Black holes are creating galaxies with their gravitational force

In summary, the conversation discusses the role of black holes in the formation and structure of galaxies. It is suggested that black holes could act as seeds for galaxy formation, but there is still uncertainty about how they themselves form. Some believe that supermassive black holes could have formed directly from intergalactic gas in the early universe, while others attribute their existence to the gravitational pull of dark matter. Ultimately, the evidence points to the existence of black holes as the only explanation for the observed phenomenon of large masses confined within small regions of space.
  • #1
I have never met such an idea... Can anyone comment?
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  • #2
We can observe that most galaxies have a massive black holes inside them.So from that I think we can conclude that black holes are creating galaxies.
  • #3
Most but not all galaxies appear to have black holes at their center.

In general, galaxies are thought to form from uneven clumps in clouds of intergalactic gas.

It is possible that a black hole could act as a seed for such formation. However, in that case the black hole itself must have already formed from something, so that creates a "chicken and egg" problem. One idea which was recently put forward was that jets from a quasar (powered by a black hole) or active galactic nucleus might trigger formation of new nearby galaxies, but so far the evidence for this is not clear.

From a distance the gravitational pull of a black hole is essentially the same as that of the equivalent amount of normal matter, so it is unlikely to be anything more than a trigger to start formation.

For many galaxies the mass of the black hole and certain measures of the size of the galaxy seem to be related by a fairly simple law, which suggests either that the size of the black hole is determined by the size of the galaxy or vice versa. A partial explanation of this might be that if an active galactic nucleus becomes very bright, the radiation pressure can drive off the interstellar gas, which could slow down any further star formation and prevent the galaxy from continuing to grow.
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  • #4
Jonathan Scott said:
It is possible that a black hole could act as a seed for such formation. However, in that case the black hole itself must have already formed from something, so that creates a "chicken and egg" problem.

ıs this means we need such a galatic structure to create a massive black hole ? ,Or just an alone massive star could create a black hole ?
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  • #5
Arman777 said:
ıs this means we need a that we need such a galatic structure to create a massive black hole ? ,Or just an alone massive star could create a black hole ?
I don't think this is known at present.

My feeling is that a black hole which is large enough to trigger galaxy formation would need a concentration of mass many times that of a single star, and that would only be found either within a galaxy or perhaps in region of space being disturbed by jets from an existing quasar or similar object. If that is the case, then early galaxies would have had to form without such "seeds" and might have been somewhat different in structure.

The main alternative is that somehow supermassive black holes were able to form by collapse directly from intergalactic gas in the early universe.
  • #6
Jonathan Scott said:
My feeling is that a black hole which is large enough to trigger galaxy formation would need a concentration of mass many times that of a single star,

I agree

Jonathan Scott said:
The main alternative is that somehow supermassive black holes were able to form by collapse directly from intergalactic gas in the early universe.

This sounds nice.
  • #7
I am sceptical, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is very light in comparison to the galaxy's total mass. The seeds for galaxy formation are usually believed to be the gravitational wells created by density variations of dark matter.
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  • #8
Orodruin said:
I am sceptical, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is very light in comparison to the galaxy's total mass. The seeds for galaxy formation are usually believed to be the gravitational wells created by density variations of dark matter.

So dark matter creates a galaxy structure,And that structure creates a black hole ?
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  • #9
Arman777 said:
So dark matter creates a galaxy structure,And that structure creates a black hole ?
No one has ever witnessed a real black hole as I understand. Correct? Of course, all the evidences indicate such an object does exist. But what if it is just the gravity of all stars that center of a galaxy (quasar) consists of creates these spirals of matter?
  • #10
acidmatic said:
No one has ever witnessed a real black hole as I understand. Correct?

There are plenty of observations that show large masses, as shown by the orbits of things around them, being confined within small regions of space, regions not much larger than the Schwarzschild radius associated with the mass. Observations also show things falling into such regions and nothing coming back out. The only kind of object we know of that can account for such observations is a black hole.

acidmatic said:
what if it is just the gravity of all stars that center of a galaxy (quasar) consists of creates these spirals of matter?

The observations don't just show a lot of gravity--i.e., a lot of mass. They show a lot of mass confined within a small region of space. The latter is why we think there are supermassive black holes at the centers of most galaxies.

For some quasars we also have another line of evidence: their brightness can vary significantly on short time scales, on the order of a month. This implies that whatever object is producing the light can only be a light-month or less in size, otherwise the variation in brightness could not be coordinated on that time scale. But a light-month is a small distance in galactic terms, so again this points to a large mass being confined in a small region of space.
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  • #11
My understanding is that it's currently not known how these supermassive BHs were formed. The difficulties are:

* stellar mass BH can't grow fast enough to have many millions of solar masses in only a few billions of years. Even in a dense stellar cluster, say like globular cluster, stars very rarely collide and "get eaten" by a BH - this is even more rare than stars colliding with other stars.

* maybe SMBHs form by direct collapse of very large gas/dust clouds? IIRC attempts to model this numerically show that this results in star formation - the cloud inevitably fragments into smaller subclouds, which become stars. Does not seem to work.
  • #12
We do not know the probability distribution for primordial density fluctuations in the early universe so the likely number and size of any primordial black holes is, at best, a guess. I think it is fair to say the environment then in effect vastly differed from that now prevailing. PBH's remain on the table mainly because it is incredibly difficult to otherwise explain the abundance and size of supermassive black holes in the current universe. The case for them has strengthened significantly in the past few years, e.g.;, First Identification of Direct Collapse Black Hole Candidates in the Early Universe in CANDELS/GOODS-S.

Related to Black holes are creating galaxies with their gravitational force

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself, creating a singularity.

2. How do black holes create galaxies?

Black holes are surrounded by a disk of gas and dust called an accretion disk. As matter falls into the black hole, it heats up and emits radiation. This radiation can push gas and dust away from the black hole, creating powerful jets that can trigger the formation of stars and galaxies.

3. How does the gravitational force of a black hole affect the formation of galaxies?

The strong gravitational force of a black hole can pull in surrounding matter, causing it to spin faster and form a disk. This disk can then collapse under its own gravity to form a galaxy. Additionally, the jets created by the black hole can trigger the formation of stars and galaxies in the surrounding gas and dust.

4. Can black holes eventually consume entire galaxies?

While black holes can grow in size by consuming matter, they do not consume entire galaxies. The gravitational pull of a galaxy is strong enough to keep the stars and gas in orbit, preventing them from falling into the black hole.

5. How do scientists study the effects of black holes on galaxy formation?

Scientists use various methods to study the effects of black holes on galaxy formation, such as observing the jets and radiation emitted by black holes, studying the motion of stars and gas near black holes, and using computer simulations to model the formation of galaxies in the presence of black holes.

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