Beta Plus Decay: Exploring the Physics Behind It

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  • Thread starter abotiz
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    Beta Decay
In summary, according to Wikipedia, a nucleus can only decay into a daughter nucleus if the daughter nucleus has a greater binding energy (and therefore a lower total energy). This implies that the atom knows beforehand that the daughter should have lower total energy. This is strange, as it doesn't make sense that everything would happen only if allowed by physics.
  • #1

I have a question about beta plus decay.
I have read through the previous post regarding this decay, but I did not find anyone mentioning what I wonder about. Also, some post dates back to 2009, and maybe some recent findings in physics can explain things in a "better" way.

So according to wikipedia "
However, β+ decay cannot occur in an isolated proton because it requires energy due to the mass of the neutron being greater than the mass of the proton.
β+ decay can only happen inside nuclei when the daughter nucleus has a greater binding energy (and
therefore a lower total energy) than the mother nucleus.

To me, this implies that the atom knows beforehand that the daughter should have lower total energy.
Which is strange...

If not, then one would say that everything happens, but only the "allowed" things exists.
But this is even more strange.

So, how does the physics explain such a dilemma?

Thank you for your time
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  • #2
You know how when you place a ball on a slope, it may spontaneously roll down, but it'll never roll up by itself?
Do you find it strange that the ball 'knows' which configuration has lower energy state? Or do you find it strange that it's only 'allowed' for the ball to start rolling down and not up or sideways?

It's exactly like that with decay processes. A ball doesn't have to know where it'll end up beforehand, but if there's anywhere to roll down to, it'll likely roll down. Same with a nucleus - it doesn't have to know what it'll decay into beforehand. As long as there is a configuration with lower energy state available, a decay can happen.
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  • #3
You can calculate the probability that something decays within a given time span, e. g. a second. If you do this calculation for radioactive particles like a free neutron, you get a non-zero value in the calculation. If you do the calculation for stable particles like a free proton, you get exactly zero (at least according to known physics).
The proton does not have to "know" the neutron mass. The proton would behave the same if there wouldn't be a concept of neutrons at all*. If there would be a possible decay, then it could happen at any time, and the probability can be calculated based on the particle properties.*within the scope of this thread. Please don't start with quantum field theory in a [b]-level thread.
  • #4
Bandersnatch said:
You know how when you place a ball on a slope, it may spontaneously roll down.

No, this is news to me.

But if I understood you both correctly, it is something along the lines
abotiz said:
then one would say that everything happens, but only the "allowed" things exists.

Almost like, nucleus gives away its energy in a certain frequency, throws it out and take it in again, and proton is susceptible to decay with a certain frequency, and when the probability matches, it happens.

mfb said:
*within the scope of this thread. Please don't start with quantum field theory in a -level thread.
Sorry Sir, I have no idea what this means.
But last time I made a post I do not remember having to choose something before posting.
Who can tell what a question in physics might generate a kind of answer.
  • #5
abotiz said:
Sorry Sir, I have no idea what this means.
Ignore that part.
There are some technical details where you could argue that my post is not exactly correct, but to understand them you need much more advanced physics. I made that comment to keep these details out, they wouldn't help you.
abotiz said:
Almost like, nucleus gives away its energy in a certain frequency, throws it out and take it in again, and proton is susceptible to decay with a certain frequency, and when the probability matches, it happens.
No, that description does not work.
  • #6
abotiz said:
No, this is news to me.

Wait, go back a few steps, even uphill if necessary. The idea that a ball will, on its own, roll downhill, is "news" to you?

I definitely want to find out first why this is not something you already know.

  • #7
mfb said:
No, that description does not work.

Well, would you be so kind to explain?
I really thought that, that summarized both your posts.
That there is a probability for something to happen. And probability happen when things match up or when physics allows it. And it would not make sense that the first time particle A in a complex system "tries" something, things goes its way. It feels like things should happen constantly, and only when allowed, it does happen. Allowed - being governed by physics law.
ZapperZ said:
The idea that a ball will, on its own, roll downhill, is "news" to you?
Yes sir, but I maybe I did not comment that properly. It is for sure the gravitational force causing the roll.
I gave a conservative answer due to chosen word "spontaneous".

Thank you
  • #8
abotiz said:
Well, would you be so kind to explain?
It doesn't make any sense, I can't break that down to smaller parts.
An unstable particle does nothing before it decays. It just stays a particle.
abotiz said:
And probability happen when things match up or when physics allows it.
There is nothing that "matches up".
abotiz said:
It feels like things should happen constantly, and only when allowed, it does happen.
That feeling is wrong.
  • #9
I don't understand well the questions... but there are certain properties in physics that are conserved. The conservation of energy and momentum are so strong principles into the physics community (since they've never been seen violated), that physicists at some point "discovered" a new particle thanks to wanting to keep that principle. That particle was the neutrino. So indeed, everything that is allowed can happen with some probability. Now "what is allowed or not?" is answered by everything is tested everyday.

Yet, conservation of energy and momentum is pretty much anywhere, so you can't say "it knew beforehand", it is made to obey that since nature wants it that way. A particle doesn't know anything beforehand since there is no "conciousness of a single particle" (and you should avoid thinking or even continuing writing on those lines).. It's like trying to feed full 200 people when you only have 1 chip. It's not some kind of previous knowledge but an impossibility for you to do it. In a similar manner it's impossible for nature to "give birth" to extra energy that would be necessary for an isolated proton to decay into a neutron+positron.
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Related to Beta Plus Decay: Exploring the Physics Behind It

1. What is beta plus decay?

Beta plus decay, also known as positron emission, is a type of radioactive decay in which a proton in the nucleus of an atom is transformed into a neutron, while also releasing a positron (a positively charged particle) and a neutrino.

2. How does beta plus decay occur?

In beta plus decay, a proton in the nucleus of an atom is converted into a neutron through the weak nuclear force. This results in the emission of a positron and a neutrino, both of which carry away energy from the nucleus.

3. What is the role of the weak nuclear force in beta plus decay?

The weak nuclear force is responsible for the transformation of a proton into a neutron in beta plus decay. This force is one of the four fundamental forces in nature and is involved in many nuclear processes, including radioactive decay.

4. How does beta plus decay affect the stability of an atom?

Beta plus decay can change the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, which can affect its stability. In some cases, beta plus decay can result in a more stable nucleus, while in other cases it can lead to further decay.

5. What are some practical applications of beta plus decay?

Beta plus decay is used in medical imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET), to create images of the inside of the body. It is also used in nuclear power plants to produce energy through controlled nuclear reactions.

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