Any advice for adult learners, or learning from online courses?

In summary, the forum is a useful resource for advice on how to help a student transition back into the role of student, and there are similar forums available online.
  • #1
Hi all,

My mom has always wanted to go back to school, but could not due to work and having to take care of the family. I recently showed her some free online courses offered by Stanford, and she's expressed interest in two of them: Anatomy and Model Thinking .

There are three main points I hope to get some help with:

1) I'm hoping to help her transition back into the role of a student. Would anyone of you have any advice regarding this? Anything from personal anecdotes, to articles on adult learning, to general advice on how to read a textbook or listen to a lecture are all greatly appreciated. Actually, what might be very useful would be a book on how to be an effective student (if one exists).

2) I think this forum is great and it will definitely be of use to my mom if she needs help. Are there any other forums similar to this one out there? I want to make sure my my mom has somewhere to turn to if she needs help with her work.

3) I believe my mom likes the interactive structure and organization of those Stanford classes. I've looked online and most of the other free online courses are not as complete or interactive (particularly the MIT OpenCourseWare ones). Although I really do not care about the brand name of the institution offering the courses, it seems like the more prestigious ones do have better offerings. Harvard has a limited selection but they are good, Yale also has a few. Are there any schools I have overlooked which offer free online courses of similar quality?

I know I asked a mouthful, but going back to school has always been something that my mom wanted to do. She can't fully retire yet but with these online courses, she doesn't have to wait. So once again, any advice on any of these questions are greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.
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  • #2
It sounds like she'd benefit most from an actual in-person class. Is there a community college nearby, where she could take a class?

It's great that you're researching this for your mom! I understand the pressures on her to take care of the family - for parents, it never seems there is any time to do anything for themselves. So she would never "ask" if she could take time away from them to do something she would enjoy. But maybe the family should start to take care of mom, too o:), and insist mom take some time for her own interests - or give it as a gift?
  • #3

Thanks for the reply. Taking an in-person class might provide some benefits, but at the moment, it's not an option given the nature of my mom's work. She also enjoys online courses because they allow her to move at her own pace, and because they allow her to stop or repeat lectures videos in the middle. When she does retire though, in-person classes will certainly be an option she will explore.

Related to Any advice for adult learners, or learning from online courses?

1. What are the benefits of learning from online courses as an adult?

There are several benefits to learning from online courses as an adult. These include flexibility in terms of schedule and location, access to a wide range of courses and subjects, and the ability to learn at your own pace. Online courses also often offer interactive and multimedia materials for a more engaging learning experience.

2. How can I stay motivated while learning from online courses as an adult?

One way to stay motivated while learning from online courses is to set specific goals for yourself and track your progress. You can also join online communities or forums related to the course, where you can connect with other learners and share your experiences. Additionally, taking breaks and finding a comfortable and distraction-free environment for studying can also help with motivation.

3. Are online courses as effective as traditional in-person courses for adult learners?

It depends on the individual and the course itself. Some studies have shown that online courses can be just as effective, if not more so, for adult learners. However, it also depends on the level of engagement and effort put into the course by the learner. It is important to carefully research and choose a reputable online course that aligns with your learning style and goals.

4. How can I balance learning from online courses with my other responsibilities as an adult?

Balancing online learning with other responsibilities as an adult can be challenging, but it is possible. One tip is to create a schedule and allocate specific times for studying each day. This can help you stay on track and make progress without neglecting your other responsibilities. It is also important to communicate with your family or employer about your learning commitments and negotiate a suitable arrangement.

5. How can I make the most out of my online learning experience as an adult?

To make the most out of your online learning experience as an adult, it is important to actively engage with the materials and participate in any interactive components, such as online discussions or quizzes. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification when needed. It can also be helpful to take notes and review them regularly, as well as connecting with other learners for support and motivation.

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