Basic question about equations of Quantum field theory (QFT)

In summary, QFT is a relativistic version of quantum mechanics that can be applied to describe electromagnetic fields and matter fields. The fields are described using a Lagrangian and their corresponding Hamiltonian is found through canonical conjugate momenta. The Schrödinger-like equation is then used to find eigenstates for these fields, which correspond to particles and bound states.
  • #1
Hello Forum,

The electromagnetic field EM must be treated relativistically because it travels at the speed of light in a vacuum. However, the idea of quantization forces us to treat the field as a quantum mechanical field.

QFT is the answer to that. QFT is quantum mechanics with relativistic features. But we are only talking about special relativity not general relativity, correct? There is no theory that blends QM and GR.

QFT is able to describe the EM field using quantum mechanics. So QFT is relativistic QM. Of course, it can also be applied to other matter fields whose excitations are the electrons, protons, and all other materials particles as long as they travel very fast.

In QFT, are EM fields described using a relativistic version of Maxwell equation or a relativistic version of Schroedinger equation?
What about matter fields? I think the answer for them is the relativistic Schroedinger equation.

What is the electron-positron field? Is it the same thing as the matter field?

What is the Dirac equation? What type of fields does it describe? Is it relativistic and part of QFT?

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  • #2
fog37 said:
QFT is the answer to that. QFT is quantum mechanics with relativistic features. But we are only talking about special relativity not general relativity, correct? There is no theory that blends QM and GR.

Most usually, QFT refers to special relativity. However, gravity can be treated as a spin 2 field on a fixed space-time background. Quantum gravity treated this way is enough for all the stuff we see, but it appears to be inconsistent at high energies. In the latter respect, quantum gravity is not different from quantum electromagnetic fields (quantum electrodynamics or quantum EM), which also appears to be inconsistent at high energies, even though it is a successful theory for all the stuff we see at low energies.

fog37 said:
QFT is able to describe the EM field using quantum mechanics. So QFT is relativistic QM. Of course, it can also be applied to other matter fields whose excitations are the electrons, protons, and all other materials particles as long as they travel very fast.

QFT can be applied even if the particles travel slowly, since non-relativistic QM can be considered a low energy approximation to QFT.

fog37 said:
In QFT, are EM fields described using a relativistic version of Maxwell equation or a relativistic version of Schroedinger equation?
What about matter fields? I think the answer for them is the relativistic Schroedinger equation.

In quantum electrodynamics, which is the QFT of EM fields, the fields are described using the vector potential form of Maxwell's equations.

fog37 said:
What is the electron-positron field? Is it the same thing as the matter field?

What is the Dirac equation? What type of fields does it describe? Is it relativistic and part of QFT?

The electron-positron field is a matter field (more precisely it is a fermion field), and it is described by the Dirac equation.
  • #3
fog37 said:
There is no theory that blends QM and GR.

Yes there is:

fog37 said:
In QFT, are EM fields described using a relativistic version of Maxwell equation or a relativistic version of Schroedinger equation?

Its usually done by the path integral approach.

You start out with <x'|x> then you insert a ton of ∫|xi><xi|dxi = 1 in the middle to get ∫...∫<x|x1><x1|...|xn><xn|x> dx1...dxn. Now <xi|xi+1> = ci e^iSi so rearranging you get
∫...∫ e^ i∑Si.

Focus in on ∑Si. Define Li = Si/Δti, Δti is the time between the xi along the jagged path they trace out. ∑ Si = ∑Li Δti. As Δti goes to zero the reasonable physical assumption is made that Li is well behaved and goes over to a continuum so you get ∫L dt.

Now Si depends on xi and Δxi. But for a path Δxi depends on the velocity vi = Δxi/Δti so its very reasonable to assume when it goes to the continuum L is a function of x and the velocity v.

In this way you see the origin of the Lagrangian. And by considering close paths we see most cancel and you are only left with the paths of stationary action.

The extension to fields is immediate - we replace the particle Lagrangian with a field Lagrangian. The gory detail of how exactly you do this can be found for example in Zee - Quantum Field Theory In A Nutshell:

It's basically a generalisation of a heap of particles connected by springs to conceptually model a field. It's an interesting exercise I did the other day developing it without the aid of such a model.

fog37 said:
What is the electron-positron field? Is it the same thing as the matter field?

Its the matter field of electrons and positrons

fog37 said:
What is the Dirac equation? What type of fields does it describe? Is it relativistic and part of QFT?

Its a relativistic version of Schroedinger's equation. It predicted funny stuff like electrons with negative energy which could be accommodated into a reasonable theory by holes, but many viewed it as a bit of a kludge. The matter field approach was cleaner so it won out - but it's now known to basically be the same.

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  • #4
bhobba said:
Its usually done by the path integral approach.
You can use a Schrödinger-like equation es well.

You start with a Lagrangian


for gauge fields A (photon, gluon, ...), scalar fields phi (Higgs), spinor field psi (electrons, quarks, ...). Then you derive the canonical conjugate momenta and construct the Hamiltonian density and the Hamiltonian

[tex]H = \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} d^3x\,\mathcal{H}[A,\phi,\psi,\ldots, \pi_A,\pi_\phi,\pi_\psi,\ldots][/tex]

The last step (which usually requires approximations) is to find eigenstates for the Schrödinger-like equation

[tex](H-E)|E,\ldots\rangle = 0[/tex]

where ... means other quantum numbers like spin, isospin, ...

These eigenstates correspondent to particles like free photons, electrons, ... but also bound states like protons, neutrons, ...

Related to Basic question about equations of Quantum field theory (QFT)

1. What is Quantum Field Theory (QFT)?

Quantum Field Theory is a theoretical framework that combines principles from quantum mechanics and special relativity to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. It is used to study the fundamental forces and particles that make up the universe.

2. What is the difference between classical field theory and quantum field theory?

Classical field theory is a set of physical laws that describe the behavior of classical (non-quantum) systems, such as objects in motion. Quantum field theory, on the other hand, takes into account the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity, and is used to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

3. How are equations in Quantum Field Theory different from those in Quantum Mechanics?

The equations used in Quantum Field Theory are different from those used in Quantum Mechanics because they take into account the effects of special relativity and describe the behavior of fields, rather than individual particles. In Quantum Field Theory, particles are seen as excitations in these fields.

4. What are the main applications of Quantum Field Theory?

Quantum Field Theory has many applications in physics, including particle physics, condensed matter physics, and cosmology. It is also used in other fields such as chemistry and engineering to understand the behavior of complex systems at the subatomic level.

5. What are some of the challenges in understanding equations in Quantum Field Theory?

One of the main challenges in understanding equations in Quantum Field Theory is the mathematical complexity involved. The equations can be highly abstract and require advanced mathematical techniques to solve. Additionally, interpreting the physical meaning of the equations can also be challenging, as they often describe phenomena that are not directly observable in the classical world.

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