[Atomic] Searching for a Mechanism

However, this phenomenon is not seen at lower energies (16 and 24MeV) because the energy is not high enough to allow for such processes to occur. The use of the tandem and ToF methods were effective in accurately determining the fragments and confirming the known spectra of Ne and He. In summary, an experiment was conducted to calculate the cross section for capture, loss, and ionization for a 05+ projectile on an 02 target at different energies. Results showed that at 32MeV, higher order processes may be contributing to the observed spectra peaks, while at lower energies (16 and 24MeV), such processes are not seen. The tandem and ToF methods were effective in confirming the known spectra of Ne and He
  • #1
I did an experiment to calculate the cross section for capture, loss, and ionization for a 05+ projectile on an 02 target at 16, 24, and 32MeV. We used a tandem to produce the the beam, and a time of flight method (ToF) to determine the fragments. (We used the known Ne and He spectra as a calibration method.)

For all the results came out very well predicting 021+, O1+ / O22+, and O2+ peaks like I would expect. Except the 32MeV 05+ ionization channel (no change in projectile) also had peaks (m/q)^.5 that correlate to O23+ (~3.3) and O25+ (~2.5) which are not stable and would fragment before reaching the detectors.

Is there a mechanism of which I am unaware that would produce these spectra peaks at 32 and not 24 or 16MeV (energy related)?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It is possible that the higher energy of the 32MeV beam is allowing for contribution from higher order processes. For example, at high energies, the 05+ projectile may be able to interact with multiple 02 target nuclei and produce a range of unstable O ions, including O23+ and O25+. This is known as a multi-step process, and may be responsible for the observed peaks in the spectra.
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your experimental results with us. It is interesting to see that your results for the 16 and 24MeV energies were consistent with your expectations, but the 32MeV energy showed unexpected peaks that do not correspond to stable fragments.

Based on the information provided, it seems possible that there may be a mechanism at play that is responsible for these additional peaks at 32MeV. One potential explanation could be that at this higher energy, there is enough energy for the 05+ projectile to undergo a multi-step ionization process, resulting in the production of O23+ and O25+ fragments. This could be a result of the projectile interacting with multiple target particles in a single collision event.

Additionally, it would be helpful to consider any potential experimental factors that could have contributed to these unexpected peaks. For example, could there have been any contamination in the beam or target that could have affected the results? It may also be worth considering if there were any differences in the experimental setup or conditions between the 32MeV and the 16/24MeV energies that could have influenced the results.

Further experiments, potentially varying the energy and/or target materials, could help to confirm the presence of this mechanism and better understand its underlying processes. Thank you for bringing this interesting result to our attention, and we look forward to seeing further developments in this research.

Related to [Atomic] Searching for a Mechanism

What is the purpose of searching for a mechanism in atomic science?

The purpose of searching for a mechanism in atomic science is to understand the underlying processes and interactions that govern the behavior and properties of atoms. By identifying and studying the mechanisms at play, scientists can gain insight into the fundamental nature of matter and potentially develop new technologies and applications.

How do scientists conduct searches for mechanisms in atomic science?

Scientists use a variety of techniques and tools, such as experiments, simulations, and theoretical models, to investigate and identify potential mechanisms in atomic science. They may also collaborate with other researchers and share data and findings to further their understanding.

What are some examples of mechanisms that have been discovered in atomic science?

Some examples of mechanisms that have been discovered in atomic science include atomic bonding, radioactive decay, and quantum tunneling. These mechanisms play a crucial role in understanding the behavior and properties of atoms and have led to numerous advancements in fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science.

Why is it important to continue searching for mechanisms in atomic science?

Continuing to search for mechanisms in atomic science allows for a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and can potentially lead to new discoveries and applications. It also helps to refine and improve existing theories and models, leading to more accurate predictions and interpretations of experimental data.

Are there any challenges or limitations to searching for mechanisms in atomic science?

Yes, there are several challenges and limitations to searching for mechanisms in atomic science. These can include the complexity and scale of atomic systems, the need for advanced technologies and tools, and the inherent uncertainties and limitations of scientific methods. Additionally, some mechanisms may be difficult to observe or study directly, requiring scientists to develop new techniques and approaches.

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