Best path for studying physics and computer science

In summary, the individual is a senior in high school and is considering their options for college and future career. They are interested in studying both physics and computer science, potentially with a double major or focus on computational physics. They want to obtain a PhD and are currently considering in-state universities for their undergraduate education to save money, but have also considered more prestigious and expensive options for graduate school. However, after receiving a high ACT score, they are reconsidering their plans and contemplating applying to highly selective schools. They are seeking advice on which route to take.
  • #1
I am a senior right now in high school and am pretty much deciding the beginning of the rest of my career right now. Ultimately, I would love to study both physics and computer science with either a double major or with computational physics. I love learning about mathematics, physics, computer architecture/electrical engineering and computer programming. I most certainly want to obtain my PhD as I know I'll love the learning and it seems areas like physics tend to require doctoral degrees.

I live near Cincinnati, Ohio and I'd previously thought that I might shoot for attending Ohio State University or Miami Oxford University. OSU is pretty much the best college in Ohio for both physics and computer science but both colleges are pretty good anyway. Their total costs are about $23,000 and $29,500 respectively. My plan was to attend one of these in-state colleges for at least my first two years if not my entire undergrad so as to save more money in the long run. I would then continue on to a more prestigious, albeit costly, university for my graduate.

I also thought about attending better schools like University of California at Berkley and Carnegie Mellon (more towards the computer science side of things) but I heard that attending a college as an undergraduate will likely decrease your chances of getting accepted there as a graduate.

Anyway, today I learned that I got a 34 on the ACT which came as a complete surprise as I've never taken the test before. After considering this bit of news, I've begun to reconsider my previous plans. Should I continue on with my current plan and go the cheaper, in-state route or should I shoot for the stars early on. With this revelation, I realize that there is a small chance for me to get into those highly selective schools like Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Stanford and Princeton. I also realize, well my counselor tells me, that I will be able to get much more money with that score than I could have without it. What's your advice? Thank you.
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  • #2
Just about any major state university will do well by you for an undergraduate education.

You say that you are "deciding the beginning of the rest of your career right now." That seems rather premature, to me. By all means, make some plans, but expect them to change as you mature. You don't really know, at this point, how you stack up against the competition. First year of college is quite an awakening for most folks.

Related to Best path for studying physics and computer science

1. What is the benefit of studying both physics and computer science?

Studying both physics and computer science can provide a well-rounded education that combines critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills from physics with programming skills and technology knowledge from computer science. This combination can open up a wide range of career opportunities in fields such as data science, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

2. How can I balance the workload of studying two complex subjects?

Balancing the workload can be challenging, but it is important to prioritize and manage your time effectively. Create a schedule that allows you to dedicate enough time to each subject, and try to find connections between the two disciplines to make studying more efficient. Additionally, seeking help from professors, tutors, or study groups can also help manage the workload.

3. Is there a specific order in which I should take courses in physics and computer science?

It is recommended to take introductory courses in both subjects before moving on to more advanced courses. However, the order may vary depending on your personal interests and career goals. It is important to consult with academic advisors and plan your course schedule accordingly.

4. Are there any specific skills or prerequisites needed for studying physics and computer science?

Having a strong foundation in math and problem-solving skills is crucial for both physics and computer science. Additionally, having a basic understanding of programming languages and an interest in technology can be beneficial for studying computer science.

5. What career opportunities are available for someone with a degree in physics and computer science?

Graduates with a degree in physics and computer science have a diverse range of career options, including data scientist, software engineer, research scientist, and computer systems analyst. They can also pursue further education in fields such as computational physics, computational biology, or pursue graduate studies in either physics or computer science.

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