmental Engineering or the University of Minnesota Twin Cities for the College of Food and Agriculture. They are considering working their way into the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota and are also interested in living on campus for the experience and to get away from their current living situation. They are seeking advice and considering the cost difference between in-state and out-of-state universities.
  • #1
Hello Everyone!
I have a interesting decision to make.
I have been accepted into University of Wisconsin-Plateville for Environmental Engineering, which I can start taking classes towards my degree.
I have also been accepted into the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, however i got into the college of food and agriculture. I talked to a professor at this school and said i can work my way into the college of science and Engineering. So i have a conundrum i guess.
Another issue is i live in the twin cities area, and while the U of M is a great school this leaves the chance of me being a commuter rather than staying on campus, which is something i want to experience. I also have a ugly living situation at home and would like to get away from there (Im 19 years old) .
If anyone has any experience regarding these schools, or just some advice for someone in my situation I would really appreciate it .
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  • #2
How about you attend University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and live on-campus there? By going to an in-state university, you are already saving a lot of money. I don't see a reason to pay much more to go to an out-of-state university, just because going there will guarantee that you'll live away from your home.
  • #3
playoff, thank you for your response,
Tuition will not be a problem as wisconsin and minnesota have a reciprocity agreement. I did not expect getting into minnesota but now that i am accepted i have to rethink it.

Related to Choose College for Environmental Engineering: U of Wisc or U of Minn?

1. What are the differences between the environmental engineering programs at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota?

The environmental engineering programs at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota have many similarities, but there are a few key differences. The program at the University of Wisconsin focuses more on water and wastewater treatment, while the program at the University of Minnesota has a stronger emphasis on air pollution control and sustainable energy systems. Additionally, the University of Wisconsin is a larger program with more faculty and research opportunities, while the University of Minnesota has a smaller program with a more personalized learning experience.

2. Which university has a better reputation for environmental engineering?

Both the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota have strong reputations for their environmental engineering programs. The University of Wisconsin is consistently ranked higher in national and international rankings, but the University of Minnesota has a strong presence in the Midwest and is highly regarded by employers in the region. Ultimately, the reputation of a university is just one factor to consider when choosing a program. It's important to also consider the specific curriculum, research opportunities, and faculty at each school.

3. What are the job prospects for graduates of these programs?

Graduates of both the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota's environmental engineering programs have excellent job prospects. The demand for environmental engineers is growing as companies and governments focus on sustainability and reducing their impact on the environment. Graduates from these programs are prepared for careers in a variety of industries, including consulting firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

4. What are the research opportunities like at these universities?

Both the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota have extensive research opportunities for environmental engineering students. The University of Wisconsin has a larger research budget and more faculty, which may provide more opportunities for students to get involved in research projects. However, the University of Minnesota also has a strong research focus and offers opportunities for students to work on cutting-edge projects in areas such as sustainable energy and water resource management.

5. Which university has a better location for studying environmental engineering?

This is a subjective question and ultimately depends on personal preferences. The University of Wisconsin is located in Madison, a vibrant and progressive city known for its lakes and outdoor activities. On the other hand, the University of Minnesota is situated in Minneapolis, a larger city with a diverse population and a strong focus on sustainability. Both locations offer plenty of opportunities for students to engage in environmental engineering projects and gain real-world experience.

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