Can classical gravity be defined on a torus?

In summary, classical inverse-square gravity on a 3-dimensional (cubical) torus T3 does not work as expected. There is no way to define gravity on this space.
  • #1
Some time ago I tried to define classical inverse-square gravity on a 3-dimensional (cubical) torus T3: the quotient space obtained by identifying opposite faces of a unit cube. (Or more rigorously, the quotient space

T3 = R3/Z3

of R3 by its subgroup Z3 of integer points.)

I assumed there was a unit point mass (call it mass A) at (0, 0, 0) and tried to define the force on another unit point mass (call it mass B) at an arbitrary point (x, y, z). My method — admittedly naïve — was to sum up the inverse-square forces from a copy of mass A at every integer point

(K, L, M) ∈ Z3

acting on mass B. I hoped that — if summed cleverly — the forces from all these copies of mass A would mostly cancel, and the triply-infinite sum would converge.

That is, I was trying to sum the force terms

-(x-K, y-L, z-M) / ((x-K)2 + (y-L)2 + (z-M)2)3/2

over the array of all integer points

(K, L, M) ∈ Z3

But I tried every method I could think of: spherical shells, cubical shells, etc. . . . and clearly none of these summation schemes converged.

QUESTION: Is there a smart way to arrange for these forces to converge? Or perhaps this force method is just wrong and I should be using a potential function method instead?

Or perhaps it is known that there is no way to define classical gravity on a 3-torus? (And what about a 2-dimensional torus — and what about an n-torus for a dimension n greater than 3 ?)
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  • #2
Crystals have a similar problem, where the crystal structure replaces the spacetime wrapping. This leads to the concept of the Madelung constant, where you also have to be careful with the integration order, but you can get convergence.
  • #3
The trouble with the Madelung stuff is that it's based on adding up both positive and negative charges — which have a much better chance to cancel so as to converge, which they indeed do. But gravity doesn't have that advantage.
  • #4
You have the different directions which perform a similar role as you calculate forces not potentials (the potential would diverge for sure).

Heuristic argument: The number of masses in a shell grows with r2, but the forces scale with r-2. If you would add their magnitude, every shell would contribute the same, but the contributions should cancel at least as good as their square root, leaving you with an overall contribution of r-1 from that shell. As different shells will have a different random direction, giving more cancellation, the overall integral should converge.
  • #5
Having tried that kind of thing I was not able to achieve convergence. If you do a numerical simulation and get convergence, or find a proof that it must converge — when it is summed up in a certain order — please let me know!
  • #6
"You have the different directions which perform a similar role as you calculate forces not potentials (the potential would diverge for sure)."

But I'm not sure the potential should be summed over anything. Maybe just assume that near the point mass at the origin it has to look like

P(v) = -1/|v|​

locally, and that P has to be a harmonic function on the torus.
  • #7
Let's assume we can extend classical gravity naturally to your space. Both a local minimum and a local maximum of the field (apart from the mass points) violate Laplace's equation. We want minima at the mass points to get something interesting, the potential should be continuous and our space is compact, which means there has to be a maximum somewhere. Contradiction. You cannot reproduce classical gravity on your space.
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  • #8
I agree that that would be the case if the potential or force from a point mass were a continuous function on the space, the 3-torus.

But as regards say the potential: I would expect it to be of infinite magnitude at the location of the point mass. This would avoid having an extremum at a point where the function is defined. Which as far as I can tell would avoid a contradiction.

If this is wrong, please correct me!
  • #9
It doesn't avoid the contradiction: if the potential is not flat (boring), you need a maximum and a minimum, only avoidable via singularities, but your mass point is the only singularity and you want the potential to be low there.
  • #10
Good point. Maybe that's the whole story. But it also seems possible that the heuristic of [trying to add up the forces to get the effective force] might have some nonempty discrete set of point where it just can't be summed in any manner. (This set should *not* include the antipode of the origin: the point (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) that is farther from (0, 0, 0) than any other point. At this point the force should, by symmetry, ideally be zero. But it is also possible that this point is included.) This might lead to a result that is non-contradictory.
  • #12
You can use Yukawa potentials, for example, they have an exponential suppression which makes the sum convergent. For large distance parameters, you still get the 1/r^2 for all nearby instances of your mass.
  • #13
zinq said:
QUESTION: Is there a smart way to arrange for these forces to converge? Or perhaps this force method is just wrong and I should be using a potential function method instead?

The situation is similar to an infinite homogeneous mass distribution which has no finit potential and no defined forces for a test mass. Integration of the forces from all mass points in the distribution results an integrational constant which cannot be determined. But you can at least calculate the tidal forces between two test masses.
  • #14
This is also a point where general relativity works better.

Related to Can classical gravity be defined on a torus?

1. What is classical gravity on a torus?

Classical gravity on a torus is a mathematical model that describes the behavior of gravity on a torus-shaped surface. It is based on Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation and assumes a flat, non-rotating torus.

2. How is classical gravity on a torus different from Newton's law of universal gravitation?

Classical gravity on a torus takes into account the unique shape of a torus and incorporates the effects of gravity on a curved surface. In contrast, Newton's law of universal gravitation assumes a flat, two-dimensional surface.

3. What are the applications of classical gravity on a torus?

Classical gravity on a torus is primarily used in theoretical physics and mathematics to study the behavior of gravity in non-Euclidean spaces. It can also be applied to astrophysics and cosmology to model the gravitational interactions between objects in a torus-shaped universe.

4. Are there any real-world examples of a torus-shaped universe?

While there is no evidence that our universe is torus-shaped, there are some theories that suggest the possibility of a toroidal universe. Additionally, some scientists use the torus as a model to study specific phenomena, such as black holes or the formation of galaxies.

5. How does classical gravity on a torus relate to other theories of gravity, such as general relativity?

Classical gravity on a torus is a simplified model that is based on Newton's law of universal gravitation. In contrast, general relativity is a more comprehensive theory that describes gravity as the curvature of spacetime. While classical gravity on a torus can provide useful insights, it is not a substitute for the more rigorous theory of general relativity.

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