Bifilar Pendulum: Can't justify/create a hypothesis + analyze results

In summary: I didn't understand how he got it), we can say that T=k x 1/d where k is the constant of proportionality. Faysal Riaz got k by getting the gradient of a graph of T against 1/d, where T is the period and d is the horizontal distance between the strings. Then he substituted in the formula for CR, and worked out that:T=2π x √(Id/(Mgd))So, in summary, a bifilar pendulum is an experimental setup where a ruler is tied to two strings, twisted, and then released to observe its period. The independent variables are the length of the strings and the distance between the strings. One can create a hypothesis that the period is
  • #1
Bifilar Pendulum: Need help with formulas now...

Homework Statement

So I have an assignment where I have to determine the relationships between the period of a Bifilar Pendulum. I performed an experiment where the angle was set to 20 degrees, the ruler tied to the strings is twisted, and then it is let go and after 3 periods, the timer is stopped. The independent variables are the length of the strings and the distance between the strings.

The above photo should help you understand what a bifilar pendulum looks like. The experiment my group performed was very similar to the set up shown in the picture.

We also had to create a hypothesis, justify it and then justify the results. I would really like to do well for this assignment, but the problem is I can't create a good hypothesis because the information on the internet seems limited. The reason I didn't create a hypothesis before the actual experiment is because there wasn't enough theory found to create one.

Homework Equations

This is what I am trying to find. Justifying the hypothesis is really as easy as saying "an expert on the matter said this would happen." So what if he was wrong/the experiment says he is wrong? At least I have my experiment results to compare it to, and see whether similar results were obtained, and then I can restate a hypothesis. However, I would like it if someone could help me link my hypothesis to physics theories (so why is the period proportional to the inverse of the length?) so I can do the best I can.

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have my results, and found the relationships between the period with my independent variables. T=k x 1/d where T is period, k is the constant and d is the distance between the strings. In addition, T=o x √l where o is the second constant and l is the length of the strings vertically. However, when one of the 2 constants is found (because the constants are different for each variable), they are used again in the same formula with the same variables, and the answer comes out wrong. Is this because of human error? I'm fairly sure the constant is equal to the gradient of a graph where the two variables (time and 1/d) are plotted. Is this correct?

So to wrap it all up, can someone help me create a justifiable hypothesis (that is not based on my results obviously) and help me analyze me results? You would help me a lot!
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Physics news on
  • #2
Can nobody help me?
I was looking around, and came across this site:
I am using that to create a hypothesis, and have created one. Now I need to justify my hypothesis. However, I have gotten stuck at one point...

"Therefore the restoring Couple, CR, which acts towards the equilibrium position so is negative, is given by:

CR = (-Mgθd2)/4y

Applying Newton’s Second Law for the rotational motion of the rod, which is of constant mass:

(Id2θ)/dt2= (-Mgθd2)/4y

∴(d2θ)/dt2= (-Mgθd2)/4Iy"

Could someone read over the site and explain how this person came to this conclusion? I don't understand how he got the CR, or how he got the two formulas below that.
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  • #3
lavenders2 said:
Can nobody help me?
I was looking around, and came across this site:
I am using that to create a hypothesis, and have created one. Now I need to justify my hypothesis. However, I have gotten stuck at one point...

"Therefore the restoring Couple, CR, which acts towards the equilibrium position so is negative, is given by:

CR = (-Mgθd2)/4y

Applying Newton’s Second Law for the rotational motion of the rod, which is of constant mass:

(Id2θ)/dt2= (-Mgθd2)/4y

∴(d2θ)/dt2= (-Mgθd2)/4Iy"

Could someone read over the site and explain how this person came to this conclusion? I don't understand how he got the CR, or how he got the two formulas below that.
Hello lavenders2. Welcome to PF .

The following link may help:

I'll try to look at the link you gave to see if I can explain how Faysal Riaz got that result.
  • #4

SammyS said:
Hello lavenders2. Welcome to PF .

The following link may help:

I'll try to look at the link you gave to see if I can explain how Faysal Riaz got that result.

The link you gave wasn't too helpful, but it did have a nice diagram.
On the bright side, I may have worked out what Faysal Riaz has done.

