Biological Effects of Radiation - 1st year Physics

In summary: I do not know if my assumption is correct, but my reasoning is that the activity of the sample would decrease over time as the atoms decay, and if there are enough atoms left, the activity would still be significant. So, in summary, Polonium-210 has a short half life of 138.4 days and decays to stable lead-206 by emitting an alpha particle with a kinetic energy of 5.31 MeV. The fraction of energy released in the decay that is converted into kinetic energy of the alpha particle is estimated to be 6e-10 Joules. The remaining energy is converted into other forms. There are 2.86e15 atoms in 1 microgram of Po-210, with an activity
  • #1

Polonium-210 has a half life of 138.4 days. It decays to stable Pb-206 by emitting an alpha particle with a kinetic energy of 5.31 MeV. Alpha radiation of this energy has a relative biological effectiveness of 20.

a) If the difference in mass of Po-210 and Pb-206 nuclei is 4.00731u and the mass of an alpha particle is 4.00151u, estimate the fraction of the energy released in the radioactive decay of a Po-210 atom that is converted into kinetic energy of the alpha particle. What happens to the rest of the energy?

b) How many atoms are there in 1 microgram of Po-210?

c) Calculate the activity in becquerels of 1 microgram of Po-210

d) What is the total energy in joules of all of the alpha particles emitted by 1 microgram of Po-210 in one second?

e) If 1 microgram of Po-210 were ingested by a 70kg man, calculate the total equivalent radioactive dose in sieverts that he would receive in 48 hours. Comment on any assumptions that you make in your calculation.

f) Do you think that a sample of 1 gram of Po-210 isolated by Marie Curie in 1929 would still be a significant hazard today? Explain your reasoning

Relevant Equations

Dose equivalent in Sv = Absorbed dose in Gy x RBE
1u = 1.6605e-27 kg
Initial activity/initial number of atoms = time constant
half life = time constant * natural log(2)
half life = natural log (2) / decay rate
Number of atoms = Initial number of atoms * e^-(time of decay)*(decay rate)
dN/dt = - decay rate * number of atoms
Activity = decay rate * number of atoms

Attempt at a solution

a) I said that the initial energy of Po-210 is equal to the energy of Pb-206 + energy of alpha particle + kinetic energy. I rearranged to get Kinetic Energy(alpha) = change in mass * c^2 which gave my answer as 6e-10 Joules.

b) using the number of particles in a mole I divided the mass by the molar mass and multiplied by the number of particles. My answer was 2.86e15 atoms

c) using the equation below
half life = natural log (2) / decay rate
I plugged in my value of half life and found the decay rate and put that into the next equation.
Activity = decay rate * number of atoms
My answer was 1.66e9 Bq

d) Because the time period is one second, I divided the activity by the number of atoms in a mole of a substance. I then multiplied this by the molar mass of helium and my result was 1.11e-14 grams.

e) I have calculated the number of atoms emitted by using the initial amount and subtracting the amount at t = 48 hours. I now have a number for emitted particles in the man of 2.73e14 which has an energy of 1.638e5 Joules assuming that the particles have zero kinetic energy. I do not know how to convert this into the 'dose' that he would receive. I don't understand the relative biological effectiveness fully.

f) My initial thoughts are that I should calculate the number of atoms left from 1 gram, or the activity. If this is very small, which it must be since the half life is only 138.4 days - then it will not be a hazard today.
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  • #2
However, if the activity is still high or there are still a significant number of atoms left, then the sample will still be hazardous today.

Related to Biological Effects of Radiation - 1st year Physics

1. What is radiation and what are its biological effects?

Radiation is the emission of energy in the form of particles or waves. It can be either ionizing or non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms, while non-ionizing radiation does not. Biological effects of radiation refer to the changes that occur in living cells and tissues when exposed to radiation. These effects can range from mild skin irritation to severe damage to organs and tissues.

2. How does radiation interact with living cells?

When radiation passes through living cells, it can cause damage to the DNA. This can lead to mutations or cell death. The extent of the damage depends on the type of radiation, the dose, and the sensitivity of the cells. High doses of radiation can cause immediate and severe damage, while low doses can have long-term effects.

3. What are the sources of radiation exposure?

There are both natural and artificial sources of radiation exposure. Natural sources include cosmic radiation from space, radon gas in the soil, and radioactive elements in the earth's crust. Artificial sources include medical imaging procedures, nuclear power plants, and industrial activities.

4. How are the biological effects of radiation measured and evaluated?

The biological effects of radiation are measured in terms of absorbed dose, which is the amount of energy deposited in a material by radiation. The unit of absorbed dose is the gray (Gy). The biological effects are also evaluated based on the type of radiation, the dose rate, and the type of tissue exposed.

5. How can we protect ourselves from the harmful effects of radiation?

There are various measures that can be taken to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of radiation. These include minimizing exposure to radiation, using protective equipment such as lead aprons during medical procedures, and following safety guidelines in industries that deal with radioactive materials. It is also important to monitor radiation levels and take appropriate precautions when necessary.

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