Building H20 electrolysis cell, need advice

In summary, the author is planning to make an oxyhydrogen welding torch using stainless steel electrodes, a low-pressure electrolysis cell, and a variac to control the voltage. They will also use a step-down transformer and a heavy duty rectifier to convert the DC voltage to AC. They are concerned about safety, and have researched safe electrolytes to use. Table salt can be used if it is treated with care, but other electrolysis products are also safe if used correctly.
  • #1
I don't happen to have any welding equipment available to me, so I have decided to make an oxyhydrogen welding torch. That basically involves splitting water by electrolysis, running it through a tube with a blowback arrestor and burning it on the other end. I have read that the voltage should be 1.5-2 volts, and I expect to be running something like 50-150 amps. I'll be using a variac to control the voltage from the wall, then running it through a step-down transformer and finally through a heavy duty rectifier to make it DC.

The electrolysis cell will use stainless steel electrodes, probably thin sheets of alternating positive and negative voltages. The whole setup will be under low pressure, not more than 2-3 psi at most, and the temperature will be below boiling.

Having done some research, I am aware that I will need to add an electrolyte to the water to make it conductive enough. However, I would like the water to still be "safe", i.e. not dangerous to the human body in case it should spill or something. I know I can't use table salt since it would emit chlorine gas.

Are there any safe electrolytes I can use? If not, then what is the safest relatively speaking?

By the way, if I have overlooked anything else, or if you have any advice, please let me know. I want to do this in a safe way. Thanks!
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  • #2
Why would spilled water with table salt emit chlorine gas? Does it build up in the water during electrolysis?
  • #3
Drakkith said:
Why would spilled water with table salt emit chlorine gas? Does it build up in the water during electrolysis?
I meant chlorine gas produced during operation coming out with the hydrogen and oxygen in the torch flame.

Am I wrong? I was under the impression that it was dangerous to use table salt, but if not then I'll be a happy camper. Does anyone know how much salt I can mix in before a significant amount of chlorine gas is produced?
  • #4
Ah ok that makes more sense. The way you worded it I thought you only meant make it safe in case the water spilled out or something. My knowledge on electrolysis isn't very good, so I really don't know if it would emit chlorine gas or not.
  • #5
Strong bases (NaOH, KOH) and sulfuric acid are the best I can think of. There will be no other electrolysis products but oxygen/hydrogen, and their solutions have relatively low resistance thanks to the presence of either H+ or OH- (so you need lower voltage and they heat less). Are they dangerous after a spill? Yes and no, you don't need them highly concentrated, so if treated with a reasonable attention they are not more dangerous than power tools in the workshop.

But I have a gut feeling we are reinventing the wheel here.
  • #6
My friend told me I should use Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3).

Is there anything else I have forgotten here or am I pretty well covered?

Related to Building H20 electrolysis cell, need advice

1. How does an H20 electrolysis cell work?

An H20 electrolysis cell works by using an electric current to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas. This process is known as electrolysis and it occurs in a specially designed cell with two electrodes, a positive and a negative, submerged in water.

2. What materials do I need to build an H20 electrolysis cell?

You will need a container, two metal electrodes (such as stainless steel or platinum), a power source, and water with an added electrolyte (such as salt). You may also need wires, a voltmeter, and a switch or potentiometer to control the electric current.

3. Can I use tap water in an H20 electrolysis cell?

Yes, you can use tap water in an H20 electrolysis cell. However, it is recommended to use distilled or deionized water to avoid any impurities that may interfere with the electrolysis process.

4. How much electricity is needed to run an H20 electrolysis cell?

The amount of electricity needed depends on the size and design of the cell. Generally, a higher voltage and current will result in a faster rate of electrolysis, but it is important to not exceed the recommended voltage for the materials used in the cell.

5. What are the potential safety hazards when building an H20 electrolysis cell?

The main safety concern when building an H20 electrolysis cell is the use of electricity. It is important to use caution when working with electrical components and to follow proper safety protocols. Additionally, the production of hydrogen gas can be potentially hazardous if not handled properly, so it is important to follow safety guidelines and use appropriate equipment.

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