Careers with a masters in statistics

In summary: However, I would caution against focusing exclusively on these languages, and instead try to broaden your skill set.
  • #1
I will be attending a graduate school (masters program) in fall not sure where I will be accepted. I was wondering in the meantime what could I do to become more employable. I've been reading and it says that knowing certain types of programming languages is necessary such as R and sql. I really want to work in the finance industry and that's what I would like to focus on. Since I have the summer off I'd like to get to a head start. Basically what should I start doing?
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  • #2
If I were you I would have a look at internship programmes in the big 4 audit firms. See if anything they do interest you. Even if what you do as a intern isn't directly relevant to what you think you will be doing, just having an internship on your CV demonstrate that you got some experience outside schools. You also get to know people in the companies that can help you with future job applications.
  • #3
Why restrict yourself to finance? With a masters in stats, there's lots of interesting, well paying work out there.

Agree about the internship. Try anywhere you'd get to use sql, sas, or other statistical package.
  • #4
I agree with the other posters about pursuing internship opportunities related to statistics. Also don't restrict yourself to the finance industry, but also consider internships to market research firms or any firms specializing in "big data", insurance companies, pharma companies or contract research organizations (CROs) specializing in providing services to the pharma sector -- all of these fields hire masters level statisticians, and the skills you acquire in one can be transferable to these other companies as well.

I would also agree about the need to pick up some programming skills in SAS, R, or SQL (especially SAS or R).
  • #5

Congratulations on your acceptance to a master's program in statistics! Pursuing a graduate degree in this field is a great way to become more employable and open up a wide range of career opportunities.

To become even more marketable to potential employers, I would suggest focusing on gaining practical experience and developing your skills in specific areas, such as programming languages. As you mentioned, knowing R and SQL are highly desirable skills in the field of statistics, particularly in the finance industry. I would recommend taking some online courses or tutorials to familiarize yourself with these languages and practice applying them to real data sets.

Additionally, networking and building connections in the finance industry can also greatly enhance your employability. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and reach out to professionals in the field to learn about their experiences and gain insights into potential job opportunities.

You may also want to consider pursuing internships or part-time positions in finance-related roles to gain hands-on experience and make valuable connections. This will not only enhance your skills and knowledge in the field, but also demonstrate your commitment and passion for a career in finance.

Finally, use your summer break to research and explore different career paths within the finance industry. This will give you a better understanding of the skills and qualifications required for various roles, and help you tailor your studies and experiences to align with your career goals.

In summary, to become more employable with a master's degree in statistics, focus on gaining practical experience, developing specific skills, networking, and researching potential career paths. Best of luck in your studies and future career pursuits!

Related to Careers with a masters in statistics

What job opportunities are available with a masters in statistics?

With a masters degree in statistics, you can pursue a variety of career paths such as data analyst, statistician, market research analyst, and operations research analyst. You can also work in industries such as healthcare, finance, government, and technology.

What skills do I need for a career in statistics?

Some key skills for a career in statistics include strong analytical and problem-solving skills, attention to detail, knowledge of statistical software and programming languages, and the ability to work with and interpret complex data.

Is a masters in statistics worth it?

Yes, a masters in statistics can be a valuable investment as it can lead to high-paying job opportunities in various industries. Additionally, a masters degree can also provide advanced knowledge and skills in statistics, making you a competitive candidate in the job market.

What are the admission requirements for a masters in statistics program?

The admission requirements may vary depending on the university, but generally, applicants are required to have a bachelor's degree in a related field such as mathematics or statistics. They may also need to submit GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.

Can I pursue a masters in statistics if I have a non-STEM background?

Yes, many universities offer masters programs in statistics that do not require a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) background. However, applicants may need to take additional courses to fulfill the prerequisites for the program.

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