Can hugging a hot-water bottle really help with pain relief?

In summary, scientists have discovered that heat, such as that from a hot-water bottle, can effectively "deactivate" pain at a molecular level, similar to the effects of a painkiller. This could potentially benefit those suffering from chronic pain. However, some question the effectiveness of this approach and suggest addressing the underlying cause of pain instead.
  • #1
Through my casual surfing of news sites I've come across this article, and I thought that it's really cool. For those of us who were curious as to why a little bit of heat can help reduce pain:

Heat 'blocks body's pain signals'

Hugging a hot-water bottle can have a similar effect to a painkiller by effectively "deactivating" pain at a molecular level, scientists say.
Biology news on
  • #2
and If I am in severee pain, how am I going to heat up a watter bottle? :P
  • #3
A fascinating story that could potentially benefit many.

Unfortunately this approach is not going to be promoted by the usual carriers of medical progress e.g. the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors waiting for a commission.
  • #4
If this is true then manufactuers of chemical heat bags should be quids in.
  • #5

There is nothing really new for me.
There are many papers that say the contrary and many proves that heat is maintenaing chronic pain states.
It works by masking C fibres messages but it is better to understand why the message is sent and how to stop the cause.

Related to Can hugging a hot-water bottle really help with pain relief?

1. What is the latest research on pain?

The latest research on pain focuses on the role of neuroplasticity in chronic pain, as well as the effectiveness of non-invasive treatments such as mindfulness-based therapy and virtual reality therapy.

2. How does neuroplasticity play a role in chronic pain?

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. In chronic pain, this can result in changes to the brain's pain processing pathways, leading to increased sensitivity and pain. Understanding this process can help researchers develop new treatments for chronic pain.

3. What is mindfulness-based therapy and how does it help with pain?

Mindfulness-based therapy involves techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises to help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Studies have shown that this type of therapy can reduce pain levels and improve overall well-being in individuals with chronic pain.

4. Can virtual reality therapy be used to treat pain?

Yes, virtual reality therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain levels. It works by distracting the brain from pain signals and providing a sense of control and relaxation. This type of therapy has been used for various types of pain, including acute and chronic pain.

5. Are there any non-invasive treatments for pain?

Yes, there are several non-invasive treatments for pain, including acupuncture, massage therapy, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). These treatments work by stimulating nerves and releasing natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. They can be effective in reducing pain without the use of medication or invasive procedures.

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