Can You Solve These Challenging Physics Word Problems?

  • Thread starter GosuWaffles
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In summary: Pmi * (1.4375+1.15)% = Pmi * 1.6375%In summary, The motor-pump set lifts 25m3 of water in 6 minutes through a vertical height of 5 cm. The efficiency of the pump is 75% and the efficiency of the motor is 85%. The power input to the motor is .053 kW and the power output from the motor is .48875 kW. The power input to the pump is .065 kW and the effective power of the pump is .6375%.
  • #1
Hello gentlemen good afternoon, I'm a newbie on this forum I have been scratching my head all weekend on how to do these problems. I am wondering if someone could show me the right way.

Q1) A motor-pump set lifts 25m3 of water in 6 minutes through a vertical height of 5 cm. The efficiency of the pump is 75% and the efficiency of the motor is 85%.

1.) Calculate the kW input to the motor.
2.) Motor HP (Calc. value)
3.) Cost of running the system for 8 hrs (The cost per kWh is .10 cents)Q2) Will be revealed after the first one to avoid confusion :)

Homework Statement

Well I've given all known data I was given so that's met.

Homework Equations

Not sure, perhaps the word problem already encompasses the relevant equations already.

The Attempt at a Solution

Well my attempt was, for "1) Calculate kW input to the motor."
25,000kg * 9.81 = 245,250 N
245,250 * 0.05m / 360sec = 34.0625 Watts output to the motor
Multiplying both eff. to come up with a combined .75 * .85 = 0.6375 %
34.0625 / 0.6375 = 54.4314 Watts or 0.053 kW input to the motor

I'm not sure if this is correct, I haven't moved onto 2) and 3) because of said reason.

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  • #2
You need to post this in the proper format for a homework problem. Please read the forum rules.

EDIT: NOW you're looking good :smile:
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  • #3
phinds said:
You need to post this in the proper format for a homework problem. Please read the forum rules.

I hope this suffices what was required to ask a question on this subforum.
  • #4
GosuWaffles said:
245,250 * 0.05m / 360sec = 34.0625 Watts output to the motor
Well, no, that's the power required to raise the water at the specified rate. Since the pump is only 75% efficient the output from the motor must be 34.0625/0.75 W. But you got the right answer at the end.
  • #5
haruspex, thank you for taking interest in my thread.

Could you help me on the next one "2) Motor HP (Calc. value)"

My attempt was,

Combined the efficiencies 1.25 * 1.15 = 1.4375%
34.0625W Output * 1.4375 = 48.875W Input

48.875 / 746 = 0.065 HP
  • #6
As it happens, I calculated the output power from the motor for you in my previous post.
Where do you get 1.25 and 1.15 from? You can't do that with efficiencies. An efficiency is a ratio. If A = B*75% then B = A*1/.75 = A*133%. Also, the two efficiency factors, 75% and 85%, are for going all the way from input to the motor to useful work done by the pump. The output from the motor (= input to the pump) sits between them.
  • #7
Hello haruspex,

I'll be honest I can't say I follow what you meant, it's the price I pay for studying long period into the A.M. haha.., could you show me how you got "Motor HP" that means you'd just use the motor eff. right when it just simply asks for Motor Horsepower.

I just really need this problem solved before I get my much needed sleep. I like to work with the solutions in reverse is how I learn them better. Thank you
  • #8
You have:
power input to motor, Pmi
power output from motor, Pmo = Pmi * motor efficiency = Pmi * 85%
power input to pump, Ppi = Pmo
effective power of pump in pumping water = Ppo = Ppi * pump efficiency = Ppi * 75% = Pmi * 85% * 75%

Related to Can You Solve These Challenging Physics Word Problems?

1. What is the definition of a physics word problem?

A physics word problem is a question or scenario that requires the application of principles and concepts from the field of physics to solve. It typically involves using equations and mathematical calculations to find a numerical answer.

2. How do I approach solving a physics word problem?

The first step in solving a physics word problem is to carefully read and understand the question or scenario. Then, identify the given information and what is being asked to find. Next, choose the appropriate equations and plug in the given values to solve for the unknown variable. Finally, check your answer for accuracy and make sure it makes sense in the context of the problem.

3. What are some common types of physics word problems?

Some common types of physics word problems include kinematics (motion), dynamics (forces), work and energy, waves, and electricity and magnetism. These problems can involve various concepts such as velocity, acceleration, mass, force, work, power, and electric current.

4. Are there any tips for solving physics word problems more effectively?

Yes, some tips for solving physics word problems more effectively include drawing diagrams to visualize the problem, breaking the problem into smaller parts, checking units and conversions, using the correct formula and variables, and practicing regularly to improve problem-solving skills.

5. How can I improve my understanding of physics to solve word problems better?

To improve your understanding of physics and solve word problems better, you can practice solving a variety of problems, attend lectures and discussions, seek help from a tutor or teacher, and engage in hands-on experiments to see the concepts in action. Additionally, reviewing and understanding the underlying principles and concepts in physics can also help you to better approach and solve word problems.

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