Black holes and extended horizons

In summary, the conversation discusses the balance between reality and fantasy in a sci-fi/fantasy novel. The writer is researching the possibility of a planet being swallowed by a black hole, but is concerned about the scientific accuracy. They ask about the possibility of a rotating black hole's horizon expanding and if there are any theories that could explain this inaccuracy. The conversation also mentions the possibility of a black hole absorbing a star through the collision of galaxies. Additionally, the effects of tidal forces on an object crossing the event horizon of a black hole are discussed, and an equation is provided to estimate the minimum mass of a black hole that an Earth-sized planet could survive crossing the event horizon. The conversation concludes with a side note about the surface area of a
  • #1
I'm currently writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel and although I know everything in this genre doesn't have to be technically accurate I still like to keep one foot firmly in the realm of reality and combine it with aspects of the fantastic.

At the moment I'm working on a plotline that involves a planet being swallowed by a black hole but on researching it have found that there's no way a planet that supports life would be able to exist near enough to a star to be effected by a black hole.

I understand that the range of a black hole's horizon depends on the mass of the star that existed before the final stages of it dying. I was wondering if it was possible for a rotating black hole's horizon to expand in some way?

If I can work some real life mechanics into this it'd be great but if its not scientifically possible is there any highly plausible if innaccurate theories that I could use the explain this away?

Some of you may say who cares its sci fi! Unfortunately I'm one of those people who likes to pick holes in things which inadvertently mean I'm writing for an audience that I expect to have similar bad habits. :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #2
If you added mass to a black hole its event hozion and overall gravitational attraction would increase in radius.

I don't really know what you are talking about when you say "on researching it have found that there's no way a planet that supports life would be able to exist near enough to a star to be effected by a black hole", black holes do move around so it is possible for a star with an orbiting planet to be absorbed by one. Just to point out, if the sun turned into a black hole this very second the orbit of the Earth would still be exactly the same because the sun would have the same mass and pose the same gravitaitional force on the Earth

One way in which a black hole could absorb your life baring star is through the colliding of Galaxies. (ex: The Milkyway and Adromeda galaxies are predicted to one day collide).

Hope this helps :)
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  • #3
You also need to take into account tidal forces that an object will experience as it crosses the event horizon which is the sum of radial stretching and sideways compression-

[tex]\Delta g= \frac{2Gm}{r^3} l_1 +\frac{Gm}{r^3} l_2 [/tex]

for a static black hole where l1 is the radial length of the object perpendicular to the BH and l2 is the width of the object. If l1 and l2 are equal then the equation can simply be written [itex]\Delta g=3Gm/r^3[/itex]. For arguments sake, let's say that l is equivalent to the diameter of Earth and the largest change in gravity the Earth can experience from one side to the other is 1 Earth g, if we substitute r for the Schwarzschild radius [itex](r_s=2Gm/c^2)[/itex] then the equation to find the minimum size of a black hole that an Earth sized planet would survive crossing the EH would be

[tex]\Delta g=\frac{3Gm}{(2Gm/c^2)^3}l[/tex]

[tex]\Delta g=\frac{3Gmc^6}{8G^3m^3}l=\frac{3c^6}{8G^2m^2}l[/tex]

solve for m

[tex]m=\sqrt{\frac{3c^6}{8G^2\Delta g}l}[/tex]

if Δg=9.81 (Earths gravity) and l=2 x 6.731e+6 (Earth's radius) then the minimum mass for the BH would be ~141.672 million sol, this is just to reach the event horizon. Maybe an Earth like planet can withstand greater tidal forces but this provides an approximation and Δg can change to suit. Note that this would get a bit more complex for a rotating black hole." page 9On a side note, the surface area of a black hole reduces with spin-


where [itex]r_+=M+\sqrt{(M^2-a^2)}[/itex], r+ being the outer event horizon, M and a representing the mass and spin of the black hole in geometric units where [itex]M=Gm/c^2[/itex] and [itex]a=J/mc[/itex].
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Related to Black holes and extended horizons

What is a black hole?

A black hole is an object in space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses in on itself.

How are black holes detected?

Black holes are detected through their effects on nearby objects, such as the distortion of light and the movement of stars and gas around them. Scientists also use telescopes and other instruments to observe the radiation emitted from black holes.

What is an extended horizon?

An extended horizon is the region around a black hole where the effects of its gravity are still significant but not strong enough to prevent light from escaping. It is also known as the event horizon, which is the point of no return for anything that enters a black hole.

Can anything escape from a black hole?

Once something crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape. However, Hawking radiation, a theoretical form of radiation, suggests that tiny particles can escape from the black hole's vicinity.

What is the significance of studying black holes and extended horizons?

Studying black holes and extended horizons can help us better understand the laws of physics, especially when it comes to gravity and the behavior of matter in extreme conditions. It can also provide insight into the evolution of the universe and potentially lead to new technologies and discoveries.

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