The CR is the restoring couple. That means it has the opposite direction to the TR. Would the CR, by any chance, have anything to do with this?
[itex]T[/itex]=F x d
Where [itex]T[/itex] is the torque (in this case the resultant moment of a couple), F is one of the forces (the restoring forces) and d is the perpendicular distance between the forces (equal to the string separation, or in the formula the Faysal Riaz used, d) Because the CR is negative, we have:
(-Mgθd)/4y x d = (-Mgθd2)/4y

For the next part, we have:
Fnet = m x (d2x/dt2) = -kx
That formula is derived from Newton's second law and Hooke's law. m is the inertial mass, x is the displacement from the equilibrium and k is the spring constant.
If m is the inertial mass, then is that the I in Faysal Riaz's experiment that he worked out using calculus?
If it is, then:
(Id2θ)/dt2= (-Mgθd2)/4y

∴(d2θ)/dt2= (-Mgθd2)/4Iy

I have worked out the rest of his work, and got to the part where I justify my hypothesis:
“It was hypothesised that the period will decrease as the horizontal distance between the strings increases in the form T is proportional to the inverse of D, and the period will also decrease as the vertical length of the strings increases in the form T is proportional to L, provided that the angle of amplitude, length of the ruler, and the mass of the ruler and strings are kept constant.”
By getting T [itex]\alpha[/itex] 1/d (which Faysal had worked out already) and T[itex]\alpha\sqrt{y}[/itex] (which was obtained from the same formula that T [itex]\alpha[/itex] 1/d was obtained).
If this is not enough justification, we know that g is 9.8. Using this, it is possible to isolate g and have it equal:
g = (4pi2L2y)/3k2
And use the values obtained from the experiment to get a value for g. If it is close to 9.8, then the formula and results are justified (I have already done this and the answer was very close, so I know this formula is justified, along with my results)
  • #5

First, it is important to note that in science, hypotheses are not created after the experiment has been conducted. They are created before the experiment as a prediction of what will happen based on previous knowledge and understanding of the topic. In this case, the hypothesis should have been based on the known relationships between the variables in a bifilar pendulum, such as the period being proportional to the inverse of the length.

Moving on to the results, it is important to analyze them critically and consider any possible sources of error. It is possible that the incorrect constants were obtained due to human error, but it could also be due to other factors such as environmental conditions or equipment limitations. It is important to address these potential sources of error in the analysis.

In terms of creating a hypothesis, it would be helpful to review the theory behind bifilar pendulums and the known relationships between the variables. This will allow you to make a more informed and justifiable hypothesis. Additionally, consulting with an expert or conducting further research on the topic may also provide insight into creating a hypothesis.

As for analyzing the results, it would be helpful to plot the data and see if it follows the expected trends based on the known relationships between the variables. If there are discrepancies, it is important to identify potential sources of error and discuss how they may have affected the results.

Overall, it is important to approach scientific experiments with a solid understanding of the theory behind them and to critically analyze the results to ensure accuracy and reliability. Good luck with your assignment!

Related to Bifilar Pendulum: Can't justify/create a hypothesis + analyze results

1. What is a bifilar pendulum?

A bifilar pendulum is a type of pendulum that consists of two parallel strings or wires that support a rod or weight. It is used to study the laws of motion and determine the acceleration due to gravity.

2. How does a bifilar pendulum work?

A bifilar pendulum works by suspending a rod or weight between two strings or wires that are parallel to each other. When the weight is pulled to one side and released, it swings back and forth in a pendulum motion. The motion of the pendulum can be analyzed to determine the acceleration due to gravity.

3. What are some potential hypotheses for a bifilar pendulum experiment?

Potential hypotheses for a bifilar pendulum experiment could include the relationship between the length of the strings and the period of the pendulum, the relationship between the mass of the weight and the period, or the effect of air resistance on the pendulum's motion.

4. How do you analyze the results of a bifilar pendulum experiment?

To analyze the results of a bifilar pendulum experiment, you will need to measure the independent variables (such as the length of the strings or the mass of the weight) and the dependent variable (the period of the pendulum). Then, you can plot the data and look for any patterns or relationships between the variables.

5. What are some factors that may affect the results of a bifilar pendulum experiment?

Some factors that may affect the results of a bifilar pendulum experiment include the accuracy of the measuring equipment, the presence of air resistance, and the consistency of the pendulum's motion. It is important to control for these factors as much as possible to obtain reliable results.

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