Attempts to define Pi as a definite arithmetic progression?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of pi being transcendental and the different attempts to define it as a definite arithmetic progression. The group also mentions the historical significance of Euclid's definition of pi as the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its radius. It is noted that pi, like the square root of 2, is irrational and cannot be described exactly without symbolic representation or other methods. The conversation also touches on the idea of squaring the Euclidean circle in hyperbolic space and using a thought experiment to define pi.
  • #1
Howdy ho. No reason for a welcome around here, it's not about me it's about the Mathematical Anti-Telharsic Harfatum Septomin, eh!? (I hope at least one of you are familiar with that guy) Nonetheless, I've become obsessed with the transcendental property, and thusly therein my familiarization, I've come to ask this. Pi is transcendental, we got that, however, just being transcendental doesn't mean it is only defined by series or summations or integrals or anything above basic arithmetic. So, why hasn't there been more attempts to define Pi as a definite arithmetic progression? I've been having some fun exploring Pi in correlation to Phi and a truncated icosahedron, but haven't had much time as of late to finish it. Again, nonetheless, what are some of the more famous failures attempting to describe the exact nature of Pi other than a series, summation, integral or etc.?
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  • #2

Euclid of Alexandria (325 - 265 BC) is the one who proved that the ratio of C over d is always the same, regardless of the size of the circle Pi was defined by Euclid as the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its radius.
  • #3

of cause you mean the diameter to its circumference :-) or maybe the other way around circumference to its diameter can't remember in which way I should write it but i mean

  • #4

Of course, this much I understand. But those values are nonetheless irrational. Described by method of measurement. If we knew the exact value of the circumference of a euclidean circle, and described it as say 2, we wouldn't know the irrational value of 2pi. We wouldn't be able to describe it exactly without symbolic representation using pi, or one of my aforementioned methods for determining it's value. Does that make sense
  • #5

Does that make sense?

Sure it does, but mathematics is able to handle this problem.

The value of pi is irrational, but that poses no great problem. Now with the Greeks they discovered that the square root of 2 is irrational. Since they were used to marking things off on a line, they had assumed that for a small enough unit any two lines could be expressed in the same basic unit.

HOWEVER, that was not true, some lines being incommenesurable with others. This was a revolutional discovery at the time. The narrow view of atomitism was that, "All is a plurity of 1."

I think your question about pi woud equally apply to the square root of 2 and of many, many other cases.
  • #6

Ah, and so you see, this much I understand as well. I'm not refuting that. For you see, you can square the Euclidean circle if you were to treat it in Hyperbolic space, or so I believe I've seen a proof on that aforementioned topic. Even so, the analogy doesn't work here. I'm not talking about a realistic, hands on problem. Such is the beauty of math. We may handle it with a thought experiment and test it with numbers. I don't need to draw a perfect Euclidean circle, I'm asking what some of the more famous attempts at describing the ratio known symbolically as Pi exactly. As an example. Take a geodesic grid. Generate a function for its volume with respect to F for the frequency. Take the limit as F approaches infinity and set it equal to 4πR2/3 (Sorry, not yet familiar with tex). You could then, hypothetically define Pi as this big transcendental nested radical, whatever it may be.

EDIT: My apologies, I have been occupied for a few days and incorrectly recollected that you made an analogy to squaring the circle. Same idea with the square root of two however.

Related to Attempts to define Pi as a definite arithmetic progression?

1. What is Pi and why is it important?

Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is approximately equal to 3.14, but has infinite digits after the decimal point. Pi is important in mathematics because it is used to calculate the circumference, area, and volume of circles and spheres, and it also appears in various mathematical equations and formulas.

2. What is an arithmetic progression?

An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers where the difference between consecutive terms is always the same. For example, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 is an arithmetic progression with a common difference of 3. In the context of defining Pi, an arithmetic progression is used to approximate the value of Pi by adding or subtracting a fixed number in each term.

3. How have attempts been made to define Pi as an arithmetic progression?

Several mathematicians have attempted to define Pi as an arithmetic progression, starting with Archimedes in the 3rd century BC. He used a method called the method of exhaustion, which involves inscribing and circumscribing regular polygons inside a circle to approximate its circumference. Other mathematicians, such as Jamshīd al-Kāshī and François Viète, also used similar methods to define Pi as an arithmetic progression.

4. Why is it difficult to define Pi as an arithmetic progression?

Defining Pi as an arithmetic progression is difficult because it is an irrational number, meaning it cannot be expressed as a finite decimal or a fraction. This means that it has an infinite number of digits after the decimal point, making it impossible to define it as a finite arithmetic progression. Furthermore, the digits of Pi do not follow a predictable pattern, making it challenging to find a fixed difference between consecutive terms.

5. What are the implications of defining Pi as an arithmetic progression?

If Pi could be accurately defined as an arithmetic progression, it would provide a simpler and more efficient way to calculate its value. However, it is unlikely that Pi can be exactly represented as an arithmetic progression. This is because Pi is a transcendental number, meaning it cannot be the solution to any algebraic equation. This limitation also has implications for other mathematical concepts and calculations that involve Pi, such as trigonometric functions and geometry.

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