An interesting Rifleman Problem (Projectile Motion)

In summary, the barrel of a rifle that shoots bullets at 460 m/s must be pointed at target 45.7 m away in order to hit it dead center. However, a simpler method can be used if you know the time it takes for the bullet to travel half the horizontal distance. Additionally, the velocity in x is constant, while the velocity in y follows a free fall system.
  • #1
Tony Zalles

So this is the problem out of Fundamentals of Physics by Haliday Resnick and Walker (Seventh Edition.

By the way this problem would all under a first year calculus based mechanics course.

I know calculus through multivariable...but that's not needed for this least I don't think so.

In any case here it is:

31. A rifle that shoots bullets at 460 m/s is to be aimed at target 45.7 m away. If the center of the target is level with the rifle, how high above the target must the rifle barrel be pointed so that this bullet hits dead center.

Ok... So I know that there is actually a derivation known as the "Rifleman's Rule" for projectile motion (I believe) can be applied to this problem...but it is a very tedious derivation...whose end result is an approximation only (which works out fine because it is intended to be an approximation due to the very small angles that would be used) but that aside, I believe there is a simpler way to work out this problem. But I fail to see how...

Ok here is what I did...

Ok the barrel has to be fired at some [initial angle] and its path is parabolic...
this gives me some useful insight, the time for bullet to go half the horizontal distance if doubled gives the full horizontal distance...and that the [initial angle] when measured from the +x is related to the final angle by taking

[180 degrees - [inital angle]] = [final angle]
(taking final angle to be measured from +x aswell.

Ok so listing the magnitudes:

[inital velocity] = 460
[final velocity] = ?


[inital x position] = 0
[inital y position] = 0
[final x position] = 45.7
[inital angle] = ?
[final angle] = ?

[initial velocity in x] = ?
[final velocity in y] = ?

[final velocity in x] = [initial velocity in x] = ?
[final velocity in y] = ?

Ok velocity in x is constant
Velcity in y follows a free fall system

I already derived the initial components of velocity...

cos [inital angle] * Vo = x component of initial velocity
sin [inital angle] * Vo = y component of initial velocity

I set up two position functions each for x and y plugged in the above derivations.

x(t) = 0 + Vx0 * [delta t] + 0
y(t) = 0 + Vy0* [delta t] - (1/2)*g*{[delta t]^2}

I also then set up two equations from the form

Final velocity = initial velocity + at

So two equations of the above form each for x and y...and you know by I figured I could see something that if I solved for in of these equations plugged back into another...something would cancel out and I would actually be able to solve for at least one of the variable...

or be able to set up a system of equations for my variables...however...I'm not be able to solve this using either approach...

so...yea. any help would be nice :)


-Tony Zalles
Physics news on
  • #2
You have
x(t) = 0 + Vx0 * [delta t] + 0
y(t) = 0 + Vy0* [delta t] - (1/2)*g*{[delta t]^2}

You know that the target is 45.7 m away so you can solve
45.= Vx0 * [delta t] for delta t as a function of Vx0.
You can then put that into 0 = Vy0* [delta t] - (1/2)*g*{[delta t]^2} and get an equation relating Vx0 and Vy0. From that you should be able to calculate the initial angle. Now use tangent of that angle to find how high above the target you must aim.
  • #3

So for the initial theta I end with the following:

2*(sin(inital angle))*(cos(initial angle)) = [(final x)(g)]/(initial velocity)

And with figures:

2*(sin(inital angle))*(cos(initial angle)) = [(45.7)(9.8)]/(460)

Which reduces to...

sin(2*(initial angle)) = [(final x)(g)]/(initial velocity)

solving for (inital angle)


(initial angle) = 38.4 degrees

Now, I believe I can set...

tan(initial angle) = (final y)/(final x)

However in deriving this relationship I already assumed that the final y position was zero in order to be hit dead on to the target...

so...this problem is annoying they didn't even give a figure/picture...

Although I really appreciate the help HallsofIvy :)

The answer in the back of the book is 4.84 cm.

And I'm not getting that...and I know the angle is right because if I use it to calculate the Vx0 and Vyo and take the square of each and then the square root of their sum I end up back with yea...still a little stuck...

Again any help would be most appreciated :)

-Tony Zalles
  • #4
The range of a projectile can be shown to be given by

[tex]R = \frac{V^2\sin(2\alpha)}{g}[/tex]

where V is the launch velocity and alpha the initial launching angle.
  • #5
Never mind,,...numerical error on my all works and I get the answer in the back of the book.


-Tony Zalles

Related to An interesting Rifleman Problem (Projectile Motion)

1. What is the Rifleman Problem and how is it related to projectile motion?

The Rifleman Problem is a classic physics problem that involves a marksman trying to hit a target with a bullet. It is related to projectile motion because it involves the motion of an object (the bullet) being launched through the air and affected by gravity.

2. What are the key factors that affect the trajectory of the bullet in the Rifleman Problem?

The key factors that affect the trajectory of the bullet are the initial velocity of the bullet, the angle at which it is fired, the force of gravity, and the air resistance. These factors determine the path the bullet will take and whether or not it will hit the target.

3. How can the Rifleman Problem be solved using mathematical equations?

The Rifleman Problem can be solved using the equations of projectile motion, which include the equations for displacement, velocity, and acceleration. By plugging in the given values for the initial velocity, angle, and other factors, the path of the bullet can be calculated and the solution to the problem can be determined.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Rifleman Problem?

The Rifleman Problem has many real-world applications, such as in ballistics and military operations. Understanding projectile motion and being able to accurately predict the path of a projectile is crucial for designing weapons, calculating trajectories for long-range shots, and planning military tactics.

5. How does air resistance affect the trajectory of the bullet in the Rifleman Problem?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can significantly affect the trajectory of the bullet in the Rifleman Problem. As the bullet travels through the air, the air resistance acts in the opposite direction of its motion, slowing it down and altering its trajectory. This can make it more difficult for the marksman to hit the target, and must be taken into account when solving the problem.

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