Advice needed--stability versus pursuing one's passions?

  • Thread starter FsLiu
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In summary, if you are unhappy with your current job, consider doing a Master's degree in Materials Engineering. This will give you a more fulfilling career and allow you to focus on what you are truly interested in.
  • #1
Hey guys,

I'm contemplating doing a Master's degree in materials engineering.

I'm graduating with a petroleum engineering degree in the spring of next year. I've had numerous internships which, after some weeks of reflection, made me realize that I'm simply not happy when I'm working for other people. I feel like the work I do doesn't contribute anything to my self development, and that it's so far away from the fundamental laws of physics which is what truly interests me.

One of the things I found was that whenever I became depressed or discouraged during my work or life, I would fantasize about materials engineering, and how I should have gone into that instead. I just keep thinking back to my second year course that was the most interesting course I've ever taken to this day.

My idea is to pursue an academic career path, really. I guess my ideal life is to learn and research while getting paid to do it.

My worry is that I'm giving up a $80k/year job to study something that I only have an introductory knowledge in at the moment. Furthermore, I've only ever heard of how competitive the academia route is. But at the same time, working for oil companies just drains me mentally, and makes me feel like I'm wasting my intellect and more than 1/3 of my life every single day.

I'm very eager to hear the advice from you guys. I feel really really lost at this stage in my life. Am I just having an early mid-life crisis? Am I idealizing life too much?

Thanks so much,
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  • #2
My advice: no matter what you do, do what you love. If you love your work, you will excel in it. You will get better, possibly the best. This is what humanity seeks, the ultimate expert. Money won't be a problem, at least not on the long term.
  • #3
Meh, there are lots of people who became experts in areas they loved, got PhDs, and are now adjuncts for whom money really is a problem.

Materials engineering is a pretty good bet, so if you can get into a PhD program, it might be worth a shot. I think you're overstating the extent to which professors work for themselves, though. I'm not worried about your choice of area so much as I think the reasons you want to switch are red flags.
  • #4
I think that it is unlikely that somebody would just pay you for 'learning and research'. You have to sell yourself and your ideas in any field and any workplace, including academia. I have left academia a long time ago, this is second-hand experience from colleagues. But what they tell me about 'performance measurement', forecasting, reporting, writing applications for grants etc. is more reminiscent of jobs in a larger corporation than of the romanticized life of the lonely thinker. Not that this is a bad thing per se - I know people who enjoy that part of academic work, too!

I second Locrian - Materials Science is not a bad choice. I was a phycisist hired as a materials scientist in my first job, doing contract research for steel industry - not sure if that was so much different ('culture-wise') from working for oil companies.

When I started studying physics I also figured I am most interested in research and 'solving the mysteries of the universe'. Yet I was absolutely surprised to finally find out that I am actually more content with providing pragmatic technical solutions to comparably mundane problems people have right now.

You say you are not happy 'working for other people'. This struck a chord with me as I would not enjoy working exclusively for a single employer. I run my own business - but this means I am working for different clients. For me this was the perfect choice in comparison to both academia or a large corporation; but this is really a personal choice.

I am reluctant to give definitive advice. I found it is not that easy to discover what I actually, finally wanted - unrelated to stereotypes, marketing messages by different industries, advice by people with a hidden agenda etc. If you know enough about the oil industry and you are really sure you can make a decision based on that experience I'd suggest not only to prepare for an academic career in Materials Science but pick up as much employable skills as possible and learn about relevant industry sectors.
  • #5

I understand your dilemma and the desire to pursue your passions. It's important to find fulfillment in your work and feel like you are making a meaningful contribution. However, it's also important to consider stability and practicality in your career choices.

My advice would be to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option. Pursuing a Master's degree in materials engineering may open up new opportunities and allow you to focus on your interests, but it also comes with financial and time commitments. On the other hand, working in the oil industry may provide stability and a good salary, but if it's not fulfilling for you, it may lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

I would also suggest exploring alternative career paths that combine your interests in materials engineering and petroleum engineering. For example, there may be research positions in the oil industry that allow you to apply your knowledge of materials engineering. Or, you could consider pursuing a PhD in materials engineering while working in the oil industry to gain practical experience and make connections.

Ultimately, the decision is yours and it's important to prioritize your happiness and fulfillment in your career. Consider seeking advice from mentors or professionals in both industries to gain more insight and make an informed decision. Remember, it's never too late to make a change if you find that your current path is not bringing you satisfaction. Good luck in your decision-making process.

Related to Advice needed--stability versus pursuing one's passions?

1. What is the difference between stability and pursuing one's passions?

Stability refers to having a secure and predictable job or lifestyle, while pursuing one's passions means following one's interests and desires, even if it may not provide immediate stability.

2. Should I prioritize stability over pursuing my passions?

It ultimately depends on your individual goals and priorities. Some people may prioritize stability for financial security, while others may prioritize pursuing their passions for personal fulfillment.

3. Can I find a balance between stability and pursuing my passions?

Yes, it is possible to find a balance between stability and pursuing one's passions. This can be achieved by finding ways to incorporate one's passions into their stable job or lifestyle, or by balancing time and energy between both aspects.

4. How do I know if pursuing my passions is worth the risk?

This decision is highly personal and depends on individual circumstances. It may be helpful to assess the potential benefits and risks, consider alternative options, and seek advice from trusted individuals.

5. What if my passions do not align with stability or provide financial stability?

In this situation, it may be necessary to explore alternative options or find ways to supplement one's income while pursuing passions. It is also important to consider the potential long-term fulfillment and satisfaction that pursuing one's passions may bring.

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