Are some forms of calcium better than others?

In summary, calcium is essential in the prevention of bone loss. This is particularly important for women who are approaching menopause as they're susceptible to osteoporosis. I'm not sure what age women should begin incorporating more calcium into their diet but I do know that they need more after menopause. Most of us are aware that there are special bone support formulas for people who already have osteoporosis. Calcium also comes in liquid form.
  • #1
Calcium is essential in the prevention of bone loss. This is particularly important for women who are approaching menopause as they're susceptible to osteoporosis. I'm not sure what age women should begin incorporating more calcium into their diet but I do know that they need more after menopause. I've heard varying recommendations of 1200-1500 mg. of calcium. Most of us are aware that there are special bone support formulas for people who already have osteoporosis.

We hear a lot about calcium and there are many arguments going back and forth about which form is best. We've heard a lot about coral calcium in the news, thanks to Robert Barefoot. However, I never really thought coral calcium was any better than some of the other forms.

I do think that some of them are better than others. There's calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium ascorbate, calcium lactate, calcium from bonemeal, calcium hydroxyapatite (which is a variation on bonemeal), calcium citrate/malate, calcium from oyster shell and others that I've neglected to mention. Many calcium supplements also contain magnesium but I hear more about the importance of Vitamin D. Is magnesium really essential in a supplement if we are already getting enough in our diet? I'd really be interested in hearing more about the magnesium angle. Calcium also comes in liquid form.

A few years ago, before I started spending too much time in the discussion forums, I spent all my time looking up information about health and nutrition, vitamins, minerals and supplements. I also spent a lot of time looking at supplements in the health food stores. Not everyone can afford to spend a lot of money on supplements so it's a good idea to try to get what we need from our diet.

I think it's a good idea to combine dietary calcium with a calcium supplement. You can spend a fortune on supplements. I'm not currently taking a supplement but I should be. A couple years ago, I took Solgar Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D. Each tablet contains 250 mg. of calcium which required taking four tablets per day for a total of 1,000 mg. Some people complain that calcium supplements cause stomach upset so it is often recommended that calcium be taken in smaller amounts (spread out through the day). It's more expensive this way but I think it works better for me this way. I just got out of the habit of taking them.

I like milk and cheese and other dairy products but I still don't think I'm getting enough in my food alone. There are other food sources. I like salmon and broccoli and most other green vegetables. Here's one link that lists other food sources:

Here's a website that seems to think that "EZorb Calcium" is the best thing on the planet:

What's in the EZorb Calcium?

Unlike traditional calcium sources such as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate or calcium gluconate, which are easily found in coral reef, rocks or limestone, EZorb Calcium is made of calcium aspartate anhydrous (CalAA), an organic compound developed with Elixir Industry's proprietary technology.

This is the website for "Bone Assure" :

Important: 1000 mg calcium bisglycinate is equalivant to 1800 mg of calcium citrate! (When considering bio-availability.)

Commercial calcium supplements provide only limited protection against the demineralization of bone that occurs with aging. The scientific literature, on the other hand, documents a wide range of minerals that are vital to maintaining strong, healthy bones. For those who have already lost bone density, the proper combination of nutrients can help restore bone mass by rebuilding the organic matrix that holds minerals such as calcium in place.

Bone Assure is a comprehensive formula that can prevent osteoporosis in five different ways:

Protects bone mineral mass by providing potent amounts of elemental magnesium and a highly absorbable form of calcium (bis-glycinate) that has been shown to assimilate 1.8 times better than calcium citrate.

Maintains the organic bone matrix with the minerals zinc, manganese, silica and copper that are required for the formation of collagen and other living connective tissues. Manganese has been shown to specifically act as an anabolic catalyst in the development and maintenance of the organic bone matrix.

Facilitates the absorption of calcium into the bloodstream by providing vitamin D3. Once in the bloodstream vitamin D3 then acts as a hormone to direct calcium into the bone matrix.

Prevents excessive urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium by providing the trace mineral boron.

Bone assure lowers toxic homocysteine levels that have been shown to damage the organic bone matrix by providing small amounts of folic acid, B6 and TMG.

So, who are we to believe with all the claims out there to confuse us? I'd also like to hear from people who feel that they have benefited from taking calcium supplements and which one they seem to think works best.
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  • #2
Oh, I don't know about Calcium my good friend. I do take a liking to Calcium Carbonate though...can't believe i said oxide..
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Some forms of calcium are better absorbed than others, but the source of those forms doesn't matter. Calcium is better absorbed in the normal acidic environment of the stomach, which is why the antacids that raise the pH of the stomach aren't a good source of calcium despite their claims.

Also, it's more important to build up strong bones while young than to try to correct osteoporosis post-menopause. I think it's around 35 that women start to absorb calcium into their bones much more slowly (don't take my word for's a vague recollection and I don't have a source for it).

As for magnesium, that's important if you're taking a lot of calcium because you need to keep the calcium to magnesium ratio balanced. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium.

Related to Are some forms of calcium better than others?

1. What are the different forms of calcium available?

There are several forms of calcium available, including calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, and calcium phosphate. Each form has its own unique properties and benefits.

2. Is one form of calcium more effective than the others?

The effectiveness of each form of calcium may vary depending on individual factors such as age, diet, and overall health. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine which form of calcium is best for you.

3. Are certain forms of calcium better for specific health conditions?

Yes, some forms of calcium may be better for certain health conditions. For example, calcium citrate may be more easily absorbed by individuals with low stomach acid, while calcium carbonate may be more beneficial for those with osteoporosis.

4. Are there any side effects associated with different forms of calcium?

Some forms of calcium, such as calcium carbonate, may cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some individuals. It is important to follow recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you experience any adverse effects.

5. Can I get enough calcium from my diet or do I need to take supplements?

It is possible to get enough calcium from a well-balanced diet, but some individuals may require additional supplementation to meet their daily calcium needs. It is best to speak with a healthcare professional to determine your specific calcium needs.

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